MMR experiences so far?

First killer game I decided to play Blight (probably my highest MMR killer with how often I 4K with him) and ended up getting a 4K with 11 Hooks with only one generator having being completed, this was on Suffocation Pit too.
First survivor game we went against a Blight on Lery's, three of us escaped with one dying, think he got about 8-9 hooks and one of my teammates only had 85 hours (in comparison to my 2,092 currently on Steam).
I'm a rank 18 survivor and went against a rank 4 nurse, don't think I'm gonna play for 2 days lol
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Guess my Executioner didn't have a rating. At least I hope he didn't.
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I played many games today, and although i didnt know that the new mmr was active, i noticed that something with the matchmaking was wrong. I got many weird , in a negative way, matches (only played surivor ). I am sorry if i sound too negative, but i played like 15 games , and almost all were matched very unevenly(i had like 2 games were the killer and other survivors were about rank 15, me beeing the only rank 1, and they played like complete beginner, whats the point of me beeing in this game ?).
If this is what they have been working on for so long, i think it is worse than my usual experience with no mmr on.
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Last MMR round I was playing with a solid and experienced group of players. They were way better than my average teammates and the killers were all competent.
It's pretty much the opposite this time. Absolute muppetry.
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Really bad experience. We had three survivors in rank 1 and one was in rank 18. Killer was rank 14. You could tell that the rank 14 killer and rank 18 survivor were quite inexperienced and newbies players. The three rank 1 survivors carried easily the game. Very bad matchmaking. Revert it as fast as possible.
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It's either stomp or get stomped for me so far.
First game - played Deathslinger (haven't played him much at all) vs rainbow ranks and the survivors had 2 newbies and 2 others knew what they were doing. Easy 4k
Second game - played Legion (have played them somewhat frequently) got stomped by 3 or 4 man SWF rainbow ranks. One guy was smurfing, rank 7 and 15 hours played on the account. They had a disgusting setup with cow tree into a window vault and there was nothing I could do. 1-2 hooks 4man escape. Haven't lost this hard in a while
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Everyone is focusing on the ranks but isn't the point that it's NOT based on rank but factors we can't see as players? Why is everyone pointing out the RANKS they matched with when the idea is that this no longer matters?
How was the match? Did it feel like a reasonable match up or was it not fun?
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The Smurfing and SWF synergy is pretty problematic and I don't see "how" MMR can account for it. It is just another problem brought to you by the people at SWF!
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Because ranks correlate with skill. You basically never see a rank 1 survivor that are really bad. Most red ranks, even at rank 4, at least try to do gens, at lower ranks, you see more people urban evading, doing dull totems/chests, beeing immersed.
Same on killer side, almost all red rank killers know how to loop the basic tiles (gym, t-l, shack), rank 1 killer usually play decent(map pressure, mindgame, moonwalk, etc).
So, although the rank system in DBd, with the emblems, is very basic, can be tricked, and is most of all a time sink, i think it is not the worst system.
Again, in my experience, the ranks correlate with the skill of the player, with exceptions beeing accounted for.
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Teammate tapping the exit gate once and sitting in a bush while the killer is across the map and in a chase with the 2nd to last survivor, and fails to even loop for more than 3 seconds.
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The matchmaking was bad before but now...
Not to put down the devs at all but when they try to make things better the game tends to get worse.
I hope this is only an early stage of this mmr and there's more to it.
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As survivor: I'm getting some skittish teammates and killers that are a ways below me in terms of experience. Like, killers that are missing their swings when I'm running in a straight line, and killers that don't seem comfortable with using their power. Having way more success spinning and looping than I normally do. I don't think I deserve to be in red ranks, but I'm stronger than the players I'm getting paired with right now, when I'm used to almost always being paired with players that are much better than me. So it's nice feeling like I'm able to play the game again, but I don't feel like I'm in the right spot, either. I've handed out some pity kills today, because I'm seeing some new-rank killers get absolutely throttled by experienced survivors.
As killer: So far, I'm getting paired against absolute potatoes on killers I haven't played before, and a really good mix of survivors on some killers I sometimes play with, but don't main. They're decent players, but I'm not getting looped to death and galaxy brain teched. I'm about to see how it lines me up with my mains, but apart from the potato matches, I'm feeling pretty good about this - it's way better than being matched with survivors above my skill level half the time.
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Just got teamed up with 3 brown ranks, I'm a rank 3 survivor and the killer was a rank 2, unhooked every hook and soon as I got hooked left to die
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So far my experience has not been good. I'm hoping this is just first few hours roughness and it will equal out.
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I am afraid it will stay the same. They have the data from all the matches that ever happened in DBD, so should have reasonable MMR scores if it works properly.
Of course I hope I am wrong.
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As survivor i like it. Will see as killer
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As survivor i played 2 games at different hours today.
The other survivors was in the same rank as mine (purple) and both killers was in yellow rank. judging by how they played, they are sure new or just starting to get used to the killer role.
Really unfair for them.
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this ain't gonna work lol
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This mmr is worst than game itself.
I am rank1 on both sides. When I played survivor, and I am really good survivor, I went against baby killers. It’s funny, I have to say it, but it’s not ok for them.
When I played killer the ######### started. By now I played almost all killers on new mmr.
Killers I usually play (Huntress, Spirit, Demogorgon, Trapper, etc.): I went against normal survivors of my rank, I didn’t even noticed the new mmr.
Killers I never play(Myers, Hillbilly, Pig, Freddy, etc.): I went against gray ranks that don’t even know how to play or what a pallet looks like. They had 3-40hours on dbd and I have around 3k hrs.
Killers I play rarely (Like 15-30games in my life with them): I went against good survivors and I don’t even play those killers that good. I was really disappointed, I was hoping that I will learn them, but nah.
I feel like old skillbased mmr test did better than this one.
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Got the Trickster and Twins adept. I'm happy
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I'm quite happy with it, I always have been during each SBMM test.