Survivors are so weak against lucky Pig

This killer can be nearly okay if played without camping, tunneling or slugging but it's an abomination of another boiling hot world when the pig gets unfair advantage because of RNG
First of all, there shouldn't be any sort of necessity to check all jigsaw boxes, it boring, unpleasant and can even guarantee a kill if you're unlucky and certain addons are used. Second of all, her reverse bear traps can kill you if the last generator pops if you're on the hook with the party hat, it's literally a free kill if the person is tunneled. Third of all, on top of her great stull ability she has stealth and dash for some reason that are not that overpowered but still feel like an overkill.
The Pig MAY be okay to deal with but most of the times the killer can get free kills and wins for just downing survivors at certain point of a match
"most of the times the killer can get free kills and wins for just downing survivors at certain point of a match"
I'm pretty sure almost of my kills have started with me downing survivors at certain points in the match.
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I refer to the issue of putting a trap when 1 gen remains. Once it pops, that's it, you're tunneled and dead. Unfair and boring
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That's how the killer is, she's luck based. However, dying to her traps are reasonably low if you don't greed objectives and start searching boxes. There will by times where you're just going to die, that happens with all killers, if they want you dead — sorry, don't know what to expect, you're dying. Pig's traps does make it worse, but at the same time, she risked staying at one generator and used it before it was completed, not wasting her trap.
Sometimes you just have to lose, can't win them all.
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extremely risky to do these days, now that traps are wasted after the last gen is done. If she hasn't used up her traps by the time 1 gen is left you have the upper hand anyway. If you are in this situation it's on your team to either try and delay opening the gates or all leave so you can get the hatch, which sadly might not always work out though. It's happened to me where the EGC timer is going down and my trap timer is going down and I'm by the hatch but my teammates insist on staying in the gates teabagging, slightly enraging...but not the killer's fault.
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Tampered timer and crate of gears are too strong but pig is too weak in general. Yet according to the devs she’s fine
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I was the 1st survivor down, trapped. My 1st box - fail. My 2nd box - fail.
Someone down, trapped, hooked. My 3rd box - fail.
While I was doing 4th box, she hook him close to by box. The trap on my head was already 95%, either I die by trap or get 2nd hook.
Yep, another trap on my head. Success at 3rd box. Died soon later.
I paid the whole match just searching boxes.
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I mean.... if it wasn't on Pig it'd be a problem but considering it's on a killer generally considered very weak... shrug?
It's frustrating, played vs a Pig with Crate and essentially searched 5 boxes and died (searched 4, on the second box i got hit and run at 99% progress....) but again It's pig. We kinda excuse Pig RNG cos she's weak the same way we excuse God Nurses for the hours put in.
Pig needs a rework top to bottom. Combat Straps base kit at minimum. Also the Crouch -> Dash thing reminds of the old Doctor Treatment / Punishment mode. Fairly Clunky.
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Devs are biased towards killers so that's not surprising at all.
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Only if you ignore every time the devs do nerf killers or buff survivors.
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When's Pig gonna get a chalk pouch of her own?
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She’s still debatably the worst killer in the game anyway so not really. They are pretty fair tbh
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Pig RNG is terribly annoying. It goes from first box escapes to head pops.
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Idk i mean 9/10 pig matches are an easy escape because of the rng traps so id say its a fair trade off.
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The amount of "ifs" here is hilarious.
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Some killers play fair, I take that into account
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can even guarantee a kill if you're unlucky
can kill you if the last generator pops if you're on the hook with the party hat
it's literally a free kill if the person is tunneled
Also, dash and stealth being too much? Really? Imagine if her only power was a completely RNG reliant form of slowdown.
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Technically having an activated headtrap at the end isn't impossible for you to survive. That survivor needs to find hatch, have the others leave through the gates, and then they get the hatch, so the headtrap doesn't go off.
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dont lie