Why do the devs continue to add ugly killers?

The devs did something right when they added the Trickster, but they fumbled it when immediately after him they added Nemesis. I don't think any of the cosmetics they can add will make him look any less ugly than he already is. Not only that, but look at the doctor rework, instead of cleaning up his face a bit & enchanting his features they made even uglier. Honestly scared of what they're going to do wraith, billy & Oni. Why they rarely add attractive killers boogles my mind.
I mean, killers should be scary. Trickster was a mistake.
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Why does it matter if the monster trying to kill you and your friends is attractive or not
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Respectively, I disagree. I used to believe he doesn't fit, but truthfully he matches the asethetic of the game the most.
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You want a hot killer? He is not your boyfriend, he is a guy that wants to kill you.
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Ruins the atmosphere if the killers that are chasing you are ugly. You feel gross if ugly monsters are chasing you, instead of actually scared.
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You have Clown.
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I respectfully, but wholeheartedly, disagree. The aesthetic of the game, on its roots, was eerie and scary. Trickster is neither.
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Not what I want, & this is a horror game, not a freak show. I just don't like looking at ugly killers
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As opposed to...
What exactly? Are you saying being chased by a "attractive" character is somehow scary? Nobody and I mean nobody finds trickster scary or intimidating. Especially when his voice acting (despite being well done) is literally anime-tier
Is this a meme post or are you being sincere? I can't tell
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Well said.
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we have Spirit. She's a beauty.
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It's scarier, because it's the most realistic. I don't expect hobgoblins to kill me, I expect real humans. Being sincere, but people are missing the point
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I.....can't tell if this is serious or not....
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Almost every killer in this game is a human who has been distorted by the entity.
However, when you put it like that I kind of see where you're coming from. Realistic killers can be truly frightening when done right.
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tbh Ghostface is a good example of this trope, and done 100% better than Trickster
Trickster's backstory doesn't even really make much sense.
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Me neither.
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Neither can I. It feels like bait, but it's hard to tell.
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actually pyramid head is my boyfriend and millie bobby brown will be hearing from me shortly about this, quite frankly, abhorrent form of discrimination
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You're right.
Next update the devs need to focus on giving all the killers plastic surgery and makeup
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Imagine Nemesis with makeup 😂
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The problem is that you cannot find your own point. As far as I know, they are all human (except Demo/Nemesis I guess?), one with nailed crystals (Spirit), others with masks (Myers, Ghostface, Trapper, Pig, maybe Pyramid Head), others simply with certain deformations (Bubba, Hillbilly, Deathslinger, etc.), for you, is a human only human if he is hot?
The problem with all this isn't that we have missed the point, but that the OP doesn't understand what is a human.
If you want to be chased by a hot killer rather than a horrendous one, I think it's more of a fetish.
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He is so hot lul
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You got a point then, but pyramid head sexualy abused many other monsters at the SH chapter
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i can fix him </3
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I bet lul
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Ikr, like atleast give there eye sores a mask or something. Remember when trapper had that floating mask glitch? Just ew, I nearly vommed.
I want a killer that looks like Brad pitt.
For me, I'd add a super tall super buff & super hot killer named Chad Chadington.
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Horn Pub lol
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Don't kink shame the OP. They clearly have needs they're trying to express. At least you have Legion's Bunny Costume and Trickster~
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It's good to have killers whose appearances are different. Each niche covers a different sort of horror. You're always going for something cool, but you can lean towards intimidating (Oni), Unnatural (Spirit), Darkly Beautiful (Plague), or Grotesque (Blight). Trickster falls in the "Darkly Beautiful" category, I'd say, and fits just fine.
What doesn't work is something that is ugly but lacks any kind of visual intimidation factor, like Twins. They're just frumpy peasants who look kind of sad. Even Victor, the more monstrous of the two, doesn't even look all that intimidating, scary, or grotesque. He's just a grumpy baby. Twins is, by a wide margin, the worst looking original killer. The art team really beefed that one.
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But there are 4 legions, who especifically?
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I know i'm ugly and such but Goddamn
Didn't have to Attack me Like That <=I
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Obviously all 4
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Someone actually gets the point I'm trying to make.
Personally when it comes to looks the Twins & Clown are top contenders for killers I don't like looking at.
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Why do people think that only ugly people can be murderers?
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Who are you calling ugly?
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So you want a psychopathic serial killer to not be disturbing to look at?
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Just admit it.....you want the likes of this chasing you;
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I'd argue Trickster is one of the scariest because his story is something that could happen in real life.
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Guys guys I mean to be fair, the OP has a point. We need more killers in the game who look as beautiful and pretty as some of the biggest names in horror. You know big name pretty killers like Jason Voorhees, Freddy Krueger, Leatherface, and Pinhead! I mean personally, I don't know about the rest of you, but whenever I look at Freddy in game I just swoon so hard. Nothing more breathtakingly beautiful than burn scars and melted flesh. He truly is the man of my dreams. Oh and don't get me started on Jason. The more rotted he became in the movies the more I fantasized about holding hands with him at his camp. I know I know, how scandalous!
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Is this a real post? I'm so confused
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demo is hot
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Hell yeah Freddy I bet that pizza face comes with a stuffed crust 😩 I'm a bit out of his age range tho
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This isn't por*hub it's a horror game killer aren't supposed to look pretty and hot
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Can we just say that Demo is good because he is actually rather cute imo kinda like a little puppy or a large breed of dog if the player is decent with him
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they're doing a good job then lmao
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... Perfection.
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You expect killers to be attractive?
I mean don't get me wrong, I love Trickster's aesthetic and design, but you can't expect serial killers to be that attractive.
Also Nemesis is bae, how dare you.
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That said, maybe they should put dental implants to nemesis with a bit of make-up to make him look less like a monster. Polish and file the claws of the Hag.
Are you playing the same game as us?
"The devs did something right when they added the Trickster"... LOL A lot of people complained about this killer exactly because they think the opposite (including me) because Trickster DOES NOT belong to this game in term of design. He mostly belong to Cyberpunk because he is not scary and is more a cute little boy who makes little kpop girlies wet.
DBD is a supernatural realm where killers are supernatural themselves monster-like humans.
The change they did to doctor is to make him more monster look-like and this is very well done.
I'm sorry to say that to you but if you think doc and nemesis have bad designs, you should quit DBD and play dress-up Barbie.
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ok you're trolling, how can the 23'rd killer fit the aesthetic of the game the most?
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Someone on here a while back was into demo, they were pretty specific on what they thought he would and wouldn't be capable of sexually