*Sigh* Everyone Take a Deep Breath...(MMR Testing)

I understand that the MMR is a little ummm...on the not working side. But please guys, this is just a game. No need to say rude things like this please. Also I am sorry for any of the survivors that I come across while this is happening. I do try to at least not steam roll and at least be respectful. Anyway, moral of the story. Just relax and don't say dumb things like please. Thank you and see you all out there.
At this point I am convinced the MMR system will never work.
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Yeah, while I do agree the MMR system in place has been terrible thus far, people need to realize that it takes time to improve & shouldn't talk down on others because of it.
I've definitely gotten my fair-share of braindead survivors and tunnel-vision killers so far. Bound to happen.
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Literally had a SWF trash talk saying how I was a trash killer and "ggez" and insisting I was salty, after all I said was ggs to them. Like yeah, I get it, the matchmaking is a little on the screwed side, but people need to chill.
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Ow this MM is beautiful, i've seen something you only hear about in legends but personally i've never seen until yday in my 4k hours..... Insidious Noed Camping =)))) Ngl, he got us, took us completly by surprise. Posted himself in the shack doorway (Pyramid Head) and just paddle slapped my friend going for the unhook as he turned the corner after i ran him all game. It was hillarious.
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Yeah I'm tired of this shiz man. I hope you got better matches afterward.
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All in all I've had a decent variety of matches tonight. Had some potato survivors, who I usually end up giving them a lot of slack and let them get some chase points and what not and in the end I'll give one of them hatch just cus. Then I've had some sweaty SWF teams who will just trash talk like it's no one's business. But in between I've gotten some decent matches where everyone was around the same rank, between 7-3 when I was around rank 6 or 5. So yeah it's been...interesting to say the least tonight lol.
This guy was just extremely friggin' salty cus I was playing Myers. Which is weird that he was salty cus he escaped and I chose not to tunnel him at the end cus he had just gotten unhooked and I decided to go for the other person instead. But yeah.
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first: Ranks have nothing to do with MMR: Second: You must play a minimum of 10 matches with everykiller to get the first step of your own mmr
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It is bound to happen, it shouldn't be every single ######### game though. Waterboarding is a more acceptable form of torture than playing this game in the ######### state its in right now.
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Have you noticed the red dot on the knife?
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Apart from the rude comments, what seems to be the problem?
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One of them escaped, two others got decent scores. So what's the issue with matchmaking here exactly? seems to be working fine.
"But the ranks"
MMR is being tested specifically because ranks don't accurately gauge skill.
You obviously don't play Myers much, you admitted in post game chat that you're just levelling him up and never going to play him again. You're a newbie Myers and apparently played as such, so it paired you with survivors of a comparable skill level, and it seems to have worked.
The alternative without MMR, you would have gone against an all red sweatfest, 0K, <15k BP. And if it was "broken MMR" like everyone likes to claim it would have been a 4K 32k BP in under 5 minutes.
This is MMR working as it should be, and apparently quite well. The only problem here is the survivors are dicks and apparently also don't understand that ranks don't match skill and are supposed to be ignored for MMR.
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It does not work fine, im not going by ranks in my games I'm going by the ability of the players in my games and how fun those games were to play. The answer to both is ######### abysmal. Que times were not even quicker they took just as long.
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It's been working absolutely fine for me. Every match so far as been pretty fair and even, a good balance of skill between killer and survivor that has mostly resulted in 1-3K games. As killer, I haven't faced the clicky teabag deathsquad once.
The usual state of this game is what's ######### abysmal. Expert red rank SWFs every damn game making killer an exercise in masochism. It's no wonder nobody plays killer.
We need MMR to fix that.
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I'm not saying MMR is working great or anything, but why don't people realize what you realize here?
It was clear in the 'news' bit that EACH killer will have their own MMR score. Everyone is hung up on ranks. They should hide them for tests like this.
Quick edit: I think an not insignificant portion of people will be up in arms and might quit the game as not worth playing if ranks were removed.
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I don't know what they changed between this run and the last(since they're more vague then the church's vision of god) but it seems worse to me, I would love to know what data they're even using to calculate skill, I know its not just escapes or sacrifices but we don't even know if those do play a role in this mmr. I would assume it would but we just straight up don't know, I know the reasoning is supposed to be so that people don't game the system to get higher or lower mmr but it makes for an incredibly frustrating situation.
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It's not fixing anything. Both sides, killer and survivor have been dog ######### games. As killer it's a steamroll or nothing. As a survivor the people you are paired with are so vastly varied in skill and experience that it's actually ######### painful to sit through and play.
The number of one hook deaths experienced as both killer and survivor is more than I have experienced in my entirety of playing this game. It can't be more clear that this is absolutely broken so why are people defending it?
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No. It's been working brilliantly, and my anecdotal evidence is just as good as yours.
What you've just described is every match outside of the MMR test for me.
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If this becomes the norm the decrease in playerbase will be better evidence.
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Why would that happen when normal matchmaking is just as bad if not worse?
How many times have you seen people say "omg matchmaking has been ######### they must be secretly testing MMR"?
The fact is they only test MMR when they say they test it. This nonsense argument of "it's bad matchmaking, it must be MMR" / "it's good matching making, there's no MMR" is what has established a ridiculous superstition around MMR that's not based on reason and is what's influencing peoples perception of it.
I guarantee your normal, non-MMR matches have always been a shitshow of terrible match ups, but you just put up with it, or write it off with some excuse, or blame it on secret MMR testing. Then you get a regular miss-match during the MMR test and explode with "WHAT A LOAD OF CRAP MMR SUCKS" even though realistically there's been very little change in the result. Otherwise we're not even playing the same game. Normal matchmaking in this game is #########, and unbearable for non-god-tier killers.
It's probably a self-fulfilling prophecy. People stop playing when they hear that MMR is turned on, and don't even both testing it out because they "know" it will be broken from their deeply held belief that it must be. This drives the number of active players down. Fewer active players constrains the match-making, so you get less than optimal match ups.
If people jus gave it a ######### chance we might actually get a working MMR system that fixes this broken mess of a game and actually gets people playing killer again.
As it currently is I ONLY want to play killer during an MMR test, all other times it's a massively painful process that only feels necessary due to Rift Challenges/Rituals and the fact that a BBQ killer gets way more BP than any survivor, win or lose.
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All games like this or blight with alchemist ring and infectious slugging everyone, enough said
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It's not perception, people are playing this ######### right ######### now and it's broken as #########. Games where nowhere near this bad before, you have got to be delusional.