What's an entitled survivor for you ?

I just had an boring game with a Pig that tunneled, camps and slug me to death, with one gen done only. So that was'nt a question of "strategy" or pressure to me but whatever
Without salt or toxicity, i asked him post game why he needed to do that, the only answer i got is "GG ez Entitled survivor"
The guy was probably a sad teen in need of attention but it make me think about, at some points, what is your vision of an "entitled" survivor. And why we never talk about "entitled" killer ?
No shaming or conflict or whatever , just being curious, when did a player starts to be "entitled" ?
Most likely a sad loser teen that lost terribly earlier that day.
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They literally enjoy playing cold blooded murderers searching and looking for people to kill and sacrifice...
I don't think we could ever understand the mind of a killer main...
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I dont understand if you answered my question or you tried to be ironic to get votes up ?
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Every survivor that beats me obviously
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Entitled Survivors are the people who believe that a Survivor should always be able to escape any match and if they get caught, it is because that particular killer is too strong. This is a team-based game. A killer should ALWAYS be stronger than any one member of the survivor team. If you escape, it should be due to the team's effort, not because you knew the precise layout of the map and could just go between tiles without ever being hit for the entire game.
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Every time i end up facing a killer going hard on the survivors, bringing good add-ons or a mori, I just end up thinking "what happened to them last match". I've seen and experienced it happen many times and it sucks that the next group have to deal with the killer taking out their frustration on people that didn't do anything. To me an entitled survivor is someone that's spamming noise notifications because I don't want to chase them, anyone that has to msg the killer win or lose after the match, or people so glued to gens that the game doesn't last more than 5 mins.
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Well to be fair, your question was loaded. You weren't REALLY asking a question. You were trying to passive aggressively shame him/her.
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Imo, entitled survivors are the ones who think along the lines of "I've just been unhooked, and I'm gonna run in the direction that the killer is in, and he's not allowed to touch and re-hook me cus then he'd be tunneling. He should just let me heal in front of him and get away." That, is an entitled survivor. Someone who thinks that I should give them a free pass because they played stupid.
Now as for entitled killers. They're the ones who think that they're always entitled to getting 4Ks. "Survivors are not allowed to run DH and DS. That's too many second chance perks that allow them to get away. If they didn't run those then I'd have gotten the 4K! Wow this survivor looped me for three minutes. If it wasn't for all these god pallets in my way I would have downed them already."
Basically you're entitled if you think that the other side should go easy on you and not capitalize off of your mistakes to win. If you play bad and play dumb, then you deserve to lose. The other side shouldn't coddle you. It's a killer's job to kill, and a survivor's job to survive. Both sides have cheap tactics that they can use, and all of those tactics are valid and can be countered in game if played correctly.
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Entitled is when you want everything your ways.
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A good example would probably be a duo I had in one of my games yesterday. I do a game yesterday with Freddy for my daily ritual to have points saved for the RE patch. I load into a farm map. Kill 2 survivors, the duo then hides for the remainder of the match with 2 gens left, obviously looking for a key for a hatch escape. They get the hatch escape with a key that they found because gotta give garbage their free escapes.
Post game chat I get called a sweaty Freddy, my Freddy with crap add-ons and not fully maxed perks, and of course they leave the chat right away so they don't see my response. Meanwhile they brought 2 BNP's, a hatch offering, hide for 5min to get lucky finding a key to get a free escape with 2 gens left. Entitled, moronic, hypocritical survivor garbage.
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Someone who expects their opponent to play in a way that suits them and calls bloody murder if their self imposed rules are not being followed. Same for killers honestly :)
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I don't post to get up votes.
No, I didn't answer any of your questions, just comment on why the other guy may have done that to you. Usually it's to get back at someone that did them wrong. He probably had some awful games to do that to you for seemingly no reason.
As for what I think is an entitled killer/ survivor, the ones that think they should win all the time so they purposely de rank or create smurf accounts to play with the noobs. Some of those people are also the ones that don't want mmr implemented because then they'll have to play at their level.
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Entitled survivors are ones that expect the killer to hold their hand and ignore bad plays. A survivor went and called me a terrible killer because I tunneled the weak link and that I should learn to play better.
This is the only game I've seen where one side actually expects the other to be a complete doormat. I am thoroughly convinced that many just want to farm or do m1 simulator instead of play the game.
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I find survivors or killers that feel they have the right to insult another person for their play style that is within the rules of the game to be entitled. It may have been an innocent question, but usually someone asking that means they were upset about the way the other played and is inferring they shouldn't have played that way. If the play style was within the rules, no reason to question it.
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I think like the word "toxic", entitled has lost all meaning in this game.
But with that said, why message and ask them why they chose to play a certain way? You are inviting a snarky reply.
Take the L, Ggs if you must text something and move on.
How another plays is their business.
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Literally had a Bill in one game that would continue to pop up in front of me everywhere I would patrol. I mean I hooked him twice but like not even 30 seconds later I round a separate corner and there he is, still wounded and just ran right in to me. I felt bad cus it's like dude, I'm trying real bad not to tunnel you but you're making this extremely difficult for me lol.
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I had a game a few days ago where a Cheryl kobe’d off the hook near a gate that was 99’ed. The killer immediately downed her and hooked her again.
During end chat, she was complaining about how the killer didn’t respect the 4% like what? If you want the killer to “respect” it, you run DS. You can’t expect a killer to let you go everytime you kobe, there’s no rule for that.
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Someone who complains about the little things because they have a “ I win at all costs & if I don’t, that perk/killer is op.” Even if it’s a balanced killer or perk.
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Entitled players are the hypocrites of dbd.
For example, they'll facecamp and get mad you did gens instead of mindlessly saving, and call you genrushers.
For survivors this would be like rushing gens as fast as they can and getting mad if the killer starts to tunnel.
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Most of the people on this forum.
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Has less to do with survivors and more to do with players, but someone that either blames players for things that should be blamed on the game if anything, or ones that defend their right to play however they want (which is 100% fair) then start seething when their opponent(s) do the same (which is weapons grade enriched uranium tier cringe)
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Nobody said it was wrong, killers can do whatever they want.
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The real question is, why does this person still consider moris to be a negative thing? Maybe I use them because I just like seeing the kill animations? I mean I still have to get you to death hook for me to use it, at which point hook or mori, you're still dead.
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Exactly. Maybe that's why they think it's a negative thing? I dunno.
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An entitled player is one that wants the other side to not play smart so they can have an advantage. For example, killers wanting survivors not to loop strong tiles, survivors wanting killers to never punish an unsafe unhook, killers wanting survivors not to body block, survivors wanting killers not to force 2nd stage when they waited so long to rescue.
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Pretty much this.
For me personally I also include those who don't change how they play or their build, they expect the devs or other players to change things to fit their playstyle or preference. Like, they don even try to see if its actually too much.
Shamers can fall into this category. Like use one of the many base-kit, perks, or item counters to something? Nah lets shame the killer for a it and not change our playstyle at all because obviously it can't be our fault. Things like BBQ or totems (NoED) are some common examples.
There's a difference between criticizing something because its too much/strong and being upset because its not what you want or you don't like it and trying to push that on others.
They only care about their own fun and expect others to conform and if they don't they try to make them, shaming or otherwise. How dare anyone ask them to change anything, everyone/everything else must change for them. That type of attitude.
Its a bit of a case by case thing, because if something is too much (like Spirit) it should be called out. But complaining because you can't be bothered to find totems or use anything to help is another story.
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Entitled survivors are the ones who think everyone should escape, so if three escape and you kill one in the EGC they get upset. They're the ones who demand you play by their rules, so they disconnect if you don't let them escape when you've killed their 3 teammates.
I caught a Claudette at the exit gate after I closed the hatch. She put down her item. I downed her, and she immediately disconnected. That's a good example of being entitled.
Wanting someone to play a certain way is one thing. Expecting/demanding it is another.
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Sorry to disapoint you, but no. This is the event that create this interrogation to me.
To be honnest i doubt that someone answering back "GG EZ entitled survivor" knows himself what he is talking about
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If I had a dollar for every time survivors trash talked me for using NOED "you'll never be a good killer if you have to use crutch perks like that" says the survivor running DS, DH, Adrenaline, and any other combination of these perks. Like NOED really sets people off, especially if you do 3 or 4k them. It's funny cus when I do run NOED it's usually because I'm playing either one of my lower level killers, like level 15 or something, or other one of my killers who literally have no other good perks to use. Sometimes the killer I play is both of these lol. I tell them, ######### do you want me to do? Do you want me to not use NOED and run Deerstalker or Iron Grip and handicap myself more just so you can feel good? Sorry but I would like to win as well.
Don't blame me that the bloodweb was crap and decided to give me literally every general perk in the game instead of the better ones that I could and want to use.
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A survivor that is completely careless and blames killer for the actions that proceed after their carelessness. A survivor can throw game and get everyone killed for some reason survivors expect killer to play nice after actions he or she cannot control.
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To me, 'entitled' usually goes hand-in-hand with a bad loser/ winner. It's about as basic as I can make it.
It also links to a lack of self-awareness; often due to not having to face the fact that they feel inferior somehow, even if they win. They push people down to make themselves bigger, as they don't feel they can be better.
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Entitled survivor is the one that expect killer to play by unwritten rule book. You are entitled if you feel that "Pig that tunneled, camps and slug me to death, with one gen done only" is somehow against some imaginary rules and killer owes you an explanation.
"The guy was probably a sad teen in need of attention" and also "Without salt". That's funny. You can't even ask the question on the forums without salt. I'm pressing F5 here to express doubt that you weren't full of salt in that post match chat. Makes me wonder who is really the sad teen in need of attention.
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If you ask a rude question, you get a rude answer.
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Survivors who complain about spirit
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A survivor who think they're entitled to a 12 hook game
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People who expect me to follow their made up rules so they HAVE to have fun and people who expect hatch from the killer.
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You have those that demand you let them go and play nice, because imagine you tunnel or camp or even simply try and win as a killer. Therefore you try and play nice some games, but get then meet the reality of survivors not caring about the killer. Therefore now you have to deal with that behavior.
You have those that beat you, but even when you as the killer open the exit gate and leave, they find the need to spam you with notifications which are ear bleeding at times, because they need an escort at the exit gate. If you have won and you are all safe just leave. You are not entitled to an escort service where you can but dance some more. But it is just a game...
You have those that need to call out your perks while running the most powerful ones themselves. They will even do this when they win, it doesn't matter etc.
Play a couple of matches as a killer, start the day fresh and happy, wanting to just have some fun... only have a couple hundred hours in the game; Sweat or perish and get insulted either way. Survivor's get what they sow, the game just becomes more enjoyable if you just stop caring.
Post edited by Kalinikta on0 -
For me an entitled survivor is someone who after actually being toxic, not talking about looping or stuff, I mean annoying stuff like teabag or macro spam after they go down or die they wait for you at the end game chat just to call you stuff, reason why I avoid playing against TTVs is because I have been harrassed by their viewers so I usually check their profile if they have a twitch link or something because they have a TTV name some expect to always win or be nice to them.
This is what I call entitled, same goes for killers, I think entitled killers are the ones that expect a 4k always to the point of actually almost bleeding someone out for that sweet 4k.
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As a pig main, an entitled Survivor is one who thinks that because they have an RBT on them, they can search boxes in my face to run past me willy nilly, your still a free down, I get so much benefit from downing you and hooking you so why wouldn't I do that? ("Oh but I'm not even doing gens!!") Yeah and your gonna stay not doing that on a hook and interupt other Survivors who are or you'll be out of the game and you'll stop being on gens permanently. How do I not gain from that?
Another way is that "oh I'm going to rescue infront of you when you just hooked, your camping if you attack me." That's always fun.
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"Haha noob killer you can't catch me without using your power"