Adepts are still unbalanced and totally unfair on the Killer's side of things.

Survivor Adept: Just escape. Can be through the hatch, gates, whatever. Bring a key. Hide if you need to. Pretty simple overall, even if you depip. You don't even have to bother with generators!
Killer Adept: Bend over backwards to submit to a busted emblem system which doesn't even work properly half the time. Play out of your mind, don't let the survivors do gens, but you still have to kick them, break pallets, end chases fast but not TOO fast. Don't let the survivors heal too much. Get four sacrifices, but if any of them DC or die on hook too early, you're out. Use your power but if it kills them too quickly, don't. Oh everyone's swarming the hooked survivor? ######### you, let them walk over you or you get Gold Chaser. What's that? You got a 4K with 5 gens at a decently fast pace? Entity Displeased.
Fix the Adept System.
You can still get adept. if you gotten two hooks on em that is.
Just that you need to also not spam yer powers..
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Threshold for that double pip increases with rank. So not only are you supposably going against better survivors but you need to perform better than previous ranks with weaker ones.
In other words, the better player you are the harder it becomes to do.
6 -
We have powers for a reason, and we should be able to use them. Adept needs to be changed back to just getting a 4k
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Exactly, good luck going for adepts at red ranks. Better to just depip if you want the achievements.
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Killer adepts should just be 4ks. It'd still be more demanding than the survivor equivalent, but wouldn't require you to contort your playstyle into knots for the whole match. You have to get at least 9 hooks, you can't use your power too much if it's something that causes survivors not to heal or oneshots them, you have to let the team recover if you get too close to wiping them... it's absurd. Already killer adepts are more demanding than survivor adepts because you're only relying on yourself, and don't have three other players to carry you and cover your slack if you don't have good perks or make a mistake - and survivors have the success-from-jaws-of-defeat option of the hatch even if they lose handily, where the equivalent situation that a killer nabs a kill at the end of a bad game certainly won't grant them their adept.
Plus there's the issue you didn't even bring up - it is easier to get killer adepts on newer ranks, not because the players are easier to defeat (though that's also true), but because the emblem system itself is more punishing to experienced players and the window of allowed error decreases the more a player ranks up. Ranks 13-20 can get an adept with two iridescent emblems and two golds, or even 3 iris and a silver. Ranks 2-12 can only get one gold emblem; the rest have to be iridescent. Rank 1s have to have a perfect match across the board - one hatch escape, not quite enough 'chases', all gens got done too quickly even though you clutch 4ked at the end, survivors suicide on hook or leave their fellows to progress too many hook states? Too bad, try again.
Adepts should not be linked to emblems; on both sides, emblems are too reliant on what other players do in the match. Imagine if survivor adepts required you to escape and double pip.
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I kept saying that for years. Bhvr refuses to change the simple code about it since it's a damn hassle.
I shouldn't have to force tunnel ONE survivor out early so i can have a chance at getting Adept killers...
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Exactly. The whole thing is stupid
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Just get more hooks than usual, that means no camping and letting people go to second or death stages at once. Easy.
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Easy loss more like.
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That's not the issue here. The issue is that certain killers CAN'T pip while using their powers, and the fact that gens go too fast for a lot of killers to deal with, with only three(usually bad) perks.
How would you feel if survivors had to escape with 32k BP and all iridescent emblems to get adept? Because that's what killers have to deal with.
Post edited by EQWashu on2 -
Should just be a 4k, with default perks (though, I think it should be default perks + whatever in the 4th slot to help).
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Do you know how often survivors let each other go to second stage because they don't want to let go of their gen or think someone else has it covered? Or how often survivors just kill themselves for no discernible reason, or ragequit and DC when you pick them up because they're mad they're losing the game? This is especially bad when there's two survivors left, because if they're not both on death hook and you need more hooks to make iri devout, you risk one hatch camping or the hooked survivor nobly suiciding even if you bolt from that hook like it's contagious.
Any achievement that requires other players to behave a certain way isn't going to be easy, because you aren't in control of all of the variables.
It's also a PITA when you've got killers like Trapper that require early-game slowdown that isn't in his home perks, or Doctor whose power conflicts with one of his perks, or Hag who actively wants survivors to destroy one of her perks because perma-exposing survivors will ruin her emblems even if she ignores the mori aspect, or Myers, Billy, Oni, and Bubba who aren't allowed to use their power more than a few times unless they blatantly farm the survivors and let them pick each other up a few times, or Plague whose Chaser and Malicious emblems are entirely at the mercy of survivor decisions if she infects anyone. Huntress and Wraith are also in a special spot where you may as well be perkless, all of their base perks are so terrible, but luckily both of them are strong killers on their lonesome so you can get away with it without too much pain. Pre-buff Wraith was hellish, though.
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There’s always a discernible reason for survivor hook suicide. Either they don’t like the killer, the killer was indeed camping or tunnelling the player, or a team mate screwed them over.
I lose count everyday of team mates kiting the killer past a gen I’m working on while Ruin is still up, and they don’t bother to jump on that gen to finish it before or when I’m finally downed. I’m not staying in games with crappy teammates like that, so guess what I do when I’m hooked...
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I agree, most people don't like becoming a masochist or hoping that they get lucky with their Survivors to get the Killer Adepts. There's a really easy solution to this that also gets around Sony and Microsoft's incredibly stupid trophy/achievement policy (although considering how poorly designed the Emblem system and actively punishes some Killers for using their power, it doesn't surprise me that it's taking so long to find a solution to the Adepts):
The current match result message (Entity Displeased/Brutal/Ruthless/Merciless Killer) is changed to reflect the amount of kills you got instead of your pips. This means a 4k will now equal Merciless Killer and give you the Adept.
A new type of message (such as Devout Disciple or something) will take the place of the current one.
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Discernible doesn't mean explicable, it means I can tell what it is. There's a reason I mentioned that separately from ragequits. I'm sure there's always a reason, but it's not always clear. I once had a teammate give up on hook when all gens were just completed, I was headed straight to save them and 3/4 of the way there, and the killer was busy with another person on the other side of the map. New struggle system, so it couldn't be a finger slip. I once saw someone DC when someone else went down too early and later claimed they deemed the match 'unwinnable...' less than a minute in, explanation never given. Plenty of times I've seen people suicide on their second hook even though the match seemed to be going okay. And the killer has no idea what's going on behind the scenes, so when someone suicides on first hook because their teammates are urban evading along the walls or sandbagging someone in a corner, it's a mystery to the other side.
This is particularly true because survivors often misinterpret the killer's intentions and get angry about things the killer, in their head, is not doing. So for example, a survivor can get flagrantly pissed that I'm camping them because I want to break a pallet that was dropped nearby but I can't remember which pile of rubble it's at, and I'm baffled when they suicide on hook as I'm walking away 15 seconds later.
Anyway, the issue as it pertains to adepts is that it's not predictable and something you can prevent. Even if you play nice and don't tunnel or camp (which unfortunately can be pretty necessary for adepts - you're already playing at a disadvantage, you've gotta break a few eggs unless the survivors are already playing terrible), people are still going to randomly nope out on you. Huge issue if it happens at the start of the match or if too many hook stages are lost.