Imagine if this was a Dead by Daylight Child’s Play teaser 😳

I would die…
Of happiness that is. 😂
But It’s actually for the upcoming syfy series!
#chuckytiffanyforDBD get into this!
Chucky would be...very interesting. They could just add Charles if the height was an issue and the doll...used for his power of something. Although, that may be to similar to the scrub that.
I want Pinhead and Candyman!
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I honestly don’t think the height would be as much of an issue. Nemesis for instance has a different animation and carries survivors a bit differently. Chucky could drag them, take them to a hook and have the entity pull them up to the hook, as an example.
There are many creative ideas they could do with him. 😄 also I agree Candyman and Pinhead should join as well!
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Kinda victor gameplay?
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How would they wiggle? They would be kinda gathering energy to kick him?
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He could drag them from the leg and they can be stomach down, trying to crawl away and kicking away at his hands. They could even add some sound of their nails scratching the ground while being dragged away.
Idk about the hooks, either give him some silly animation or custom made hooks.
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Exactly. It’s all in the animation.
Also another idea for hooks could be that the hook is at the bottom attached to a chain so once he drags and hooks the survivor the chain automatically moves them up higher.