The Legion | New Mechanic, Giving lethality in not such oppressive way, Addon reworks

Szarman Member Posts: 247
edited October 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

Hello everyone! Today I wanted to show you my old idea, that i tweaked a bit. It gives the Legion some lethality, but not by tunneling one person down to death. Also I will change some of the addons here, to make them more fun, useful :D.

So, Let's start!

NEW MECHANIC: "HIDDEN WOUND" (you can also name is at "marking" :D)

(It looks similar to the ghostface stalk meter on the hud)

  • After applying a Deep Wound with your Feral Frenzy to a survivor, Hidden Wound meter increases by 30%
  • After hitting a Deep Wounded Survivor in Feral Frenzy Hidden Wound meter increases by 20%.
  • When the Deep Wound timer is going down a survivor's Hidden Wound meter increases by 1%/s.
  • When Survivor is fully healed, Hidden Wound meter decreases by 1%/s
  • When you hit a Deep Wounded Survivor in Feral Frenzy, which is at the rate of 100% Hidden Wound he is instantly downed, and the Hidden Wound meter depletes entirely (goes back to 0%)
  • When you down a survivor in any way, the Hidden Wound meter depletes entirely (reverts to 0%)

This new mechanic will make The Legion able to punish survivors for not healing. He will get some lethality but it's counterable by healing and mending



  • Feral Frenzy fatigue is now 3 seconds (before 4 seconds)
  • Tunnel Vision while in fatigue is significantly reduced


  • Feral Frenzy power gauge now recover for 15 seconds (from 20 seconds)


  • Increases the "Hidden Wound" meter by 20%
  • Depletes your entire power gauge and ends your power immediately
  • Downs a Survivor if has 100% gauge meter of Hidden Wound
  • Plays the "Weapon Wiping" animation for 2 seconds (Like when The Legion was hitting a Deep Wounded survivor on the first PTB.) and after that you get into the fatigue state.

(With these changes, The Legion can hit a Deep Wounded survivor with feral frenzy without getting punished for it, and brings back some lethality back.)


  • Missing an attack while in Feral Frenzy ends your power immediately and depletes 50% of its maximum.

(With this change u still get punished for missing attacks, but not as much as before, and you can get back to action faster :D)


  • Self-Mending takes 12 seconds to complete. (same as before)
  • Altruistic Mending takes 6 seconds to complete. (before 8 seconds)

That will make survivors more likely to group up and heal eachother.



  • Reduces Feral Frenzy recovery time by 2/3 seconds(From 2/3.5 seconds)

smiley face pin

  • Hitting a survivor highlighted by Killer Instinct while in Feral Frenzy applies Blindness status effect for 60 seconds
  • Hitting a Deep Wounded survivor while in Feral Frenzy applies Blindness status effect for 60 seconds and Oblivious status effect for 10 seconds

Defaced Smiley pin

  • Hitting a survivor highlighted by Killer Instinct while in Feral Frenzy applies Mangled status effect until healed
  • Hitting a Deep Wounded survivor while in Feral Frenzy applies Mangled and Haemorrhage status effect until healed


  • Hitting a Survivor highlighted by Killer Instinct while in Feral Frenzy applies the Incapacitated Status Effect until mended. This effect persist for 15 seconds after completing the Mending action,
  • Hitting a Deep Wounded Survivor while in Feral Frenzy applies the Incapacitated Status Effect until mended. This effect persist for 25 seconds after completing the Mending action,

I changed The Legion pin because there would be no way to counter the new mechanic.

(Survivors can still mend themselves, when they have Incapacitated status effect)


Before: Increases Killer Instinct Detecion range by: 4/8/16 meters


  • Increases Terror Radius while in Feral Frenzy by 4/8/16 meters
  • Decreases Terror Radius while outside of Feral Frenzy by 2/4/6 meters

I changed these addons because they are not that useful on the Legion right now. They show you location of people, that you can't reach with your frenzy, and can bait you to go there. New addons are easy to understand, and fun to play with! :D


Before: Reduces the fatigue of Feral frenzy by 0.2/0.4seconds


  • Increases the movement speed of Feral Frenzy by 0.15/0.25 m/s

Instead of nerfing them I decided to rework them. These addons would be definitely useful on The Legion.

Cold dirt

Before: Reduces the fatigue of Feral Frenzy by 0.6 seconds


  • Reduces the fatigue of Feral Frenzy by 0.5 seconds
  • Reduces the "Weapon Wiping" animation after hitting a Deep Wounded Survivor by 1 second


Before: Increases mending time by 1.5/ 2.5 seconds


  • Feral Frenzy attacks apply additional 2%/4% Hidden Wound Meter.

(Not sure about these addons!)


Before: Reduces the Deep Wound timer of all survivors by 3 seconds (XD)


  • Survivors Deep Wounded by Feral Frenzy attack are affected by Oblivious Status Effect until Mended.
  • When Survivor cancels or finishes the Mending action he screams revealing his location to the killer for 5 seconds

This addon is EXTREMELY outdated for a very long time. It needs changes. I think the idea i proposed here is fun, and matches the addon name :D


Before: Hitting a Deep Wounded survivor while in feral frenzy, shortens their Deep Wound timer by 5 seconds.

  • The Legion can start Feral Frenzy when the gauge is charged above 33%

(So, This addon is also very outdated. With this change you will be able to use Frenzy as a mobility power, and it could help you with some chases).


Very good addon, I'm not changing it!


Before: While using Feral Frenzy, the Repair Progression of Generators can be determined by the intensity of their Auras.


  • After vaulting a window or a pallet while in Feral Frenzy your power gauge stops draining for 2.5 seconds
  • While in Feral Frenzy Auras of Pallets and Windows within 12 meters are shown to you.

I think the old version of Fuming Mixtape is a bit boring and not so good. New version is way much entertaining to use, and can help the legion in a lot of situations! :D


With these changes, The Legion can have some lethality, but it's not worth to tunnel one person with him. Why? Look:


First hit: Applying Deep Wound, Applying 30% Hidden Wound = Total 30%

Second hit: + 20% Hidden Wound = 50%

Third hit: +20% Hidden Wound = 70%

Fourth hit: +20% Hidden Wound = 90%

Fifth hit: +20% Hidden Wound = 100%

Sixth hit: Hitting a survivor with 100% Hidden Wound = Downing


So, you need 6 FRENZY HITS to tunnel a survivor down. It will be way better for you, to apply Hidden Wound when applying Deep Wound, and when a survivor has it increased. For Example:


You see a survivor that has 60% of Hidden Wound.

First hit: You apply Deep Wound, +30% Hidden Wound: Total 90% Hidden Wound

Second hit: +20% hidden wound: Total 100% Hidden Wound

Third Hit: Downing a survivor


As u can see For tunneling players, this Legion buff won't be good, but when playing The Legion properly, it can give you some lethality. Also if the survivors want to be safe from downing they can just heal when they are around 60% of Hidden Wound and it will just go down passively :D. I hope you like it guys, tell me in the comments! I think it would be awesome to see something like that in the game!

See you in the fog!😱

Post edited by Szarman on


  • GrimReaperJr1232
    GrimReaperJr1232 Member Posts: 1,690
    edited May 2021

    Instead of calling it Hidden Wound, you can probably just call it laceration like we have with Trickster.

    Anyhow, while not what I would personally do to Legion, I like the changes.

    My 1 complaint is Legion pin. The devs don't like/want add-ons that affect gen speed anymore, so I'd probably have it apply Incapacitated for 40-60 seconds or something similar.

  • Szarman
    Szarman Member Posts: 247

    Hey! Thanks for the comment!

    I like your Legion pin idea. With some small tweaks it could be pretty neat! :D

  • Szarman
    Szarman Member Posts: 247


    • Changed The Legion Pin (@GrimReaperJr1232 idea), I think now it's pretty neat!
    • Made mending a little bit faster (compensate for survivors, because now they have to heal more frequently.)
  • Saltjar34
    Saltjar34 Member Posts: 766

    Actually, I kinda like this idea. However, the community will always find a way to claim that any lethality buff to legion would remove counterplay. I'd like to see what they think about this one

  • Szarman
    Szarman Member Posts: 247

    Thanks for your opinion! It's very nice to hear :D. I would also like to see other people opinions, but this post is just kinda becoming dead really fast, I don't know why, maybe Legion isn't a "hot" topic, or just This post is too long? I don't know but i would love to see more opinons! Also I dont want to make Legion overpowered or anything like that, just more fun to play as. The Legion now just chains hits and then becomes an m1 killer, with these changes u can use ur power much more frequently!. Thank you for your comment one more time! :D

  • Szarman
    Szarman Member Posts: 247

    Hey @AhoyWolf! Could you tell me what do you think about these changes? I would love to see your opinion on this :)

  • AhoyWolf
    AhoyWolf Member Posts: 4,096

    The idea is really interesting! The add-ons are amazing and what current Legion really needs! But to be honest I still stay with the idea that Legion should never be allowed to down Survivors with Feral Frenzy, even if it takes hours to do so. The power is just too easy to use to be ever lethal.

    But I think it would be worth a try if it was in the game, at least in the PTB, to see if it's actually too strong, or balanced and fun to go against! Or maybe even still underpowered. (I cannot really tell just from looking at the numbers alone, I would need to test it ingame to have a final judgement on this)

  • Szarman
    Szarman Member Posts: 247

    Thanks for your opinion. I think that lethality wouldn't be so oppressive, because survivors can play around that pretty well. A good swf could make that almost impossible to use because whenever the survivor is downed, the Hidden Wound meter is reverted to 0%. So they could use Deep Wound, to down themselves, and get up really quickly by a fast heal. Especially when someone has a medkit/We are gonna live forever/ some healing perks. Also very often you would just down a survivor with m1 which also reverts them to 0% Hidden Wound. But yeah, if we would like to see, if it's really balanced we would just have to play it and test it out. On paper it can sound balanced, but can be op, or even under performing :D. Thank you so much one more time for commenting! :D

  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452

    This is old Frank's mix tape Legion in disguise without the moonwalk. Hidden wound simply works like a surrogate deep wound timer removal. You can get a survivor at 50% hidden wound in your first frenzy. Then they would just get re-frenzied until downed. Just keep chasing them, as the hidden wound doesn't decline until fully healed.

    I'm either missing the point, or this doesn't solve the issues why Legion was changed back then. It just resurrects them.

  • GrimReaperJr1232
    GrimReaperJr1232 Member Posts: 1,690
    edited May 2021

    It takes 6 stabs to down someone.

    1 to apply, and the final being the down.

    That means enduring fatigue and recovery 4 times.

    3 sec fatigue + the proposed 15 sec recovery would be 72 secs of recovery/fatigue alone to get a down compared to Current Frank's 96 (or 72 if you use Stab Wounds and they stand still for 2 secs). none of this is including the time spent catching up after they hold W.

    Now, you COULD make an argument that this with the suggested Frank's could be a problem. Otherwise, this has the same problem current Frank's has if you try to tunnel; it'd take too long to be viable. Old Legion could have you downed within 20 secs if he moonwalked (faster with Old Frank's). The length matters.


    I have a question! What if a survivor has No Mither? Obviously, healing to remove the laceration isn't an option.

    I know, meme perk. But Oni was taken into consideration with No Mither so that they constantly drop blood for him instead of depriving him of his power, it'd be unfair if the treatment isn't mutual. Perhaps a passive decay that starts after mending? Maybe -1% or -2% per second? You could adjust the healing to instead remove a chunk of the laceration instead of instantly resetting it to 0.

    I'd also like to state my personal disagreement with changing the mend times. I think they're fine in their current state, although, you might be able to decrease the altruistic mend time from 8 to 6 to encourage more altruistic mending. It's faster for survivors, but also has them together which puts them at a fitting risk that being together against a Legion naturally entails.

    Post edited by GrimReaperJr1232 on
  • Szarman
    Szarman Member Posts: 247

    Thanks for a comment and your opinion! I hope that Grimreaper showed you that it's not the same as old frank's mixtape.

    Hey grim! Thanks for explaining how this would work for Bwsted. Also I wanted to clear out, that when Legion hit a Deep Wounded survivor, he has 5 seconds of cooldown:

    • Plays the "Weapon Wiping" animation for 2 seconds (Like when The Legion came out) and after that you get into the fatigue state.

    And also thanks for giving some more opinions. To be honest i forgot about No mither at all. I think it would be fair if "Hidden Wound" would passively decrease at rate 1% p/s after mending when broken. Because a survivor with no mither would have no other way to get out of it than just going into the dying state. Also what do you think, Should I change "Hidden Wound" to passively go down every time a survivor is broken? So for example when a survivor uses "For the People". That would be also a niche buff, that would compensate survivors for picking such a perks.

    And about the mending changes. Maybe that's right normal mending at 12 seconds is okay, but buffing altruistic mending slightly, would help survivors to get faster out of it, and make them more likely to group up and heal.

    Okay, I'm waiting for your statement about "Broken status effect" and then I will edit the post. Thank you so much for helping me to balance things out! :D

  • GrimReaperJr1232
    GrimReaperJr1232 Member Posts: 1,690

    That sounds a bit too complicated to code in. I'd stick with the idea of just after the laceration beginning to decay, perhaps after a brief delay period of 10-15 secs like OG Trickster (once they finished mending, naturally).

    Oh, and if it's the quick weapon wipe of 2 secs, then it's 80 secs instead of 72. I'm a real stickler when it comes to proper numbers.

  • Szarman
    Szarman Member Posts: 247

    hmm, I understand your idea now, but I don't really know how to make survivors feel a bit threatened with it. If I understand well, they could go to a generator after mending, and 15 seconds after mended they are starting to lose their Hidden Wound. It could be a good idea, but we would have to balance it out, to not make it just a timer that has no use, and decreases without doing anything with it. I have no idea how to balance it out

  • GrimReaperJr1232
    GrimReaperJr1232 Member Posts: 1,690

    True. If you put all the effort into this, then I'm sire you'll think of something.

  • Szarman
    Szarman Member Posts: 247


    • Added Smiley Face Pin
    • Added Defaced Smiley Pin
    • Changed self-mending back to 12%, but altruistic mending is still faster then before.
  • Saltjar34
    Saltjar34 Member Posts: 766

    I personally think you should switch the Blindness and Oblivious timer seeing as to how the former is literally useless on SWF

  • Szarman
    Szarman Member Posts: 247

    Hey! Thanks for a comment. That's right, that the Blindness status effect isn't very good, but it's an uncommon addon. We shouldn't give such a strong status effect like oblivious on uncommon addon. And also you have an ability to apply oblivious status effect with stab wounds study :). Thank you one more time for a comment, have a nice day :D

  • Saltjar34
    Saltjar34 Member Posts: 766

    I guess that makes sense. I kinda like Fuming Mixtape. It's like a weaker Zanshin and it has that pretty neat effect though it might be pretty strong in tight loops

  • Szarman
    Szarman Member Posts: 247

    Thanks, I also think this fuming mixtape could be pretty fun! Also it would change ur playstyle a little bit. Instead of running in a straight line maybe you would prefer to go within a line with some windows, or dropped pallets :)

  • Szarman
    Szarman Member Posts: 247


    • A small nerf for Legion Pin and new Movement Speed addons.
  • Nyx32
    Nyx32 Member Posts: 130

    I'm sure someone will complain that Legion could be viable

  • Szarman
    Szarman Member Posts: 247

    yeah, I just got people complaining on post game chat for picking franks mixtape XDDD

  • Szarman
    Szarman Member Posts: 247


    • Nerfed Movement Speed addons
    • New Cold Dirt
  • Szarman
    Szarman Member Posts: 247


    • Nerfed Susie's Mixtape to 6 meters less Terror Radius while not in Feral Frenzy (was 8 meters)
    • Nerfed Frank's Mixtape needed power gauge to start Feral Frenzy to 33% (was 25%)
    • Bigger Punishment after Missing an attack in Feral Frenzy. Now you lose 50% of total power gauge (was 25%)
  • R2k
    R2k Member Posts: 1,069

    10 character short comment that doesn't require any explanation if Legion will be reworked in mentioned way.