My experience with the MMR system and thoughts (I will try to be constuctive).

Firstly, you should know that i play this game regularly, 4 to 6 hours a day; not only that but i play both sides, and been playing since beta. You could say i am a veteran, and yet i never came to the forums to express my opinion about game changes (but sometimes i felt compelled to do so in the past mind you).

My impressions as a killer:

As expected the first matches were totally rainbow matches, of course this was due to the calibration of the MMR, and i didnt see this as a problem at all. But...

After the calibration kicked in and i kept winning those matches i started to only face extremely efficient survivors.

This wouldnt be a problem, because i believe this is the point of MMR... But the matches started to get extremely stressful and dull. I AM NOT A TRY HARD KILLER MAIN MIND YOU, but i felt the need to be one!

Should i just sit back and relax watching 5 gens popping in 4 minutes in certain maps?

I got out of my way to play like a proper "sweaty" killer, not only that BUT, got out of my way to ask some survivors players i faced to give their opinion on the match, and of course a great portion said that i was playing like a scumbag, and didnt have fun at all.

What really broke my heart were the ones saying that they understood why i played like that...

I played during the testing: Pig, Demogorgon and Twins.

To finalize my thoughts on MMR as a killer.

I think it works as the devs intended, but for that reasons it forced me, a layed back veteran that gives mercy hatchs mores often than not, and sometimes full on lobby escape mercy when i am satisfied with my hooks, a reason to be a "sweat bag" because eventually i started to be paired with only crazely efficient survivors, making the game unenjoyable.

I have never faced so many good survivors in a short spam of hours like this, and at some point i thought Dbd had become a ranked game with no rewards whatsoever.

My impressions as a Survivor:

Well... This is where the real problem is at i would say...

My survivors matches were a NIGHTMARE after a certain point, straight up torture to keep on playing...

I will give a disclaimer: I am not a TRY HARD ENTITLED SURVIVOR MAIN!

I dont want to escape every round, i dont think killers should let hook saves happen when people blatanly runs towards the hooks, and although i get pissed (like everybody else would i believe) when i get straight up tunelled and taken out of the game, i find it to be necessary sometimes!

All that beeing said... I only faced extremely "sweaty", focused, try hardin killers! And could i blame them??? NO!

And as you expect 90% of it was the infamous Trio; Nurse, Spirit & Huntress... (But of course there were a significantly increase in Alchemist Ring's Blights!) .

You should know tha i play a lot in Duo, but also a great amount as a Solo. So even in my Duos matches i run these perks:

Bond, Spine Chill, Provethyself, Small Game.

Overall, terrible infuriating matches. Slugging losses at 4-3 gens. And escapes didnt felt good at all, after i nearly burst a eye vein trying my best to not be downed...


Yes! All my teammates were on my level and the killer level of skill!


... Dbd is a great game... I really do have a special feeling for this one, and Jeez... Nemesis!?? My other 2 favorite franchises are Devil May Cry and Resident Evil, so you can bet i was excited when the new chapter got announced... But now i have this strange weary wicked feeling that i may not be enjoying Dbd as much as i have enjoyed in the past.

As you may have noticed i am not a competitive person, NOT AT ALL! And i always loved Dbd for having this weird party game casual feeling! But this new MMR system made me feel like the game is possibly taking a completely different direction...

Ok so wrapping up my conclusion on MMR:

Probably people like me will go, straight up. The stress of tryhardin matches on Dbd is something else...

The MMR forces this to happen way too much! I can safely say that in the second day i didnt have one fun match... As a killer and Survivor... (AND DO NOT FORGET THAT FUN IN A MATCH TO ME IS NOT WINNING, I DONT WANT TO ESCAPER NOR A 4K!!!)

I loved Dbd, i am probably a whale at this point for i have spent stupid ammounts on auric cells, and i dont mind it! The division of cosmetics of Bhvr should receive a raise for all the great content! And will be eternally thankful for the great relantioships this game has given me!

But... If the matchs continue like this... I will not be able to continue playing...

Devs, thanks for Dead by Daylight so far! It have been a bash!

-Hoping for the best to come, Alex.


  • AlexLuden
    AlexLuden Member Posts: 9
    edited June 2021


    • I faced the same insanely strong 4 person swf 3 times almost straightly.
    • The local really "sweaty" Nurse Main 3 times in a spam of 1hr.
    • The reason above is the sole reason why I dont play MOBAs like Smite anymore (Facing the same people non-stop, ik it will make me sound like a "snowflake" but it triggers my anxiety).
    • When the lobby took more than 5 minutes to find i faced 20 hrs babus.
    • No. I dont want to play anything else. Dbd is my main game.
    • Yes, i believe this can possibly murder the game.
    • My christmas wish is for the Devs to not be headstrong, and keep this system up.
    • Although sometimes infamous for its toxicity, this is literally the first time i am really thinking about giving up on dbd.
  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Right. You are such a fanatic you play every day, four to six hours a day, but only now you post. Yeah, sure.... I believe that. Of course I still believe in Santa. :) Do you really think we buy any of this? We see this same lame post frequently, and always with this strange caveat trying to explain WHY we have never seen the poster before.

  • AlexLuden
    AlexLuden Member Posts: 9

    You can belive whatever you want...

    I dont need to explain nor prove anything to you.

    And responses like this were always what kept me from posting on forums, so yeah... Take what you want from this.

  • AlexLuden
    AlexLuden Member Posts: 9
    edited June 2021

    Also, i see you got a lot of posts...

    This doesn't make any of your stances more entitled to righteousness than mine.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Well... the beauty about a post like yours is we will get to see if it has ANY weight in real time. You are a Chicken Little and have told us the sky is falling. :) MMR will MURDER the game you say... I say nonsense. Care to put a wager on who will be right? ;)

  • AlexLuden
    AlexLuden Member Posts: 9

    As a last response i will give you before ignoring you:

    Yes, "murder" is a strong word, but i stand by it. Only thing that can kill Dbd, is Dbd itself.

    The amount of " :) " you use in a sarcastical manner just shows me how much of a condescending prick you are.

    I really dont believe we are even on the same conversation, mainly because i think you are a infamous weird no life internet troll, and will keep this up as long as i keep giving you responses.

    Yep. I wont be answering you directly no more, have a good one.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436

    So what you're saying, is that MMR worked as it should, you got paired with players of an equal skill level, and it was an awful experience?

    You only enjoy the game, when your opponent is severely less skilled than you, and you are able to wipe the floor with them?

  • AlexLuden
    AlexLuden Member Posts: 9

    Not really, do not twist my words.

    My point is that i rather "lose" having fun, than "win" stressing out.

  • S1niato
    S1niato Member Posts: 3

    i've been playing this game for 3 years, I have 5000HRS. i've never had so much fun in this game as in the last 24hrs.

    I've been playing online against bad killers for over a year and when i'm a killer, only bad survivors.

    Today, I have fun playing both sides, it's never nice to always win.

    When I played and ket killing the 4 with 5/4 gen up I wasnsn't having fun anymore in the game.

    Congratulations and I'm looking forward to the MMR coming in soon so I can play the game again with consistency. TNKS AGAIN! put the MMR soon! TNKS

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Ah... the long goodbye as you drive off into the sunset. I can't remember the last time I was so amused by a post. Whenever I see someone like you bail on a conversation leaving me and others behind with the pile of your nonsense arguments, I always think of this scene:

    I guess I'm a bit of a weird troll after all. ;)

  • AlexLuden
    AlexLuden Member Posts: 9

    To be fair, i did not respond you because i believed you were a troll all along (so i guess i was right).

    At least i made your day slitghly better giving you some laughs i guess...

    But being completely honest, is that so hard to believe that i just want a game to goof off and not be bursting my heart in high pressure; the game of choice in this case being Dbd?

  • AlexLuden
    AlexLuden Member Posts: 9

    Also, John Carpenters Vampires is a great ######### movie.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458
    edited June 2021

    Yes, it is hard to believe. You lied. You can't start a valid argument on a lie. You used hyperbole which is also a poor excuse for an argument. You better strap in and get used to it because eventually, probably sooner than later, MMR is here to stay. You should thank your lucky stars too because that way you and I will NEVER meet in a match. I will be busy having the fights of my life against all Red Rank (hopefully SWF) because that is what I want. You can simply choose to play DOWN to the level of Player you want to go against. MMR will serve all types.

  • fogdonkey
    fogdonkey Member Posts: 1,567
    edited June 2021

    So you don't want to let them win but you also don't want the matches to get harder. That's not really possible in a fair matchmaking.

  • AlexLuden
    AlexLuden Member Posts: 9

    It is just sad that you are so adamant in saying that i am a lier like that without not even knowing anything about me at all... But well, internet privileges i guess... You can simply wave your finger at my face calling me whatever you want, but it is all good, i wont do the same to you, not here to judge.

    All i can do is advocate to myself so;

    I really do play a lot of Dbd, its been my main game, at some point I DID stop playing for a while, but i came back full force on demo release.

    Thats all, choose your truth, it doesn't matter to me.