Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Stop the MMR tests...

Member Posts: 110
edited June 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

Coming home, finding a bit free time to play the game just to be welcomed with the "MMR is now 48 active" message... I'm a rank 17 killer and it's my 7th match in a row playing against red ranks who are much much better then me.

Stop these stupid tries please... The MMR did not work in the past tests and I doubt that they will work in the next tests. The only thing I know is that until tomorrow the game is horrible unbalanced.

Post edited by Mandy on

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  • Member Posts: 14,918

    so.. you actually get good matchmaking outside of MMR tests??

  • Member Posts: 110

    Yeah, I get survivors who are on my level or a bit more skilled. But what I had to face today was horrible

  • Member Posts: 989


  • Member Posts: 14,918

    I am jealous. I want fair matchmaking too :-/

    and so do many many others. That’s why they are trying to implement another matchmaking system btw. What you are experiencing during this test phase is pretty much the normal state for many.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    Sorry to say that, but with the current lack of killers, even when the mmr test would be turned off, you´d soon face the same red rank survivors non stop.

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    The MMR system is probably working fine, it just needs to settle because people's current MMR scores aren't accurate becuase of how the current matchmaking works.

    Just look at the first bout of MMR, at the end of the week it was actually functional in every way except for Billy and Huntress being broken

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    You really, really don't want that. Trust me. It is fun for a few months and then it becomes torturous. Full meta builds, strongest killers, scummiest tactics all trial long, it never ends

  • Member Posts: 14,918

    But.. that’s my experience without mmr…

    i am pretty bad on both sides but am high ranked because I am playing DbD way too much.

    when I ask for fair matchmaking I am asking for what mmr is intended to do.

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    Unless you don't use those things, in which case you'll be matched with people who play at roughly the same level as you, whether they're trying hard to keep up or not.

  • Member Posts: 4,759
  • Member Posts: 2,719

    It's not working as intended for me but I agree with you, they need to get the matchmaking issue sorted and the only way to do so is to perform live tests. I'm willing to sacrifice a couple of days of wonkiness to provide them with data that might help.

  • Member Posts: 1,903

    IT is not working at all, i saw someone who is 6K hours, red ranks, fog whisperer AND in a swf got a newbie (very few hours in game) rank 20 then they got a rank 1 killer. First we suffer through not being able to change killer during matches because the MMR supposedly is watching a broken ranking system and NOW 24 hours into the test maybe a bit less they admit they RESET the information the MMR has gathered!!!!! OMG this tells me honestly that they invented this reset to explain why people that play so often get crappy matches and why newbies get so many high ranked killers. I do not think the MMR system is watching, I don't think there is an MMR system.... I think the issue is that they just turn off rank matching and let it go as a test.

    I used to defend the devs a great deal but recent events have made me waver from it and I believe that I will not be spending any more money on this game what so ever... if I do that means I can get 1 ff7 emote each time a new chapter comes out instead of getting the chapter! I just don't know anymore. I don't hate the devs but I question what is really going on here, and I don't see any good answers coming.

  • Member Posts: 22,857

    This should explain a lot to everyone in this thread.

  • Member Posts: 288

    The problem isnt even if its working or not, its actually making this game far worse to play.Its getting even more sweaty than usual, im going into matches where every killer is using ruin, pop and every survivor is using the meta plus prove thyself. u either use the meta now or your probably gonna get pooped on every game.

    This MMR is only good for new players, for a short time, then its gonna match you with these SWEATY PLAYERS.

  • Member Posts: 1,903

    that can also be a cover up to the fact they have no mmr system at all. with the events over the last year confidence in the devs is at an all time low across most of the player base. changes that are made do not follow feed back given to them even from the fog whisperers, they take action against one fog whisperer for one supposed thing and there are several other fog whisperers that use the same thing and they are not censured. There is not a great deal of trust in anything they say. Their actions over the past 1-2 years are very suspect in many people's eyes. But hey a system that they re-enabled that has been watching for the better part of a year or more was not preforming as expected, so they come out LATER and say this, "Oh by the way we deleted all the old data so it's just relearning things" WHY was this NOT said when the system was implemented? and don't tell me that was to be expected, because it wasn't as they kept the killers from changing once they readied up. they KNEW they were deleting the data yet did not tell us when things started to PREVENT negative backlash about match ups??? NO not even the worst company out there is that incompetent! It explains that they realized they screwed up AGAIN or that they didn't care what so ever, and as I said before I truly believe match making is just turned off and everyone gets randomly matched.

  • Member Posts: 1,867

    Every game I’m having is four red rank survivors (inc me) against a green rank killer who gets one down at the end of the game and facecamps. This is terrible.

  • Member Posts: 22,857
    edited June 2021

    that can also be a cover up to the fact they have no mmr system at all

    Except that during the 2nd test a lot of people were saying that it was working well, and some streamers have been noticing it getting more consistent as matches go on. Not to take everything they say as truth, but considering the amount of time that they spend playing the game then they'd be the first to notice imporvements.

    they take action against one fog whisperer for one supposed thing and there are several other fog whisperers that use the same thing and they are not censured.

    1) Are we still not over that?

    2) The other offending FW was removed from the program.

    so they come out LATER and say this, "Oh by the way we deleted all the old data so it's just relearning things" WHY was this NOT said when the system was implemented? and don't tell me that was to be expected, because it wasn't as they kept the killers from changing once they readied up.

    This one I don't have an answer for, and I wish they'd told us in advance. Or told us in general outside of a message at the top of the forums that you only see on the home page.

    NO not even the worst company out there is that incompetent!


    EDIT: Also, the enter key is your friend, I beg of you.

  • Member Posts: 3,012

    Mmr will focus your win and loses i think? If you lose again and again possibly you will getter low rank players. Or worse thing, mmr will look your gameplay time and you will always face with good players.

  • Member Posts: 14,918

    We don’t really know how mmr will be measured but it won’t be just win or lose (as this is already hard to define in this game)

  • Member Posts: 1,903

    "Except that during the 2nd test a lot of people were saying that it was working well, and some streamers have been noticing it getting more consistent as matches go on. Not to take everything they say as truth, but considering the amount of time that they spend playing the game then they'd be the first to notice imporvements."

    To answer this one, you are not incorrect but you left out that the same number of people or more reported worse matches during the second test just as vocal or more and yet they didn't keep mmr going, thus the conclusion is they determined it NOT to be working as intended and thus not to be used.

    "1) Are we still not over that?

    2) The other offending FW was removed from the program."

    We are NOT talking about the confrontations between the TWO fog whisperers where both used silly voices to show their disdain for the other. HOW EVER only one of them was removed from the program NOT both. I will also finish saying I am talking about at least one other fog whisperer that uses their voice in such a manner to express disdain about things and that fog whisperer is still in the program (I am not saying who it is because of the rules on this forum).

    "This one I don't have an answer for, and I wish they'd told us in advance. Or told us in general outside of a message at the top of the forums that you only see on the home page."

    I definitely agree with you here. Though it would be to their advantage to have put it out originally, thus my further statment which you disagreed with as is your right in that. I think they are handling this incorrectly and that is why I call into question the actual events. We do not know what they truly did as we can not see this. I have seen things that line up with that as well ass I've seen people who played several hours today they still were getting very weird match ups even after several hours of straight game play. I just do not know what is going on and do not believe we will be told anything.

    I have to say I appreciate all your points and you did bring up valid ideas too so THANK YOU!, but the last, I was talking about pretty much two things and I didn't need to separate the thoughts.

  • Member Posts: 35

    The new system is trash, I (rank 13 survivor) keep getting matched with rank 1/2 killers and rainbow rank survivirs. I've given up and just stopped playing until it's off.

  • Member Posts: 22,857

    To answer this one, you are not incorrect but you left out that the same number of people or more reported worse matches during the second test just as vocal or more and yet they didn't keep mmr going, thus the conclusion is they determined it NOT to be working as intended and thus not to be used.

    Not to say this is wrong, but from my experience I'm noticing a lot more complaints about this test than the 2nd one.

    We are NOT talking about the confrontations between the TWO fog whisperers where both used silly voices to show their disdain for the other. HOW EVER only one of them was removed from the program NOT both.

    Both have been removed. A stream from yesterday confirms this- there is no FW symbol on screen for either parties.

  • Member Posts: 1,903

    Both have been removed. A stream from yesterday confirms this- there is no FW symbol on screen for either parties.

    This i did not know nor have I looked into that aspect of it. Again, though my comment was about OTHER fog whisperers doing things like this and not being censured

  • Member Posts: 22,857
    edited June 2021

    I don't know about that other FW, I don't really pay attention to who is/isn't in the program. If you have evidence feel free to approach BHVR Support with it and make a complaint about hypocrisy though.

    Edit: I was responding to the one point where you said only one had been removed. I didn't bring up the other one because, again, I don't have any knowledge on the situation. Apologies.

  • Member Posts: 1,903

    quite understandable. I wasn't mad though I was clarifying. I made the statement so people would know what I was talking about without rehashing it, and it's understandable the confusion. and I was never upset at you or anything because you did respond thoughttfully and respectfully. again, Thank You for that. :)

  • Member Posts: 22,857

    It's very rare I get a chance to be polite instead of passive aggressive on these forums, gotta take it where I can lmao

  • Member Posts: 647

    It kinda does and it kinda doesn't.

    For example, I play Freddy sporadically, but mainly have stuck to Legion and Demigorgon as my mains. However, it doesn't matter which killer I play right now, I am getting baby survivors left and right. Honestly it's not even fair right now, I mean we're talking survivors that can't loop. I'm not talking can't run a jungle gym, they literally drop pallets and hold W. I find myself deliberately dragging games out so we can all get some BP before I murder them all.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719
    edited June 2021

    The biggest issue with MMR right now is that a killer who mains Ghost Face and is the best Ghost Face but doesn't play Pig usually will now have a separate MMR for Pig and Ghostface. If no MMR exists it will assign them the lowest possible MMR skill when they play Pig. However, if someone is the best Ghost Face in the world, they're probably pretty darn good with Pig. And as a low MMR player you're being put up against this supposedly low MMR killer.

    That's why I suggested that for killer (not survivor) the MMR system should put you at an average MMR level by default. If you really are a new player it does mean your very first game is going to be against difficult survivors, but you'll lose horribly and your MMR will drop drastically. After just a few games your MMR will be set correctly.

    Let's use the example from above. The literal best Ghost Face will then verse a group of average survivors on their first match. The survivors will have enough experience to have a decent match, sure they'll get steam rolled. But at least the killer isn't matched with baby survivors. And after a few matches he'll be playing red ranks anyway. So it won't be a big deal.

  • Member Posts: 364

    Do you think them implementing this MMR will help the lack of killers? The MMR is going to make playing killer a nightmare. I refuse to play killer again until it’s turned off. I doubt I’m alone. It’s not fun when every single match is a sweatfest. Before I had variety, some sweats and some easier matches. Now for the killers I like to play the most, it’s sweat after sweat, making me not want to play those killers anymore, and if I can’t play my favorites anymore what’s the point? It’s a game, it should be fun, not constantly stressful and #########. When I play survivor even tough crappy matches don’t suck nearly as badly as sweaty killer matches, those are just anti-fun. Watch CoconutsRTS stream from today and see the Huntress games he had. That’s killer right now.

  • Member Posts: 1,903

    I know the feeling.... just ask the mods here hehehe one day they actually privately checked in on me because apparently i was a bit more than normal hehehe

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    The mmr needs data to adjust itself and match you with the corresponding players.

    The more you play, the better the matchmaking.

    With the mmr turned off, the game just tosses you into a match with the survivors that have been waiting the longest time.

  • Member Posts: 98

    Im rank 17 my friends are ranks 19 and 16 and we have been put against red rank killers for the past 3 games and this is balanced? Where is the game management? Its literally impossible for us to survive without the perks we need to troll the killers revert this change,

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    I don't trust it to "derank" that quickly. Not even remotely. If it did then too many people would abuse it. So your likliest choice is either getting your shite pushed in in 4-minute trials, or sweating your arse off and sometimes winning 4-minute trials.

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    Is it really your experience without MMR?

    No, seriously, is your experience basically one small step below competitive DbD? Where the math doesn't add up and no-one even bothers to loop?

  • Member Posts: 22,857

    Like the image literally says, those killers would have incredibly low MMR and so unfortunately would be matched with you

  • Member Posts: 14,918

    Not quite sure what you are asking here?

    Full meta builds, strongest killers, scummiest tactics all trial long, it never ends

    That’s what I answered to, that is my general experience. I can’t loop the killers I am getting matched against for long. As I said I am pretty bad (and so are all my random teammates) so I want more fair matches. I don’t want a killer I can loop for 5 gens, that would be pretty boring as well. I want fair matchmaking. Where I have a chance at winning and my opponent has a chance.

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    I think there's some confusion here between laziness and necessity. I'm saying that you, the player, mathematically cannot win without massive tryharding due to time constraints.

    My average trial speed is about 4 minutes. I can win those trials, so it's technically balanced, but I've basically stopped playing killer because it's not even remotely fun. Survivor is, becays wi don't really have to do much because I'm constantly getting matched with competent teammates, but my que times are normally upwards of 20 minutes becuase... well, killer isn't fun. Balanced, yes. But miserable.

  • Member Posts: 78

    This MMR is garbage... the console survivors randomly dropped pallets, after the match I understood why... So how much fricking data does the game need? The rift is maxed already, so how much more do we need to play? Ridiculous.

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