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How to let know you wanna farm?



  • Member Posts: 2,732

    m1 the generators that usually sends the message

  • Member Posts: 544

    Pls don't farm just play the game you get enough bp and farming is suuuuupeer annoying for survivors who just waited 5 min for a game

  • Member Posts: 127

    The best advice I can give to this topic is don't "farm." Don't signal that you're friendly. Just play the game light heartedly without tunneling or camping; focusing on making the chases fun, because in the end the most BP comes from chases that have interplay between the killer and survivors. Survivors need to be able to make plays and killers need to be able to make plays. If you choose to keep track of hooks and not get that third hook that's up to you but the survivors should feel like they are actually playing the game and that they need to run or the game is going to be boring for them. I think as killer you'll also get bored of the grind if you aren't actually engaging in the game itself and all you're doing is grinding out BP.

  • Member Posts: 372

    And it's also been said by Peanits and Mandy and another dev, it's NOT bannable and never will be unless you try and force the survivor to. Like keep downing them to let others heal when they just want to play and move on.

  • Member Posts: 372

    I dont wait 5 minutes or longer for a lobby. A.d sometimes I actually enjoy farming with a killer. Instead of the scummy sweat hard tunneling and camping.

  • Member Posts: 372

    It's still NOT bannable unless you're forcing a survivor to. Please stop being uninformed

  • Member Posts: 709

    Teaming with the other side is bannable. They would need to report you and if they farmed with you... they are just as guilty.

    Why not just play killer?

  • Member Posts: 788

    If you spot each other just stand still and swing at rocks or trees or whatever repeatedly. They'll get the picture in a few seconds.

  • Member Posts: 2,632

    I used to DC against farming killers, but, well, that's not an option anymore, so I go stand in a corner and ignore everyone until I get hit.

  • Member Posts: 1,920

    It's funny because killers who derank and farm make it really hard for survivors to get challenges done.

  • Member Posts: 99

    Actually as farming killer you can help survivors get challenges done too for example chase time, vaulting in chase, doing x amount of gen repairs in a game. I only farm while doing tome challenges to let them know its just me trying to o a challenge. I dont play killer at all since im a surv main, and i love the farm from time to time

  • Member Posts: 804

    Note to self. Hit generators to bait survivors out of hiding

  • Member Posts: 56

    walk towards me and give me some free hits and ill have you 4ked before 60 seconds

  • Member Posts: 1,920

    Yes I'm aware. But not every farming game is going to necessarily be one that helps you with whatever challenge. And I'm seeing about 1/3 of my games lately are killers hiding and deranking, not farming at all. It's a total waste of my time.

  • Member Posts: 1,480

    Usually I'll just approach a survivor and if they start running, I just stop and stare at them. Most of the time when they notice I stop, they turn around and check, and when they see me standing there, they usually turn around and start acting silly with me.

    When they don't turn around, I'll chase them like normal, and I'll get them down, but swing a couple times and nod my head, and then pick them up and stand still (like I don't plan on taking them to a hook.) If they start wiggling, I'll drop them, swing and shake my head no, and try to pick them up again. By that time, I think it's probably plenty of warning that I don't want to kill them, so if they continue to struggle, I just try to take them out of the game since they want to fight me so badly.

    Some people will just never take the hint, but I feel like 90% of the time or more survivors will notice what you're doing. Just gotta know when to cut your losses if you don't wanna lose the game for no reason that other 10-ish percent of the time.

  • Member Posts: 368

    1.) Play pig, follow a surv while crouched and roar. Hopefully, they will come boop the snoot.

    2.) Find surv, hit gen they were (hopefully) working on repeatedly.

    3.) Nodding and spinning.

    But also don't be surprised if they don't get it/don't want to farm and play normally.

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