Devs please consider the following changes


First love the game. I enjoy all aspects including playing both sides and the side missions to keep us interested. it is tons of fun.

That being said, i see way too much chatter about how powerful the Cannibal is so I know I'm not in the minority here and I will start here. Without rehashing the many points people have made, regardless it seems to be a problem. I would suggest a couple ideas just to try and see if it helps balance the scales.

1) perhaps make the chainsaw incredible hard to control. Think driving a small boat through a yacht's wake.

2) give it 1 or maybe 2 charges at max. After that he needs to refuel. Opens locker gets a tank of gas.

3) not a huge fan of this option but just make the chainsaw wound you. since you are able to hit multiple things, destroy objects and have the control you do, just make it take one health away.

Next, his perk, BBQ and Chili, I am sure you have the capabilities to see which perks the killers and survivors run with the most. biggest problem i have with the game is you are playing against the same combinations of perks way too often. if this statement is correct, the tops 3-5 on this list probable need to be looked at and addressed. That being said, I am sure tops of this list would be BBQ and Chili (or as I like to call it BBQ and Chill). knowing what direction to head every time someone is hooked is more than a huge advantage especially if once you get there you can level and put another person on the hook. I do know there are ways around this (jumping in a locker for one). However, you aren't always close to a locker and this will be close to the majority of the time. And while Jeff Jon's perk Distortion helps greatly here, only three charges on that is way to limiting (suggestion on that in a second). I think there are 2 easy fixes to this perk that doesn't destroy it and still makes it powerful enough to run with.

1) the easiest fix, make it a hex. you still have this great power and the players have to take the time to find and destroy that totem. with all the ways to protect totems, you really shouldn't be harming this perk badly and still make it very playable

2) this one i think will work but i like option 1 better. don't let him see all the auras. let him only see 1 or 2 and those being the ones that are available that are furthest away (so if the furthest away was in a closet or had distortion, it would go to the next one. If you opt to have him see 2 auras, drop it to one when someone dies.

Regarding the Distortion perk. I think this needs to be boosted slightly. With the many ways a killer can see Auras, this can burn away quickly. I have seen the Wraith and Shape kill this within moments of the game starting. Simple change I would think would fix this and not make it broken. Keep is at the 3 tokens to start with a max of 3. whenever a generator is fixed or a totem is cleansed (and you make it this character needs to cleanse the totem), you gain a token. I wouldn't think this would make the perk broken and make it more playable.

Last one. While I like this last suggestion I can understand why it might not be well received. One of the great things about the game is its "easy to play but hard to master" design. This change might make it a bit complicated to some. I think it would be fun to have a certain amount of points to use when assigning perks. Each perks, depending on how powerful it is, has a point value. this is mostly done already in the game in the order perks are unlocked to become Teachable. you have 7 points to build your character and the perks are worth 1, 2 or 3 points. A perk value is the same no matter what level it is(this is more done for simplicity sake and I don't think there is a huge broken different between 1, 2 and 3rd level of the perk). For example, BBQ and Chili is worth 3 points no matter if you have it at level 1, 2 or 3. Each character has three skills that would break out into this 1, 2 3 format. To use a character's skills as an example: Laura Strode: 1 pt Sole Survivor, 2 pts Object of the Obsession and 3 points Decisive strike. Also, all standard perks (not character specific) are worth 1 point. By making it a 7 point build, the characters will be able to start with their 3 perks and have 1 additional perk. Or up this # to 8 point build. This change will make it so players on either side can't just stack the best and brightest all the time. If you the devs are able to see what perks players run with the most, you can use this to help guide assigning the points to the perks. Like i said I understand if this one is vetoed because some might think it too complex. just an idea I had.

Thank you again. Think the game is great. Please consider these changes. I do welcome you thoughts on this.



  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    Not exactly a nerf... buuuuut I'd like to comment on these changes :>

    First of all - The Cannibal

    I don't know if he's overpowered. He's gotten way better after his mini rework that's for sure! That's why, I'm not sure if he needs nerfs... But anyways

    1) Like when Blight or Billy try to steer their run? But... why tho? He can't get through an entire map. Like his cooldown after the chainsaw could be longer that I would agree on.

    2) Again, he's melee and gets countered by windows. Characters that have to refuel at lockers can hit you OVER windows and/or pallets.

    3) Giving him a Limiter...? Then he would use his chainsaw only to contest pallets... Which survivors could use to be more greedy.


    And now to BBQ! And yes, again, I do not think this needs a nerf. This perk is (mostly) used for it's BP gains, the aura reading is a nice add-on to that effect (same as WGLF has it's healing now)

    1) But, if we go by your logic, wouldn't the meta become stale with "defend your totems" builds being more common?

    2) That's... interesting? There are still A LOT of ways to counter BBQ. But if they really wanted to nerf it then I guess this would be it.


    Distortion is a yes.

    And for the last one, while I understand this point of view, making it require "slots" of some sorts would make it confusing and just not make sense sometimes (For Dwight, Ace, Bill or Meg which perks are considered better resulting in costing more?)

  • tolore
    tolore Member Posts: 101

    I don't have strong opinions cannibal, but i think he's largely considered a pretty mid tier killer, not great, not horrible.

    BBQ though, I think is widely regarded as the most well designed perk in the game. It does everything you want for the health of the game. It rewards killers for not camping/tunneling, It telling the killer where to go after i strong(ish), but having that knowledge makes a killer less likely to just stand by the hook. For purely knowing how to find survivors, there are way strong perks than BBQ and chilli, I guarantee if you nerf BBQ to the point where it's used less, survivors will be found easier, and camping/tunneling will happen more. The only reason BBQ and chili is as popular as it is is because of the blood point gain.

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    Bubba doesn't need a nerf.

    BBQ doesn't need a nerf.

    Yeah, Distortion could use a buff.

    No offense, but that point-system thing sounds like a horrible idea. Just let people use the perks they want to.

  • Beelzeboop
    Beelzeboop Member Posts: 1,306
  • halibut5
    halibut5 Member Posts: 4

    While I like the promoting of no camping knowing where someone where everyone is often leads to the character knowing someone not that far away. If he is between the hooked person and the nearest person, while yes not camping, you still are doing the next best thing. This is why I suggested just seeing the furthest person.

    Jills new perk just lets you see the furthest totem, same thing here. Keep the BP bonus, let them know a direction of that furthest person. Still gives them a direction and encourages them not to camp. But everyone not within 40 meters is a bit much.

    as for Bubba,I see more rage quits then any other character when playing against or with him. He needs to be nerfed.