Leonardo1ita Member Posts: 2,317
edited June 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions





  • Yatol
    Yatol Member Posts: 1,960

    i want the MMR system to stay but it still needs some tuning, right now im a survivor in red ranks, and after getting killed by a red rank death slinger, i got placed against a yellow rank leather face, the lowest ranked survivor in that lobby was purple.

  • 6yXJI0
    6yXJI0 Member Posts: 589
  • Anniehere
    Anniehere Member Posts: 1,265

    It started when i played against yellow rank killers with survivors on my same rank. then red rank killers with yellow rank survivors with me.

    The diversity is good and gives different games but something needs to be fixed to improve poor matches. some are really unfair.

  • Nyx32
    Nyx32 Member Posts: 130

    if they do then I'm leaving this game. as a rank 15 killer, I have only fought a full team of red ranks in around 15 games. not a single other color. and as a rank 18 survivor, I have only fought red rank killers.

    so... no. I will not play this game if they think this is fun.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    I agree; don't take it off. Two days is not enough. Leave it up for a week, and if working well enough... just LEAVE it up.

  • stikyard
    stikyard Member Posts: 526

    I had some decent games yesterday, noticed some weird pairings but, my teams weren't half bad.

    Haven't played enough to decide. I've always been of the mind that this game has too many variables and playstyles to accurately match make balanced games.

    The problem with a difficult ranking system, (hard to pip), would be that, the best players and those who play a lot would be sitting at Red ranks by themselves essentiallly. Yes, it would cut the fodder from those who are actually top tier but, those top tier players would be waiting around with no one to play with.

    For these reasons I believe the game needs three ques as opposed to two. Killer mains should be qued against SWF and Solo games should be a mtach of five players, one chosen at random for Killer role.

    We can all agree that Solo que is the weakest link in the game. So let solo players self feed their own Killer ques. As a solo Survivor myself, I can honestly say that I shy away from playing Killer but, I shouldn't. Playing both sides of this game is actually very healthy for the game. A lot of arguments and frustrations from both sides is often rooted in not understanding the issues of the other side.

    I know a big argument would be, "you are going to force people to play something they don't want to". To this, I have a couple counters. You can still play Killer main que and, you can still play Survivior every game if you que with at least one friend.

    I also believe this would turn Solo play into far more casual play, as the player chosen at random for Killer often times aren't really invested in being Meta. Killer main players who decide to hop in Solo que can't rely on being picked as Killer, the odds are 20% (Actually less becuase one solo player would often be picked to fill in 3 man SWF, 18%) so, I don't think it would be beneficial to try to "farm" solo que for ranks and pips, it would just take too long and be unreliable.

    Solo que would pop non-stop, hop in and play. I'm not sure if enough SWF exists to feed Killer mains. Perhaps SWF would grow though if Survivors had to que together to garantee Survivor play.

    This is really more food for thought. I dont believe the varying degrees and styles of play can be solved by "match making". We need separate ques or, if we just want to throw everyone in the meat grinder, offer in game comms and everyone can be SWF, kinda.

  • Ink_Eyes
    Ink_Eyes Member Posts: 561

    ''More better'' 🤣

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    Mine started to get better yesterday as well.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,824

    It's not perfect but it seems to be working pretty well.

  • lemonsway
    lemonsway Member Posts: 1,169

    Hell no! The current matchmaking being "broken" is what makes killer playable, if there weren't any potatoes to play against Killers matches will be sweat sweat sweat sweat. With MMR every killer is gonna suffer. Low skill killers who win against low skill survivors will have high MMR, because at low skill level Killer role is stronger, and face high skill survivors at high MMR and lose matches without getting a single hook, because after what we now call rank 10 the game gets massively survivor sided. MMR is awful when the game is broken AF. MMR only helps good survivors that's it, it doesn't help killers, good or bad, or bad survivors. For MMR to be implemented the game has to be rethinked and redesigned from the ground up. The game is massively, hugely, unmeasurably broken. Maps need to be FIXED and not VISUALLY UPDATED, Breakable WALLS need to get thrown in the bin, Map size needs to be reduced, Map spawns need to be changed, Totem spawns need to be changed.

    If keeping MMR means we FIX the game then sure but not only is BHVR imcapable of balancing or FIXing the game, they are also taking way too long to even do MMR to expose how broken the game is, if there's any more need to expose that, and they clearly have no desire to do so.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436
    edited June 2021

    Why are you paying attention to the ranks? The whole point of MMR is that ranks don't mean anything, especially after the last reset.

    What you've described is the normal matchmaking for me as a rank 5 killer. Nothing but red ranks usually. MMR put me more where I should be in a mix of roughly green-purples. Of course the actual ranks were all over the place, but the skill level was just right.

    It's far too easy to rank up as killer, and even when you lose you can black pip.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458
    edited June 2021

    So by your logic, you want those Potatoes to suffer? :) How is going up against competent and challenging opponents a punishment. Isn't that why you are here? Playing a game where you know the outcome is a waste of time, and utterly pointless. I do agree that the real power shifts to the Survivors as they become better, but that is only fair. You dined well on Potatoes and it is only fitting that they get their chance to shine as they have learned the ropes. But is it impossible? No. Let me put this in context for you.

    1. I don't play Nurse.
    2. I don't play Spirit.
    3. I don't play the new, as of yet unrecognized God, Wraith.
    4. I don't play, well, any of the A or S Tier Killers.
    5. I play Myers.
    6. I play Spooky Myers in fact (also known as Jump Scare Myers).
    7. I take him outside of indoor maps regularly.
    8. I am a Rank-1 Killer with him.
    9. During the MMR Test, it is clear my Rating with him is high because I fought NOTHING but Red Rank BEASTS.
    10. I won more than I lost. I got a 3K+ in more matches than I lost or got a draw combined. This is using the typical rating of 3K+ equals a win, 2K equals a draw, and 0-1K equals a loss. I played a lot of games. They were hard fought and difficult. I loved every minute of it win, lose, or draw. Was I playing from behind the eight ball? Yes, mostly. Will this make me a better player (you too)? Almost certainly. In that 48 hours test I felt an improvement in my Killer Looping. I had to get better because I was consistently facing people who understood the nature of a Spooky Myers and how to counter him. My point being, this last point, is that you rise to the occasion, you adapt, and it is even more satisfying to do so.

    MMR exists to give you opponents worthy of your station. It isn't a punishment; it is a reward. The game is recognizing that you are "ready for the show!" It means you are moving ever onward and upward. My own, personal goal is to one day get good enough to take on the Otz, Monto, Stalky Boi, and all the crazy 5K+ hour types and actually make a good showing for myself. That isn't going to happen on a steady practice diet of Potatoes and others who have impressive Rank but NOT sufficient skills. In short, I NEED to be playing against people who are better than me to get better. That is the nature of learning.

  • Karao_Ke
    Karao_Ke Member Posts: 1,221

    I'm honestly surprised so many people here have been having good matches with this new system in place. I've been having terrible matches, ranging from rank 19 noob killers to rank 10 Megheads. I don't even know man.

  • Jade_Merrydown
    Jade_Merrydown Member Posts: 5

    People really need to give the MMR a chance, it's not reading the games from the past, it's only reading the games your playing SINCE it's been added. Give it a chance to kick in.

  • lemonsway
    lemonsway Member Posts: 1,169

    I don't want Potatoes to suffer at all, i've presented solutions to this in other posts, created by me and other people, Potatoes only have to suffer now because of how killer has to be at high level, you can't present every killer player with increasingly difficult matches because not all killer players want those matches or can afford to spend that much time in DbD.

    The Solution to that is individual killer MMR right? But my prefered killer is Ghostface, i play him alot, i can manage myself with him so my MMR on him will be higher so everytime i wanna play my favourite killer i will have to deal with an increasing amount of stress just because i'm playing my favourite killer. How is this reasonable? It's not my fault if i don't like other killers, wich i do, i play Legion, Bubba and occasionally some Myers but i shouldn't be forced to play something i don't enjoy or don't know as much just because i don't wanna stress myself when playing Ghostface. I'd rather have an MMR based on my overall killer experience rather than individual killer, that would mean i don't get punished for playing my favourite killer.

    I have no desire to be the best Ghostface or be as good as X,Y or Z guy, i just want to play the game and do as best as i can but i wanna feel that it is possible, i'd rather lose cause it was my bad than lose because i felt powerless. With MMR you don't feel it's possible, you either force yourself to do it or you lose wich is the same thing, forcing myself to be sweaty against increasingly harder opponents just because i was doing good before isn't fun, innevitably the challenge will be too much, the stress is too much. Am i a casual DbD player? Yes i am. Am i a Potato i don't think so. Collectively i have 300 hours, 240 on PS4/5 and the rets on PC, i know not much but different people gather knowledge differently so hours doesn't mean i don't understand the game any less than people with more hours, i understand the game wich is why i feel like i do, i play less because of this actually.

    I wouldn't mind MMR if BHVR actually fixes the game and makes killer playable at high level without it having to be super sweaty. High level games can be fun without being sweaty when it's a matter of player skill but DbD has to much RNG that influences player skill. The core game design is flawed, take Maps for the best example, when Maps are broken what does BHVR? It adds Bloodlust, it adds breakable Walls, those don't fix the core design issue, it's just band aid fixxing. BHVR doesn't acknowledge their fails and fixes them, they circumvent the issues with another thing, same for Totems, are they gone too fast? Here's Undying. Then they nerf Undying because it was affecting Survivors. But where's the real fix to the real issue? Nowhere... This is why i play DbD less time than manny people but that doesn't mean i don't know DbD, BHVR and all the history of the game over 5 years.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Again, and I hate to sound this harsh, but your points are irrelevant. You should be happy MMR exists and hopefully (soon) will be fully implemented. It means that people who do not want hard fought challenging games will get routed to their appropriate level over time. If you don't want to "sweat" as you call it, then you will play less effectively than those who do. It means your MMR rating (however that is calculated) will adjust and you will end up playing people who either don't really make an effort anymore than you do, or are so bad at the game that it feels the same. Do you see my point?

    A skill-based rating system means that all people find their level. If you want to half ass your way through the game, you will end up playing against other people who do the same, or are just bad. If you want to win consistently, then clearly YOU want to win. You want to put other people in a situation where they are having to SWEAT to beat you. So don't kid a kidder. Don't be a hypocrite. You don't get to have it both ways. Either you are playing more relaxed (which means your opponents also get more relaxed games) or you are playing to win.

  • ZonkyWizard
    ZonkyWizard Member Posts: 568

    My games were great when it was enabled.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436

    I know I shouldn't be, but I am, because the rank system is broken, which means rank-based matchmaking is broken, which is why we need MMR.

  • lemonsway
    lemonsway Member Posts: 1,169

    The problem isn't the matchmaking, the problem is getting ranks is too easy. Fix the ranking issue then rank based Matchmaking is fixed. The reason it's easy to rank up is because BHVR makes the game easy, it's that simple. They want any and all people to play the game, so they keep making the game more and more accessible wich screw the game but BHVR being BHVR they don't understand.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436
    edited June 2021

    They would need to add another 20-30 ranks, minimum.

    Make it more difficult to rank up by requiring something like 10-15 pips per rank.

    Then add in more complex conditions for gaining and losing rank. Some conditions could grant you up to 3 or 4 pips, some could cost you 3 or 4 pips.

    Then split it out so that each killer has an individual rank. So that you can be rank 1 on Spirit but maybe rank 30 out of 50 on Trapper if you're crap with him.

    Then the ranks might mean something.

    But... that's exactly what the MMR is doing, it's just hidden in the background. MMR is just a different ranking system that isn't displayed for you and all players to see.

    It's just easier to make it a new system than to try and retrofit it into the existing rank system, especially the 'individual killer rank' part.

  • lemonsway
    lemonsway Member Posts: 1,169

    Chilling on my main so i don't have to sweat or playing another killer is the same as reverse boosting, i'm purposefully manipulating MMR. I don't wanna beat up Potatoes just because i changed the killer i'm playing and nobody can force me to play multiple killers either to have good MMR on them, these 2 things don't actually represent my MMR. I'm not a Spirit player but imagine i started playing her after MMR get's implemented, how manny Potatoes must i go through when in fact i'm an experienced killer? Not only me changing killer is already benefiting Me but i changed to a stronger killer aswell so again it's benefitting Me. Individual MMR for each killer is not good. Me manipulating my MMR by not playing and taking a challenge seriously on my main killer is not gonna give me a stabble MMR. I'd rather have a single global MMR instead so i don't get punished for playing my main and i'm not punishing Potatoes for not not playing my main. If i change killers then i should be tested accordingly to my overall killer MMR and i changed my killer because i wanted to instead of being forced to because i don't wanna sweat or my killer can't handle the high MMR games. It's a comfortable middle term for everyone.

    Individual killer MMR is dumb and exploitable because it avoids the actual player skill. People learn things at different rates, i can change killer and learn it faster than someone else, wich eliminates playtime and experience as a deciding factor in MMR wich means MMR is only taking into account how well you do but how well you do has manny factors behind it such as you purposefully not doing well so MMR is not accurate.

    I'm ok with MMR if it's Global for all killers and Global for Survivors or they make 1 single MMR that represents both. I'll be ok with MMR if BHVR is foced to fix the game. MMR showed how Strong Survivor is in high skill levels, as if we didn't know that already from every other source...Just putting MMR in a game filled with RNG isn't gonna solve anything but we have no assurance that BHVR will fix what needs to be fixed so having MMR is pointless. With high MMR the same people will face each other more often. I saw streamers face the exact same players i faced. So we all had around the same MMR Range wich is stupid, i should be nowhere near the MMR of people who have thousands more hours than i do and neither am i a genius killer to achieve high MMR in my play time wich is already a sign that there's something very wrong with how they are calculating MMR or the data they collected was based on me facing Potatoes wich is a false representation of MMR wich means that any killer who does well in their first few games is immediatly going to get high MMR, because at the low skill level killer is easier, and be put against high MMR Survivors regardless of actual expeirence with the game.

    So not only can i manipulate my MMR to get easier opponents but the game itself will give beginer killers opponents they aren't ready for because they beat survivors in their first few matches because by nature the killer experience is easier in low skill levels. How is any of this accurate or fair, how can any of this be in DbD , especially when we can't tell BHVR will fix the game so it is fair for everyone at all skill levels? This is the killer experience with MMR. Both scenarios High MMR Survivors win by facing players they shouldn't be facing and by being the natural power role in high skill levels because the game is unbalanced.

  • lemonsway
    lemonsway Member Posts: 1,169

    They don't need to add more ranks. Just increase the requirements, more bloodpoints and more pips, especially in the first 5 ranks, getting from rank 20 to 15 is the easiest thing and you don't need to do anything special for this to happen. It's simple number tweaking, there's no retrofitting to take place. You don't want individual killer rank. You don't wanna be a Trapper main and be rank 1 with him and have 1000 hours in the game and then start playing Spirit and face Potatoes, that's not fair and you're on a stronger killer aswell. Individual killer rank is the dumbest thing possible, that's the same as deranking on purpose. I'd rather have bot matches in tutorial where i can pick my killer and learn the basics and then play the killer on my normal rank.

  • Yatol
    Yatol Member Posts: 1,960

    I am paying attention to ranks is good way to tell how active a player has been. The deathslinger was 3 step ahead of everyone and a well time haunted ground pretty much guaranteed his quick victory, meanwhile the leather face, overchased, barely managed to get 2 hooks, would barely pay attention to gens being repaired. ranks wont be relevant once the MMR is permanent but during the test, it was only way to tell how well it worked.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436

    The last rank reset was random.

    I was rank 7 survivor, I'm now rank 15 after going down to 17. How active am I?

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436
    edited June 2021

    I absolutely do want individual killer ranks.

    I've climbed to rank 5 killer playing Spirit, Freddy and Hag.

    I now face only red rank sweat squads, and I'm unable to play and learn any other killers.

    I need bloodpoints to level other killers, but the only way I can earn decent bloodpoints is by playing Spirit. It's a vicious cycle.

    I've been trying to play Doctor, but I simply can't catch anyone because they all hold W the moment my TR touches them and stand at a safe distance teabagging.

    Individual killer ranks is the only thing that will make playing killer bearable for the majority of mid level killers. Not everyone is a rank 1 pro with 5000 hours, and we desperately need more killers to fix queue times, but killer is godawful to play in this survivor sided game.

    Plus individual killer ranking means every killer can be viable, not just stridor spirit and pro nurse. If you want to play a weaker killer, you'll go against equally weaker survivors as your pool of potential opponents will match the caliber of that killer, once you've played them enough to let their rank settle, and while you're doing that you're learning to play that killer's power in a more relaxed setting.

  • Yatol
    Yatol Member Posts: 1,960

    not very considering, i went from rank 8 to rank 16 and now i am rank 4 when i play very few matches daily.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,278

    Yes, some uneducated people are trying hardcore, once again, to get this system shut down. Let it play out, and when the dust settles, players will have virtually perfect matchmaking, playing among people of equal skill consistently.

  • Caleegi
    Caleegi Member Posts: 410

    Its better but still needs some work