I really dislike tinkerer

Not only does this perk make it really hard to get gens done if they have ruin undying and it can activate multiple times, if somebody is already dead this perk makes it really hard to complete the rest of the gens even if you already got rid of ruin. I’ve been in so many situations where we just need one gen with two people left and we’re pretty competent loopers but as soon as the killer gets the notification they can just stop it. It’s very auto pilot and annoying.
Yeah I can agree a little bit that Tinkerer needs to be toned down a bit. It can definitely feel very oppressive with Ruin as you said.
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The best solution I can think of is to allow the perk to give only one notification per gen to the killer and then force him to police those gens himself. Because you’re very right, the game is basically over when two people are dead because there is no possible way to finish the remainder. You need two people working on one gen in order to complete it by the time he gets there, and when he does he’ll probably tunnel one of you. The odds that you’re going to be able to do that last gen by yourself? Not good. Don’t get me started on how often I’ve had the last gen 99ed only to have the killer PGTW it.
I don’t even mind it with Ruin because that is just early match if you’re smart. But PGTW at the end makes it super aggravating.
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And i really dislike Borrowed Time but both here
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Tinkerer nurse
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Tinkere dont need a nerf i think survivor should always play with tinkerer in mind like that no way you can get caugh by the perk
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I hate Tinkerer too. It makes playing Killer way too damn easy.
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I LOVE tinkerer Nurse. The amount of gen grabs I get is actually insane. I need to start running that again 😂
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I always play with Tinkerer in mind, but it doesn’t change that once one or two people are eliminated that the only way you can play against it is to hope for the hatch. At that point there simply is not enough distractions left to make repairs viable. It gets very boring.
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Yeah, let's nerf a perk that allows killers with 0 pressure on the map, be able to have pressure on the map!
For things like this Nurse and Spirit will remain broken. Not only are they very strong, but most of the nerfs barely affect them while it affects other killers a lot.
If they nerf Tinkerer, they should buff certain killers (or buff some perk out of the many weak ones of applying map pressure).
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I don't really dislike Tinkerer for its strength, but more for its hand-holdiness.
Want to find survivors but don't want to actually look? Just go here! Gens getting done and you're not sure which ones? Just go here! Need to think about where you want to use Pop? No need, just go here!
Want to go on Autopilot? Slap on RuinDying and just go here, it plays itself!
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Basically this. You dont need any Map Awareness with Tinkerer, you just get the information.
With Ruin and old Undying, Tinkerer was the problematic Perk out of those 3 IMO - it was a "free pressure" sign, because every Killer can go to a Gen, as long as only 1 Survivor is on it. High Mobility Killers made it to every Gen nearly all of the time.
Like, when I prestiged Blight, I got lucky and had Ruin/Undying/Tinkerer and I won all of my games with a Killer I am not familiar with, who is really hard to learn.
BUT I dont think that they will tone down Tinkerer anytime soon, the Perk only got buffed quite recently and before it was too weak.
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At that point its a battle of attrition, 2 survivor remain if each of you work on a different gen the killer wont be able to protect both gen at the same time.
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Bbbbbbuuuut. What if I use it on Bubba...with no slowdown I like being ninja bubba 🥷trail of torment too muahaha
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If you end the game as killer with tinkerer and 2 gens and 2,survs left, you have won. The killer only can go to 1 gen, but you can’t finish both
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Yes, BUT… you will still only get 1 out of 2 repaired and still not be able to open the gate, so what’s the point? Think about it.
Best case scenario, one person escapes, and it likely won’t be by getting gens done.
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Tinkerer is one of those things that can really grind my gears sometime, but I also totally use it when I play killer.
I think slapping a cooldown would make it a little bit more balanced.
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For me once I know they have it, I play around it and get the gen to the ‘tinkerer’ stage… walk away and bamboozle the killer.
A straight counter to it is Spine Chill. It lets you know if the killer is coming to your gen and not others.
Either way you are wasting their time because they will be looking for you.
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Why you gotta call me out like that?
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Or often times, both survivor ditch all gens and look for boxes and hatch to circumvent this situation.
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24 secs it’s too much. Wraith can move 144 meters in this time. A 115% killer 110 meters
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This is something I haven't really thought of.
I think there should be more effort to balance perks around game state.
So killer perks that start very strong and get weaker for each player who is eliminated, survivor perks that get stronger for the same.
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I always use tinkerer, and when I kill 2 survs I know I have win. Since the perk buff 2 survs couldn’t repair a single gen in my matches, and I’m not the best killer
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I mean it doesn't need to become completely useless just an increase in cool down would be good I've tested it with my friend on 1v1 on custom match and 1v2 aswell it's definitely a horrible perk to go up against late game I swear it has like an 8 second cool down
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ToT is fine. That’s not regularly giving repair progress information entirely for free.
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Welp, Tinkerer was fun while it lasted, but I suppose it does need to be tuned down. It's definitely a lot more powerful than it needs to be.
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I would just like if it wouldn't be able to trigger on THE SAME gen for some time, 30 or 45 seconds or something.
Other than that, it is fine.
The way to deal with it you more often than not should split on gens, if ruin is present, maybe even prioritize hex hunting, if killer constantly drops chase to chase off the tinkeker.
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Meanwhile in the real world, ruin lasts all but 30 seconds into the match.
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Generally speaking survivors aren't exposed to complete generators AT ALL when its down to the last two.
Tinkerer doesn't realistically do anything in those situations as you have effectively already won.
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Surveillance doesn't give undetectable status effect too
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I am here mainly wondering what streamer/content creator cried about tinkerer to get the community to try to get it nerfed?
I mean tinkerer isn't a very good perk as its symptomatic perk as its usually a "Hay your losing" perk a lot of the time and if the killer is getting constant value from it that means survivors are pressuring generators hard.
It getting constant value means generator completion speed has gone crazy as it never saw any play when gen rushing wasn't the status quo.
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They still get the terror radius to hold their hand while they try to get close up footage of their characters face on the gen. Using your 360 degree, third person camera to actually look for the killer.. ew
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Tinkerer is the best killer perk right now for good killers. You don’t need anything else to win a match . I see more and more killers using it. Yesterday I saw a plague with it. When killers realize about it power you’ll see it almost every match.
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This not to be rude but your experience against is probably not as bad as you think(confirmation bias).
Also you seem rather new given the idea that you think that tinkerer alone carries games given that it doesn't help most killers at all.
Being notified a generator is being completed doesn't matter if you can't reach it and several killers just flatout can't use undetectable like Huntress/Trickster as they always have the Lullaby(Warning sounds) regardless of if your undetectable or not.
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Yeah, I don't like how strong it is now, especially with Ruin or Surge. However, I have to give it points for that one time it told me I was going against a super sneaky hacker.
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People are complaining because tinkerer gives simply way too much for literally zero effort
Anyway my problem is not tinkerer, it's regression perks. Imho tinkerer per se is fine, it's the regression perks that are a problem 🙂
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Tinkerer should have a cooldown, when much weaker perks have 2 minute cooldown
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How is it too strong with surge? And its okay that a hex perk is strong.
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The difference is that 70% of Gen Progress is a really early tell compared to the previous 85%. 85% made it really situational, 70% basically ensures that every Killer can go to a Gen being worked on by one Survivor and high mobility Killers manage to get to every Gen, maybe except with 4 people on it.
And it is not like it only has its value if the team is focussing solely on Gens. even the most chill and unproductive team can get to 70% repair progress at some point, which can be denied by the Killer.
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My experience is 4.500 hours. I know what I’m saying.
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Tinkerer should increase gen progression for survivors. It is called tinkerer after all
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If a Killer makes its way to the Gen with 1 person working on it, they have 24 seconds to interrupt. This is 110 meters for a 4,6m/s-Killer. 105 meters für a 4,4 Killer.
This is a lot of distance.
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That's not accounting for obstacles in your way nor having to literally drop what your doing to go directly at it to have said time and that's without anything increasing the generator speed.
Realistically no your not reaching the generator unless its nearby or your playing as a fast killer.
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That’s because it was way weaker before usually activating when you literally couldn’t reach the gen
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As usual, literally half of those perks are countered by going for the unhooker. Dead hard is a problem on like two killers (nurse and blight), literally all other killers can bait it out without any downside. Dead hard for distance is also fine as long as bloodlust is in the game. Iron will? Seriously? I'd focus on your tracking abilities if i were you.
Gen regression perks are problem for both these scenarios: when killers aren't able to end chases fast enough, they get the chance to prologue the game when the survivors are clearly better.
On the other hand, especially against soloqueuers, they give tons of added pressure when the hook stage + healing + having to actually go to unhook already grants enough pressure on the opposite team. Unless you find it fun to stomp people at 5 gens, of course.
All in all it can be summed up with: good killers don't need gen regression, unless going against strong coordinated teams (once every never? -might change with MMR as i happened to see with the last test)
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Its been in this buffed state for nearly a year and I can tell you it hasn't been meta for anywhere near that long.
Btw I am still wondering what streamer/content creator sparked this sudden anger towards Tinkerer.
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No one from what I know surprisingly. I think people have just kinda realised how strong it is on high mobilty killers
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You don't need a content creator to always say something for people to talk about it here. People can think for themselves too, you know?
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Because for the price of doing absolutely nothing the gen gets regressed back below 70%, which is the Stealth Plague build I was running at the time of the hacker I mentioned.
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Hello are you aware of solo queue survivors who cannot coordinate Tinkerer procs?
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My whole philosophy revolves around the fact that killer is at its best state ever right now and that, unless facing a really strong squad, slow down perks are extremely overtuned