Idea for Trapper Rework

Croteru Member Posts: 4
edited June 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

Base Changes

Increase Bear Trap Base Carrying capacity by 1 Bear Trap.

Start with 1 additional Bear Trap.

Slightly increase Bear Trap Setting speed.

-Stepping on a Bear Trap now instead slows Survivors severely for 0.5 - 1 second and after the strong slow the Survivor is Moderately Hindered and runs Slightly Slower until they take off the trap which will take about 8-14 base seconds. (Canceling the removal of a trap would revert its removal progress to 0%)

->Removing trap now has skill checks (2 ~ 3) to remove faster (Each skill check hit would take a 1~2 Second(s) off the removal time, missing a skill check when removing a trap would cause the survivor to lose 3~4 seconds of progress and alert the killer to their location. Also the Bear Trap would have a synergy with Trappers Teachable Unnerving Presence)

-> When another Survivor is removing the trap they do it twice as fast and still get double progress on skill checks

-> Stepping on a Bear Trap with a Bear Trap on their leg will down the Survivor. (This changes should make it so Survivors who "hijack" a trap by not taking it off would suffer the danger of being downed by another trap, this also has some counter play where Survivors can bring the Trappers Bear Trap off into the corner off the map so that the Trapper has a more difficult time getting the Bear Trap back, but in doing so they must waste some of their own time.)

-> Picking up a survivor with a trap on their leg will add the trap to the Trappers inventory, if the trapper is full of traps the trap is instead dropped. (Just a small quality off life change as it is kind of annoying picking a Survivor out of a Bear Trap, hooking them and then having to go back and collect the Bear Trap)

(I feel that these Base Power changes would make traps more interesting in chase / looping and waste more of the Survivors time if they step on them randomly. These changes would also help when Survivors are in tight spaces such as the Basement and the Trapper has set multiple Bear Traps nearby.)



Trapper Sack

  • Start with 1 additional Bear Trap.
  • Increases Bear Trap Carrying capacity by 1 Bear Trap. (Same as before)

Trapper Gloves

  • Slightly increases Bear Trap Setting and Resetting speed.
  • Slightly increases Bear Trap Picking up speed. (Hopefully picking up traps a little faster would help reduce wasted time by having to collect a trap to begin with.)

Strong Coil Spring

  • Slightly decreases Bear Trap Disarm speed.
  • Slightly increases Bear Trap Escape time.

Padded Jaws -> Removed and replaced with Digging Spikes

Digging Spikes

  • Bear Traps now immobolise Survivors until they escape (So basically reverts back to current traps except with the new time and skill checks.)
  • 100% Additional bloodpoints for trapping survivors

Trapper Bag

  • Start with 1 additional Bear Trap.
  • Increases Bear Trap Carrying capacity by 2 Bear Traps. (Same as before)

Trap Setters

  • Moderately increases Bear Trap Setting and Resetting speed.
  • Moderately increases Bear Trap Picking up speed.

Serrated Jaws

  • Survivors injured by a Bear Trap suffer from the Haemorrhage Status Effect until healed.
  • Survivors injured by a Bear Trap suffer from the Mangled Status Effect until healed. (The Beta Haemorrhage vs the Alpha Mangled. Haemorrhage is bad, mangled is alright, moving it to a more accessible add on would make it much better.)

Logwood Dye

  • Moderately increases Bear Traps blending into the environment (Makes bear traps blend into their surroundings by changing their color depending on where they are placed, so a trap on concrete would blend to be a little bit more gray or a trap on wood would blend its color to be a little more wooden looking, this add on would hopefully make Trapper less reliant on grass for hiding traps, possibly adding a small fraction off this blending to the Base Power would be good)

4-Coil Spring Kit

  • Moderately decreases Bear Trap Disarm speed.
  • Moderately increases Bear Trap Escape time.

Wax Brick

  • Missing Skill Checks when escaping from traps loses Considerably more escape progress.
  • Moderately reduces Bear Trap skill check zones.

Tar Bottle

  • Tremendously increases Bear Traps blending into the environment.

Setting Tools

  • Considerably increases Bear Trap Setting and Resetting speed.
  • Moderately increases Bear Trap Escape and Rescue time. (Notice the previous add-ons did not increase rescue time.)

Secondary Coil

  • Considerably decreases Bear Trap Disarm speed.

Rusted Jaws

  • Survivors who have a Bear Trap removed suffer from the Deep Wound Status Effect until healed. (Waste more Survivor time so Machete man can chase with peace of mind.)

(For the purple and pink add-ons it could really go an which way here are some ideas that I came up with whilst theorizing that would probably be "ok" but I imagine there are much better ways of doing them.)

Stitched Bag

  • Increases Bear Trap Carrying capacity by 3 Bear Traps. (Same as before)
  • Every 30~45 seconds a random disarmed Bear Trap will teleport to the Trappers inventory

Oily Coil

  • Missing Skill checks when escaping from a Bear Trap loses Tremendously more escape progress (Notice this does no effect rescues.)
  • Moderately reduces trap skill check zones
  • Tremendously decreases Bear Trap Disarm speed.

Honing Stone

  • Survivors caught in a Bear Trap, who free themselves, are inflicted with the Exposed Status Effect for 40 seconds.

Fastening Tools

  • Tremendously increases Bear Trap Setting and Resetting speed.
  • Moderately increases Bear Trap Escape and Rescue time.
  • Slightly decreases bonus progress when landing trap skill checks.

Iridescent Stone

  • Bear Traps that Survivors remove will teleport back to where they were set and reset themselves after 5 seconds.

Bloody Coil

  • When a healthy Survivor disarms a Bear Trap, the Bloody Coil exacts its price, putting the Survivor into the Injured State, if a Survivor has a Bear Trap on their leg they will be put into the dying state
  • Slightly decreases Bear Trap Disarm speed.

Final Thoughts

This is a bit of a hefty rework and may not be entirely necessary but it certainly would make Trapper a much stronger Killer. My hope is that this will make Trapper play very similar to how he does currently so that new players wont be mind boggled with complexity while also making him stronger both with and without add-ons.

Constructive criticism and other ideas are appreciated.

-Stay Saucy Lads


  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    All he needs is all traps from start. I wish one day it will happend.

  • PustulaSerumEnjoyer
    PustulaSerumEnjoyer Member Posts: 4

    I really like this idea!

    One change that i would add is that his traps need to spawn closer to him. Sometimes, especially on large maps, the traps spawn on the other side of the map and you will have to leave your area to pick them up.

  • Nyx32
    Nyx32 Member Posts: 130

    Just make his bag add-ons basekit, it's a super easy to implement fix and it will make him actually playable before 3-4 gens are already done. He will still be hard to play properly and probably not that strong, but I don't think any killer should basically HAVE to have an add-on to be playable.

  • Saltjar34
    Saltjar34 Member Posts: 766

    Same. It's so annoying and yet Hag and Demo get to start with all their traps.

  • Saltjar34
    Saltjar34 Member Posts: 766

    The problem with your honing stone idea is that healthy survivors who step on a trap are automatically injured. The reason Honing Stone is so good is because it fixes the problem with injured survivors having no effect upon stepping on a trap. So unless its meant to be combined with Padded Jaws, I don't see why this add-on would be any good