I'm done playing



  • snozer
    snozer Member Posts: 776

    3 months between patches is a bit rough tho... especially with the tiny little changes these devs make.

  • Larcz
    Larcz Member Posts: 531

    I don't want read or hear about what we don't do next i want see real patch fix balance etc.After close to 900h i this game my patience is 99% lost now i make only dayli quest and don't play more.Im killer main and i just don't want play this no more like this is now.I don't have any power as killer and can't do #########.And what i hear from almost 8 months we speak about this we got ideas etc and what i got ? More nerf for killers and more dlc what change nothing.

  • Skemooo
    Skemooo Member Posts: 194

    @Runiver said:
    Devs are aware.
    We had this discussion today again on Discord.

    They are starting to work actively since this patch to make the killer experience better in general.
    They told me to trust and wait, and tbh, there's nothing we can do to either : wait and trust, or leave and go (play civilization).

    dude its teh same BS they have been telling for years.. if you think interms of business why would you even bother making killer experience bettwe? you only need to please 1/5th player base to stay to have enough killers.. and at this point most killers are straight up masochists. i only play kilelr if i have enough BPs to get good addons otehr wise its poinltess.. survivors i can survie whoel game with just 1 perks sprint burst. as long as my team is good enough to do gens.. only nurse and billy can challenge me but most nurse and billy mains have quit this game.. so new players trying out chase killers is all i face.. tehy will never do any change to killers that would harm new survivors retention.. all the words tehy say about killer balance is heresy..

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,918

    @Swiftblade131 said:

    @SnakeSound222 said:
    Don’t forget that every time Killers get a worthy buff, the Survivor mains act like little kids and whine their butts off until the devs eventually change it. It’s obvious that BHVR only cares about their cash cows, the Survivor mains. Otherwise Killers wouldn’t be a joke. 


    Did literally everyone in this thread FORGET they had to break free from Starbreeze, who managed all their stuff with money in mind? They literally couldn’t risk losing survivors back then because of Starbreeze. Now that they are free stuff is finally patient. The year before this wasn’t necessarily their fault. Give them time now that they are capable of doing balance better.

  • Yuhg
    Yuhg Member Posts: 50
    edited June 2018

    @FSB75 said:

    @SuperboyPrime said:

    I don't mind getting outplayed, half the fun of this game is adapting to your opponents. But the Killer simply cannot compete with the amount of Survivor crutches. Why is it that the Survivors get so many crutches, but the Killers don't? If the Killers are in the power role, shouldn't they have more crutches? The Survivors should be the ones that constantly have to work their butts off to pick up the win, not the Killer.

    I truly appreciate your taking the time to respond and in such detail.

    There's so many points in your response that I wanted to respond to....but I found your closing comments to be the most striking.

    Based on your overall attitude about the game, and when I say attitude, I don't mean in a sense of good or bad...perhaps....perspective is a better word; I don't think you are going to find much satisfaction.

    "If the Killers are in the power role, shouldn't they have more crutches? "

    I don't believe the killer were ever meant o be in a "power role". I think this is flawed logic wherein the idea of balance comes into play.

    It's moments like these that keep me, personally, playing. I do think you have a problem with the game at a fundamental level, which makes enjoyment difficult. I see it, I understand it. The killer will NEVER be in a power role....it's simply contrary to the essence of balance.

    Now let me say something.

    The game is supposed to be an Assymetrical game, Assymetricals are Power Role vs Number role. That doesn't mean you have to be unstoppable, but you of course shouldn't be bullied like we're getting bullied right now.

    You can balance an assymetrical, but you can't make the number role to be the power role too. Because then, you unbalance the game. Sorry but even if i'm quoting just a portion of your post, i did read it, and i 100% dissagree. Look at Deathgarden, damn, even Evolve did the assymetrical thing pretty decently. If you didn't manage to hunt the monster before he evolved, the fight was difficult as hell, it was a real power there.

    You can struggle in an assymetrical if you're the power role when the number role does its thing, like working together. but right now the number role has so many tools to make their mistakes like they never happened that its ridiculous. When a survivor can make you run 3 minutes totally safe because of the amount of pallets, crutch perks, etc. And by that time 90% of the gens are done, if you don't find a problem here maybe, (don't think of this comment as a rude one) the one that has a mistaken attitude is you. if 2 freaking college students can manage to bully without punish a 7 ft tall bloodthirsty killer, the game has a real problem of balance.

    If the game forces you at certain ranks to only play the 3 tops killers to manage to do decently, the game has a problem of balance. Right now, facing 4 DS, 4 SB, 4 SH and 4 BT is absurd at enormous levels because facing 4 survivors that go with the best perks right now when with the best killer perks you can't even counter 2, is ridiculous

  • M4I3X
    M4I3X Member Posts: 25

    Have you guys ever thought about what the ranksystem is for? It exist to get all players on different ranks depending on your skill as killer/survivor. And if you play on rank 1 and get rekt almost ervery round it's just not the right rank for you. People just need to accept that...

  • Chrismor
    Chrismor Member Posts: 20

    @FSB75 said:

    @SuperboyPrime said:

    I don't mind getting outplayed, half the fun of this game is adapting to your opponents. But the Killer simply cannot compete with the amount of Survivor crutches. Why is it that the Survivors get so many crutches, but the Killers don't? If the Killers are in the power role, shouldn't they have more crutches? The Survivors should be the ones that constantly have to work their butts off to pick up the win, not the Killer.

    I truly appreciate your taking the time to respond and in such detail.

    There's so many points in your response that I wanted to respond to....but I found your closing comments to be the most striking.

    Based on your overall attitude about the game, and when I say attitude, I don't mean in a sense of good or bad...perhaps....perspective is a better word; I don't think you are going to find much satisfaction.

    "If the Killers are in the power role, shouldn't they have more crutches? "

    I don't believe the killer were ever meant o be in a "power role". I think this is flawed logic wherein the idea of balance comes into play.

    Allow me to explain. I have experienced everything you mentioned above. the window juking, the pallet looping, the perks, the chases....all of it. No, that doesn't happen to me anymore. I don't chase, and I only hook when optimal.

    I completely understand your frustration. It's the start of the trial...wait for it (30 seconds), here comes one, two, or even sometimes as many as three survivors running up to me.....flashlights clicking, all tea bagging away. I completely ignore them. As of right now....the current state of the game, I have 2 play styles, and I have NO control over which one it will be from trial to trial.

    I find 3 gens that are within close proximity to one another (no more than a 7 second walk), and I never stop patrolling and kicking gens (there was a time where killer couldn't kick gens). Survivors come running in...I don't chase, I don't care.

    The game, I'll concede, has been reduced to me kicking gens with overcharge, and slugging players over and over again. A trial may last well over 30 minutes this way, but everyone gets a ton of points, I usually wear down the survivors to walk away with 2 kills (ranks 10 - 5....I've never broken rank 5 myself).

    The point I'm trying to make is that I, as the Killer completely control the game. None of the perks matter, none of the equipment matters....because I, as the killer, choose not to bring them into play.

    What good is sprint burst if your not being chased? What good are pallets if your not being looped? What good is a flashlight if the killer isn't hooking? What good is DS if the killer isn't carrying survivors?

    Most survivors absolutely HATE this type of game play, but it's hard to argue with the results. I tell you, with great honesty, that 4Ks are very common (rank 8 -12) on Bunny Mom, Billy, and Doc. The range and mobility makes this type of strat pretty easy to execute.

    My friend...I don't have a personal interest to see you continue to play this game. If you're not having fun, I agree with you completely....stop playing. I've changed my play style at least 4 or 5 times based on the changes made to the game. Adapt or die. I won't say that I have amazing fun with every trial....but there are those that stick out.

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7j60Ufn2K1Y Start at the 1:40 mark

    It's moments like these that keep me, personally, playing. I do think you have a problem with the game at a fundamental level, which makes enjoyment difficult. I see it, I understand it. The killer will NEVER be in a power role....it's simply contrary to the essence of balance.

    HAHAHAHA yeah I use that strategy also although I only use it when I find players who love to annoy the killer
    only that I never hook anyone my goal is only to bother if they want to be toxic to me that gives me the permission to be toxic too so I lengthen the game 40-50 minutes until they are tired they teabagging me, clicking their flashlights let me hit them once to urge me to chase them and i only laugh at the comments full of fury of the post chat

  • Nick
    Nick Member Posts: 1,253

    The game is going in the right direction after the last patch imo

  • Taretsu
    Taretsu Member Posts: 46

    @SuperboyPrime said:
    Why would I play Hag or Freddy over Huntress? I may enjoy playing them, but I know for a fact if I get decent Survivors in my lobby, I'm not going to have a good time. No Killer should feel powerless against Survivors. I don't even tunnel or camp, but I can't even complete a chase with a Killer like Freddy before multiple generators have been completed. If I continue to chase, then I will lose. If I don't continue the chase, then the Survivor will get away and heal, and I'll still lose.

    Well, with this little part I can tell you are among those who play Freddy just as if he was a Wraith and that's what gives Freddy that much of a bad credit. Granted, he's got some important weaknesses to address but you (and many others) make him sound a lot worse than he actually is. Freddy IS about breaking chases. Helloooooo!!! Aura reading?!?! Take it from a rank 1 Freddy: whenever a surv takes me to the third loop in a row I just say "ok, mate! see ya in a bit" and go control a generator only to come back to him when he's healing. Not all killers are meant to be played the same. And you don't tunnel or camp? Well, that's just you putting a cap on your performance. Nothing stops you from doing either both if the context is the best for it.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Zanfer said:

    @SuperboyPrime said:
    What the developers have done to Killer is just ridiculous. You feel incredibly powerless unless you play Nurse or Hillbilly, and I refuse to play the same two Killers over and over just to feel like I'm doing something. Survivor is boring to play, it's simply too easy to play as Survivor. I don't want to play Survivor, I want to play Killer. I want to play Killer and be satisfied. I post this here in hopes a developer sees this, or at least get a response from one of them.

    I don't want to play DBD anymore. I played Survivor for a while, but that got boring, and Killer is the only entertaining part of this game. But they have ruined it, and the community's pleas for any sort of balance IN FAVOR of the Killer has either been given a half-assed fix, or is ignored. I don't hate this game, I just hate the direction it's been going in for a while. And it doesn't seem like it's going to get any better.

    Even the new DLC doesn't seem to be bringing anything that will make playing Killer more satisfying and fun. No matter how hard you try, unless you try-hard as heck and bring in top-tier perks/add-ons, you will not have fun because the Killers are so weak and playing Survivor is a cakewalk. Again, I don't hate this game, I want to see them bring changes that will actually make Killer fun. But until that day comes, if it ever does, I'm not going to keep playing this game. I will not buy anymore of the DLC. Hopefully in the future I can come back and actually enjoy playing Killer, but until that day, I'm not going to keep frustrating myself playing DBD. The game has incredible potential, but the developers need to remember that the Killer is meant to be an unstoppable force, not a laughable one.

    The devs did talk about how they are going to make animations better and going through old killers and making them better. Time is the essence here.

    All I hear is talking, but nothing happens
    Changing animation like trappers "cheap" mori, who gives a damn seriously

    Perfect example is the clown, he is nowhere close nurse, just another mediocre killer in the selection. A few days after its release and I hardly see him anymore

  • Zanfer
    Zanfer Member Posts: 647

    @Master said:

    @Zanfer said:

    @SuperboyPrime said:
    What the developers have done to Killer is just ridiculous. You feel incredibly powerless unless you play Nurse or Hillbilly, and I refuse to play the same two Killers over and over just to feel like I'm doing something. Survivor is boring to play, it's simply too easy to play as Survivor. I don't want to play Survivor, I want to play Killer. I want to play Killer and be satisfied. I post this here in hopes a developer sees this, or at least get a response from one of them.

    I don't want to play DBD anymore. I played Survivor for a while, but that got boring, and Killer is the only entertaining part of this game. But they have ruined it, and the community's pleas for any sort of balance IN FAVOR of the Killer has either been given a half-assed fix, or is ignored. I don't hate this game, I just hate the direction it's been going in for a while. And it doesn't seem like it's going to get any better.

    Even the new DLC doesn't seem to be bringing anything that will make playing Killer more satisfying and fun. No matter how hard you try, unless you try-hard as heck and bring in top-tier perks/add-ons, you will not have fun because the Killers are so weak and playing Survivor is a cakewalk. Again, I don't hate this game, I want to see them bring changes that will actually make Killer fun. But until that day comes, if it ever does, I'm not going to keep playing this game. I will not buy anymore of the DLC. Hopefully in the future I can come back and actually enjoy playing Killer, but until that day, I'm not going to keep frustrating myself playing DBD. The game has incredible potential, but the developers need to remember that the Killer is meant to be an unstoppable force, not a laughable one.

    The devs did talk about how they are going to make animations better and going through old killers and making them better. Time is the essence here.

    All I hear is talking, but nothing happens
    Changing animation like trappers "cheap" mori, who gives a damn seriously

    Perfect example is the clown, he is nowhere close nurse, just another mediocre killer in the selection. A few days after its release and I hardly see him anymore

    I wasn't talking mori animations. Talking about faster animations for placing traps or doing specific actions.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Zanfer said:

    @Master said:

    @Zanfer said:

    @SuperboyPrime said:
    What the developers have done to Killer is just ridiculous. You feel incredibly powerless unless you play Nurse or Hillbilly, and I refuse to play the same two Killers over and over just to feel like I'm doing something. Survivor is boring to play, it's simply too easy to play as Survivor. I don't want to play Survivor, I want to play Killer. I want to play Killer and be satisfied. I post this here in hopes a developer sees this, or at least get a response from one of them.

    I don't want to play DBD anymore. I played Survivor for a while, but that got boring, and Killer is the only entertaining part of this game. But they have ruined it, and the community's pleas for any sort of balance IN FAVOR of the Killer has either been given a half-assed fix, or is ignored. I don't hate this game, I just hate the direction it's been going in for a while. And it doesn't seem like it's going to get any better.

    Even the new DLC doesn't seem to be bringing anything that will make playing Killer more satisfying and fun. No matter how hard you try, unless you try-hard as heck and bring in top-tier perks/add-ons, you will not have fun because the Killers are so weak and playing Survivor is a cakewalk. Again, I don't hate this game, I want to see them bring changes that will actually make Killer fun. But until that day comes, if it ever does, I'm not going to keep playing this game. I will not buy anymore of the DLC. Hopefully in the future I can come back and actually enjoy playing Killer, but until that day, I'm not going to keep frustrating myself playing DBD. The game has incredible potential, but the developers need to remember that the Killer is meant to be an unstoppable force, not a laughable one.

    The devs did talk about how they are going to make animations better and going through old killers and making them better. Time is the essence here.

    All I hear is talking, but nothing happens
    Changing animation like trappers "cheap" mori, who gives a damn seriously

    Perfect example is the clown, he is nowhere close nurse, just another mediocre killer in the selection. A few days after its release and I hardly see him anymore

    I wasn't talking mori animations. Talking about faster animations for placing traps or doing specific actions.

    Lets be honest, speeding up his animation.... do you seriously believe it will bring him on nurse level? :wink:

  • Zanfer
    Zanfer Member Posts: 647
    edited June 2018

    @Master said:

    @Zanfer said:

    @Master said:

    @Zanfer said:

    @SuperboyPrime said:
    What the developers have done to Killer is just ridiculous. You feel incredibly powerless unless you play Nurse or Hillbilly, and I refuse to play the same two Killers over and over just to feel like I'm doing something. Survivor is boring to play, it's simply too easy to play as Survivor. I don't want to play Survivor, I want to play Killer. I want to play Killer and be satisfied. I post this here in hopes a developer sees this, or at least get a response from one of them.

    I don't want to play DBD anymore. I played Survivor for a while, but that got boring, and Killer is the only entertaining part of this game. But they have ruined it, and the community's pleas for any sort of balance IN FAVOR of the Killer has either been given a half-assed fix, or is ignored. I don't hate this game, I just hate the direction it's been going in for a while. And it doesn't seem like it's going to get any better.

    Even the new DLC doesn't seem to be bringing anything that will make playing Killer more satisfying and fun. No matter how hard you try, unless you try-hard as heck and bring in top-tier perks/add-ons, you will not have fun because the Killers are so weak and playing Survivor is a cakewalk. Again, I don't hate this game, I want to see them bring changes that will actually make Killer fun. But until that day comes, if it ever does, I'm not going to keep playing this game. I will not buy anymore of the DLC. Hopefully in the future I can come back and actually enjoy playing Killer, but until that day, I'm not going to keep frustrating myself playing DBD. The game has incredible potential, but the developers need to remember that the Killer is meant to be an unstoppable force, not a laughable one.

    The devs did talk about how they are going to make animations better and going through old killers and making them better. Time is the essence here.

    All I hear is talking, but nothing happens
    Changing animation like trappers "cheap" mori, who gives a damn seriously

    Perfect example is the clown, he is nowhere close nurse, just another mediocre killer in the selection. A few days after its release and I hardly see him anymore

    I wasn't talking mori animations. Talking about faster animations for placing traps or doing specific actions.

    Lets be honest, speeding up his animation.... do you seriously believe it will bring him on nurse level? :wink:

    No because he isn't a nurse ;)

    Last time I checked he couldn't fly through walls..

  • Bayside
    Bayside Member Posts: 40

    Try playing Pig with Pop Goes The Weasel, you'd be surprised how many gens you can stall with PGTW and her Reverse Bear Traps.