For me, Nemesis has the potential to have mixed gameplay from other killers. For example, he could have these abilities: That his base speed be 4.4 m / s but that he can stampede and run very fast every so often to have map control, something like the oni; use its tentacle on the ground to attract survivors towards it, harpoon type but without being able to do it through pallets; Infect the survivors with the T virus and force them to be vaccinated so that they do not turn into a zombie, like The Pig. They really have to change their current ability, it is very basic for such an iconic character.
How do you think they should change to nemesis guys?
I think he's fine. What you described sounds boring. We don't need Pigplagueslinger.
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just give him his super hero jump and super hero landing and boom problem solved
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So you will change him from Pyramid Head to Deathslinger.
I think Nemesis is fine, just he needs little changes. 1 more zombie + some T3 changes.
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Nemesis is fine where he was at on the PTB. I think all he needs is to become less add on reliant and to have his add ons that help him tier up faster to be nerfed. After that, he will be in a great spot.
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I personally think a third zombie would be a bit too good. As it stands now they are plenty strong; maybe change one of his Iridescent addons to give a third one, though. That'd be worth an ultra rare addon.
People are over-focusing on tier ups. On the PTB I never even bothered with those addons because he tiers up so fast anyway if you play normally and use his power. Nemesis is a trap Killer like any other, but his traps move and you need to learn how to play around them and herd Survivors toward them. He's all about creating lose-lose situations.
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I would rather they just give him his rocket launcher for long range attacks.
It wouldn't even be OP.
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Would come in handy if survivors are pratting about in the exit gates.
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Sounds like an iri addon. He can pull it out during EGC and fire 1/10 secs. Big aoe, inflicts injury in the blast radius or a down if you get direct hit or are already injured.
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I was expecting something different by the trailer like being able to capture survivors with the tentacle and throwing them into objects to cause dmg and slows or something. I thought that would have been better because he would the one of if not the only killer able to force where survivors are allowed to loop or not.
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I want Nemesis to feel like Nemesis so I think this is fine. Right now we don't have Nemesis other than his looks, animations, and sounds.
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yeah, let's just throw away all of the work they've done over the past ~6+ months because you don't like it. i agree, dude. :)
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Nemesis so far is one of the most balanced and well designed killers we've had in a while, at least from the PTB. He is in a great spot rn to be strong but not broken.