What happened to the PC players?

Is it just me? Anytime I get in a game it's all console players about 90 percent of the time. It feels like very few PC players are left. Did they all just decide to opt out of cross platform? Last time I did that, I kept getting in the same lobby of five people for three games straight. Or, did the devs burn that many bridges because they won't listen to criticisms about how buggy, broken, and unbalanced the game is? It's so obvious the devs don't even play the game. I get it that Behavior as a company has to make money to pay themselves, their employees, and whatever other bills they need to pay. I'm only playing currently because the rift has decent rewards this time around, but the game is still crap.
I'm on Xbox and I have Crossplay disabled.
I don't enjoy playing against people who have an unfair advantage over me.
I doubt people on PC have turned it off.
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I play pc and it seems it's pretty even in terms of pc vs console player amounts
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I play on PC with Crossplay on for faster queue. I'm not sure if something has change since the MMR test.
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Seems like you only made this thread because you wanted to complain about Behavior and not because you care about PC players. I'm on PC and I see one or two every other match, we are just diluted due to the fact there are more console players.
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Playing on PC mostly with cross play off atm. But that's only because it's like a more tryhard/competitive mode.
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I'm pretty sure console players make up the majority. I'd guess steam and ps4 are the biggest two and xbox pushes it over, but I'd be interested to see what the actual numbers are.
Also your post deviates pretty far from the original point
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There simply are more Console Players than PC.
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What do you mean unfair advantage?
Also it is possible to have cross play turned off as a steam user at because it's divided by specific platform I think, there is also window users we can't forget that. But during the day getting match is quick, at nigh however it takes way too long without cross play. But some people that I know do have cross platform off on PC, since according to them consoles on average play worse.
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Unfair advantage as in better and more stable performance, if you haven't seen the mega thread created by Pulsar about it there are some real good examples of the issues in it. If I was on console I would probably end doing the same.
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Check the giant 1K thread for clips showing what Console deals with.
Many PC's don't deal with those issues, ergo, an unfair advantage.
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Better frame rate, stretched res, etc.
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on pc for the same price there are better games and less toxic
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Altogether console does indeed outnumber PC, plus more of the console population play as a surv. And for good reason, have you played killer on an Xbox?
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I’m still here
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I am pc player and how i have advantage?
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Not everyone has stretched resolution, or better frame rates. And this to me seems like and previous generation hardware issue since it seems this is affecting base Xbox one, and the base ps4. Because I played on the ps4 pro and never experienced lag issues. And on my old PC which only had 8gb of ram, it would lag a lot as well.
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I never experienced them either, but I've seen a lot of clips. We're the luck ones.
Yes, PC will typically have better frame rates. And stretched res is a choice for PC, but completely impossible for console.
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Better frame rate, less freezing, ect
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At this point they most likely have looked into the issue. But I believe this has something to do with the old hardware on the base previous generation consoles the original ps4/xbox one. And if that is the case then most likely they can't really do nothing about it. Because as I said I have an pc that had 8gb of ram and I would experience the same thing lag, and low frame rates and freezing. That was until I bought another piece of 8gb ram and installed it make it a total of 16gb ram... and what you know I no longer had those issue on my old pc. Because again I played this game on the ps4 pro, not the base ps4 the mid-upgraded system and never sufferer from any lag/freezing issue. and my brother still plays it on the ps4 pro and he never suffers from lag.
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Next gen consoles fixed it, but PC players still do have advantages
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Playing 60 fps it's not an advantage, it's a normal thing in 2021.
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It's an advantage when a majority of players do not get to play on it.
I'm not blaming people who DO have 60 FPS for using it, but I am blaming BHVR for allowing the disparity to continue
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I really do not know how much different? Because i am seeing so much good console players. For example i had one console Nea on my team last night. We were 3 pc survivors. And other 2 were potatoes and i will be honest, Nea carried team so well.
So i really do not think there is big differences. Because people are coming from console have good players, bad players like pc. Performance is not big deal.
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It is an advantage when you consider console feels like your playing on 15 fps. Most interactions freeze the game on console (sloppy, using your ability, etc). Also stretch res on PC is an advantage, 3rd party software that turns brightness up is an advantage. I could go on and on about the advantages a PC player has over console.
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I'm playing on the One X.
Even my Xbox One from 2013 ran Battlefront II at 45 FPS.
You going to tell me Battlefront II from 2017 is less intense than DBD?
Either way, BHVR said they'd get 60 FPS on Xbox One and PS4.
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Have you seen the thread with 1K comments?
Go look, please and tell me it isn't different.
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Check steam charts, there's more PC players than ever before. I had instant lobbies (as survivor) during the entire RE PTB. During the MMR test, the majority of my teammates were PC, but the console players were just as good.
Console survivors outnumber PC survivors, especially in the evenings. It's been this way since crossplay was introduced. I still see more PC killers, however.
I can never find games with crossplay off though, just lobby simulator.
These are my observations, red ranks solo NA east.
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Both Pulsar and I play this game on Xbox1x which came out around the same time they ported this game over to console. So say 2018 sometime, when DBD had been out for about two years. And we both have these performance issues.
Bottom line is it shouldn't take a NASA-strength pro gaming computer to properly run a five year old game, especially as our systems run far more demanding games with little to none of the problems.
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Even some of those on the next gens have reported the beginnings of the same frame drops here on the forum. So it is not universally fixed.
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Wouldn't that just be a unfair disadvantage rather than an unfair advantage
since the pc players had nothing to do with those issues, ergo its something wrong with the game, ergo its a disadvantage on your side rather than an advantage on theirs if an advantage is not having to deal with X problem its not an advantage, its a disadvantage the devs have to fix, and you seem to be directing how you feel about it at the wrong people
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They do have the advantage of stretched res, which we can't use.
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I am upset because that person seemed to be dismissing the issue, saying it didn't matter.
A disadvantage for one side is an advantage for the other.
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Stretched res looks like dog ######### and the only people that use is are sweaty esports wannabes that will use anything at their disposal to cheat within the parameters of the game.
I've also seen brightness thrown around and I'll give you a simple fix for brightness on console, turn up your TV brightness and adjust the color and saturation settings. Every modern monitor/television has color and brightness settings built into them that can be adjusted.
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It's still an advantage, and more people than you would think use it.
I never said anything about brightness
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No but I was ps4 for a long time. Playing killer felt like fighting the game itself more than the survivors.
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I'm on PC. Last time I've turned it off, I was against the exact same player each time, and my teammates were almost exactly the same. It was like we were ten different Survivors and one Killer playing.
And I don't know, each time the queue is fast, but I stay ten minutes in the lobby because that Nea doesn't stop to leave the lobby, being in again, leave, in, leave... Until staying because it seemed no one else apart us was playing...
(I said Nea as an example, but each time it was the same, one or two players left the lobby, went back, left, etc., making the waiting time super long.)
Do you have often the same players in your lobbies?
I always wanna hug Killers who play on console, because I've heard how optimization isn't cool...
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I should probably turn mine off as well. Have you noticed a difference in how your matches??