Trapper's ultra rare add-ons

Is it too much to ask for these add-ons to be reworked? They essentially remove any counterplay to The Trapper. Equipping add-ons of any kind - even of ultra rarity - shouldn't equate to 'easy wins'. (And before someone accuses me of being a filthy survivor main: I play both sides and advocate for balance. Such as, I also want the Trapper to have at least the Trapper Sack as base kit. I also want him to have an easier time collecting traps throughout the match.)
Starting with the Bloody Coil: this add-on presents a lose/lose/lose situation to the healthy survivor. Even if you choose not to disarm a trap to save your health state, you forego being able to be chased through the area. You further risk a teammate stepping into the armed trap. On top of all this, you aren't made aware the Bloody Coil is in play until you're actually injured by it. You have know way of knowing if it was simply a longer disarm time add-on or the Bloody Coil until it's too late. Bogus. This could instead give the mangled and hemorrhage status effects to injured survivors who disarm it or are caught in it.
Moving onto the Iridescent Stone: this add-on allows way too much territory control for The Trapper. Simply put any number of traps around a given area, and the survivors can't do anything to get in or out of there. Once all the traps are set where The Trapper wants (and even the occasional untouched trap catching a survivor), this add-on makes disarming traps unbearable and futile for the rest of the match. Instead this add-on should just automatically reset traps stepped in by survivors or something. It shouldn't play the game for the killer.
Even more ridiculous is when these add-ons are combined together. You're essentially forced to play injured and accept your fate of either stepping in a trap or going down, no matter where you go on the map. Please consider changing these.
If used together in their current state you are playing trapper with only 1 trap carrying capacity if you are able to get set up in a meaningful way after giving your entire kit to these addons you should be rewarded with a web of traps that are there to stay especially due to trap spawns and carry capacity you likely will only have 3-4 traps to play with at most in your area of choice with the other traps being on the other side of the map and impossible to reach while using your time efficiently
But, IF and ONLY IF trappers base capacity, trap spawns were made more consistent and traps on the map were increased I could see these addons being changed, but in his current state he needs all the help he can get so having decent addons is fine, also to hard counter bloody coil get a medkit or selfcare 99 your heal and disarm every trap, if you can't adapt to your situation thats on you but you should change around the addon not the other way around, also trappers with iridecent stone are usually more bold with traps so they are easier to avoid but shut down a loop in plain sight, so just keep better notes on him because once a trap is down its probably there to stay
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Yay, let's nerf Trapper I guess.
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I don't mean to make this a whataboutism, but I really don't consider Trapper's Iris "insta-wins" especially when compared to other Killers. Doctor or Spirit I think you can make a good argument have Iridescents that go overboard, but if you ask a Trapper main what his most effective, consistent addons are, I think a lot of them would rather take things like the dyes over Iri Stone, which is IMO how things should be. The URs are powerful in their own ways, but not as consistent as the regular addon setups.
Bloody Coil I think is weaker than Iri Stone. Yes, you get injured, but that's really not the end of the world for experienced Survivors. I wouldn't be against giving Survivors a warning mechanism so they know about Bloody Coil before they disarm, but the core idea of Bloody Coil I don't think is out of control.
Iridescent Stone CAN be really oppressive if a Trapper manages to collect all his traps around the Basement or something, I will grant you that, but currently it's an extremely fringe scenario. If Trapper got a major QoL update for his setup (eg. if he started with all his traps, like some people want) then I'd perhaps be more receptive to an Iri Stone nerf, but right now, is it really that much more oppressive than if a Hag was doing the same thing, or if Trapper was taking the time to reset his traps?
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Ah yes, let's make the only things that make the worst killer in the game viable be changed. Good idea. And they aren't really "opressive", both of them are very niche and can be really strong in specific scenarios. I would consider something like iridescent head huntress or even just spirit/nurse no add-ons in general to still be much stronger, even if you have both trapper iridescent add-ons.
Unless he could carry more than 1 trap base, and if his traps had better places they spawned, then MAYBE these add-ons would be strong, But right now they're super situational. Most default trap placements are super weak so he still has to pick up and replace them, wasting tons of time, and it isn't hard to keep on disabling them. And if he has both add-ons, then just play against him like a legion where you don't heal and he's just a basic m1 killer.
Then again, if a killer has 2 iridescent add-ons, I would hope they would be somewhat strong, right?
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I understand why people want Wraith's All-Seeing and Coxcombed Clapper nerfed, but this one doesn't make sense at all.
Just because you lost one game against a double iri Trapper doesn't mean the add-ons should be nerfed.
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I didn't, but ok. 😄
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Then why did you waste time thinking about writing this post
You're wasting an add-on slot for one of these add-ons. Bag + Tar Bottle is more powerful.
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I mean I know the devs hardly listen to their own community, but God bless thank you for saying it was a waste of time calling for a sincere balance change needed!
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I mean even if they did, most of the people here disagree with your balance change idea.
We'll talk about these add-ons once he gets the bag base-kit, and maybe the uncommon Logwood Dye as well. For now, don't worry about them.
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I literally mentioned sack or stronger add-on as base kit in my OP.
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You didn't say "if sack becomes base-kit"