Suggestion to make Hex:Blood Favour actually worth the hex perk

First things first, I would increase the cooldown to 60 seconds on all tiers or possibly even 80 seconds(for a VERY good reason, dont worry) and keep the basic attack trigger. Because this is an effect that I think is so powerful that it deserves additional requirements beyond it being a hex perk.
But instead of holding all the pallets up for 15 seconds within 16 meters, I would have it destroy all the pallets within 8/12/16 meters, regardless if they were dropped or not(ofcourse, only going into cooldown if any pallets are actually broken).
The only change Blood Favour needs is to remove the cooldown. There's no reason it needs it since it's already a hex and even as a hex blocking nearby pallets for a short time isn't that strong since survivors can just run away with the speed boost from being hit.
It would at least make it useful against pallet saves if you down a survivor under a pallet.
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I don't know - this seems like it'll be a one-use a game kind of perk. Not great, unless your first chase is in shack.
I'd personally remove the cooldown, increase the range by a little bit and make it so that it blocks dropped pallets as well, preventing them from being vaulted.
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Have it just destroy dropped pallets and then block undropped pallets in a 16 meter range, and remove the cooldown.
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Thing is, you can already instaswing after grabbing a survivor under a pallet to avoid a pallet save(you do need to be off-center and aim to the nearest exit, sure, but it still works).
Since survivors get a 6.0 m/s speed after a hit for 2 seconds, that means that a survivor could have moved 12 meters before the killer is done with his hit animation, since they want to be as far as possible from the killer, that means they will probably be further than 16 meters away from the point of impact by the time the killer catches up again. Let alone that they can also instadrop a pallet the moment they are hit, still dropping the pallet that would otherwise have been standing up.
Even with the cooldown removed, it's not really worth calling it a hex perk when there is a hex perk that blocks windows when you have loud vaults, when you have a hex perk that literally gives you an instadown on any survivor for 60 seconds with a basic attack, when there is a hex perk that gives you aura reading on every single survivor for 10 seconds regardless which hex perk they cleansed.
In fact, you could double the current cooldown, make it a normal perk and it would actually be a good perk worth a slot. But removing the cooldown doesnt make it worth a hex slot.
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that would be too OP tho
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Even if its used once in a game, it instantly turns a significant portion of the map into a deadzone, and survivors wont know untill they get hit. They wont be able to communicate it to others unless they are premades, let alone that they would need to find the totem before you can trigger it a second time.
Being able to destroy unused pallets is extremely powerful, there is a reason there are no mechanics in the game currently that would destroy it, which is why I think having a significant cooldown, being a hex and requiring a basic attack would be worth that kind of power.
A jungle gym where a survivor wants to tank a hit to loop the same structure 6 times more because they saved a pallet? Gone to dust.
A survivor who can see 2 pallets in quick succession and plans on chaining them? Reduced to ashes.
Any time you play on The Game? Party time.
It's a kind of power that would force survivors to stop what they are doing and locate the totem before you can trigger it's effect multiple times. Just like Devour. Except instead of 2 unhooks that the killer needs to get, they have 80 seconds to both locate it and cleanse it. Precious seconds where no one is working on gens and the game is completely under your control untill that totem is cleansed.
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To my knowledge, Blood Favour alerts the whole team when it activates. At least, I've been alerted to it being a thing when not being chased and when not even in the terror radius.
This is one of the more balanced ways to implement a perk to destroy upright pallets, though. I'd say if this change was made, either the mapwide notification shouldn't be a thing OR the cooldown should be lowered to 40 seconds or so. Probably not both, though.
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I don't think it should destroy pallets, but I do think pallets should remain blocked until the hex is broken.
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I think that'd be too powerful. IMO it should block pallets in a 32 metre range and affect special attacks as well. Oh and remove that unnecessary cooldown.
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Just tie the cooldown with the perk's duration and make it activate upon entering chase with an injured survivor. Even then I'm not sure if it's worth the hex
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I agree, it's the cool down that should get removed.
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Just apply the 16m block from the area from the basic attack to a 16m radius around the killer after the basic attack lands
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I do agree that it's kinda bad if the survivor runs from the loop with the speed boost so maybe they can make it so that the survivor who got hit is unable to put pallets down for a certain amount of time maybe? it kinda needs a buff or take the ''hex'' status from it, it doesn't seem worth the hex perk.
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Or the basic attack requirement, or the hex part