WHY don't people want sbmm/mmr?
If that is the only things you've seen then you didnt even look to see what peoples arguments are.
- People have little faith that bhvr will actually be able to make a proper mmr system.
- IF they do make a proper system then if you want to win you will have to play consistently more and more sweaty and frankly the meta in this game is really f'ing boring to many, on both sides.
- Many would prefer to have what is essentially a casual and ranked playlist if they do plan to implement it where the mmr only works in ranked so that they could at least still play the more laid back casual experience that people like in the current state of the game.
- If you are gonna implement an mmr why not have ranks associated with it instead of some magic number in the sky determining your rating with a rank you at least know generally where you are compared to the rest of the player base as well as giving the player at least some sense of improving
- Perk and killer diversity will shrink most likely very drastically, more so at higher mmr scores or ranks or whatever, lower ranks will have more of the weaker killers and perks as well as mostly solo queues where as higher ranks will be filled with the meta killers with their meta builds and swfs with their own meta perks and tactics
Those are the most popular ones from the top of my head and with every one of these tests they hold people have had the same or similar feedback to them and have gotten little to no clarifications on many important aspects of how they plan to roll this out, but that seems to be the mantra of BHVR if they don't communicate what we plan to do then nobody can have expectations and I know why they do this but it creates a massively frustrating situation
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You can play chill and still win at least somewhat consistently if you are just good at the game with sbmm if you continue wanting to win you will have to play more sweaty or just continuously going on streaks of losing and winning. There is a reason that actually competitive games have casual and ranked playlists.
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I'm still waiting for actual details on what data they are collecting and comparing in order to judge skill.
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This is what some people seem to be (delibrately) missing - if you fool around and play for fun your MMR won't be as high as if you were playing sweaty so you will get chiller enemies. And as each killer will have its own MMR, then whenever you can play a new killer and relax.
Also it will be much better for people who are high rank atm and want to learn a new Killer.
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So you like being slugged and tunneled or having survivors pre drop every pallet while survivors just hold M1 on a gen. The meta in this game is super f'ing lame.
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This part about Killers each having their own is problematical, though. Yes, each Killer has a power that takes some getting used to, but a lot of Killer behavior is the same across the board (including simply how you approach playing Killer) which means we're going to have a lot of experienced Killers slaughtering actual new folks simply because they are using a Killer they don't play a lot.
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Very true, unless you are playing a killer that has a high skill ceiling. But honestly nobody wants to sweat every game and if thats what this system creates thats going to hurt the playerbase. Especially when they make tomes like "sacrifice all 4 survivors in the basement in one trial" that is not going to happen vs good survivors. The matchmaking is fine as is just protect the noobs more.
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Because I don't want all of my matches to be a ######### miserable experience
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Because DBD at a competitive level is the most boring thing ever.
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Because most people can't accept to lose. They can't process the fact that however they want to play, their mmr will rate them accordingly and put them in matches were they'l, win some and lose some. They want to win when they're sweating and they want to win when they chill. And if you want to only win when you chill, then you're not really chilling. You literally want easy games.
^case in point.
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The problem is that there's only so much you can limit yourself if you're naturally good at the game. You're gonna be high MMR no matter what you do unless you intentionally throw games which begs the question of why you're playing in the first place.
For example, whether a good survivor uses DS/BT/Unbreakable/Dead Hard or a Mettle of Man build doesn't change the fact that the player might be pretty good at looping and wasting the killer's time; so what are you gonna do? Intentionally let yourself get caught in order to not sweat?
The same as killer. If you're good at your killer of choice, you're probably gonna win anyway against chill survivors even if you don't try super hard so you're eventually gonna reach higher MMR.
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If you're playing to the full extent of your ability, then you're not "playing chill". You are, in fact, "sweating".
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That's what I thought after the last MMR test when I tried huntress who I'd barely played (I may suck with her but I can kill brand new players with her)
But the devs posted today that halfway through this test they added a more general rating across killers which should stop that happening.
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I would prefer not having to sweat every game and still feel dissatisfied when winning.
If they made killer more appealing so more people played it, it would help with the rainbow ranks issue.
The randomness of matches makes them fun, since in one match I could be getting stomped while in another i'll be stomping. Just make a separate comp mode with MMR that rewards Iri Shards and bonus BP.
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I mean, i only play solo survivor and not intentionally throw the game. If i really wanted to sweat i could play in SWF. During the MMR test i went a lot against P3/Fancy skin NOED Spirits. There's already very low variety, this is just gonna make the game more boring than it already is.
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community isnt big enough for a truly competitive scene and the casual nature of the game is half the reason the streamers can be so engaged in their chat. Sweating every game will expose a lot of problems and cause even less killers. I think that is the general consensus among players that have actually been around for a long time. That being said I think a partial MMR would be what I would like to see. DBD has never been fun when you have to sweat it out every single game.
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yet as a killer at least the gameplay will either become tedious and stale or always 'feel' like sweat tot hem once they hit their personal mmr ceiling... so it isn't gonna help retain them in the LONG run while it probably will in the SHORT game like the first few months or so after mmr is out. something is going to need to be done if killers won't be seeing any more weak links in the teams they face whether they are swf or not imo. Since it'll become difficult to get a foothold in the match probably, and that will lead to losing interest in the gameplay and probably becoming very bored with being killer.
They're playing the killer, so they're probably not seeking the same sort of stimulation or casual level of comfort in a game that the survivors are seeking. They wanna be able to feel like a killer and not like they're writing up a google spreadsheet on every choice they make and that survivors make in most of their matches.
Sure they won't get many bully squads vastly above their skill level often, but there will always be smurfs and the game goes on sale a lot. But perfectly matched matchmaking without the rando potato here and there is gonna lead to pretty stale gameplay and bring a lot of dbd's major flaws and imbalances to the surface once the majority of the playerbase settles into their 'true' elo. I'll be straight up about the fact once I reach that point it'll be pretty unstimulating and I'll either go on one of a couple of alt accounts I hadn't touched yet when I'd wanna try killers again or I just wouldn't play killers any more and as a result wouldn't have a reason to pay for rifts either only being able to get half of it done.
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Sorry for not wanting to lose all the time without sweating, I can accept a loss but if thats all im getting its not fun challenging games can be fun but thats not all I want
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I meeeeeeean. Having an actual balanced match where people actually try to you know... play instead of going "lol, it's a [Not blight / spirit / nurse], time to go on an adventure!" and having more games be a 2k instead of 0 \ 4k, sounds fun.
However, after 5 years , psychologically speaking, once MMR is fully live, ranks need to be removed, like compleetly. I imagine it can get kinda discouraging playing "ok", within the bell cruve getting like 70% 2ks 15% 1 or less 15% 3 or more, and basically never seeing your rank climb. Because balancing around a 2k means killers will pretty much never pip because of the "lovely" emblem system.
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Well if you are actually playing chill and not clubbing baby seals and seeing it as something you did to win the game, then you won't mind losing.
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Because this dev team is a joke at balancing because currently high level games are extremely unbalanced and ALWAYS unfun. Gens are done in 3-4min total or you are all slugged to death before that happens. It's super unfun and boring even when you win, only nurse and spirit have even a chance at winning and only if they bring their best add ons and 4 slow down perks. The game falls apart at high levels, it's not balanced even in the slightest and as a result matches are very VERY unfun at that level.
TLDR: The game is not balanced at high levels and there for always unfun/bs.
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It's not about intentionally throwing the game, it's about not always playing optimally. You can't say you're playing optimally and casually, those two are opposites.
You also can't say you're playing optimally and then complain you're going up against people who're doing the same because you keep winning. If you are playing optimally, then you are playing to win.
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I can tell that the muddied red ranks have messed with peoples perception of their own skill.
Saying you want to play casually but still win is an impossibility in a properly balanced game. You are literally saying you want to beat up noobs and feel good about yourself for doing it.
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This is up to the developers to fix once they have clear stats to work from.
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Fine. Let the flaws be revealed and addressed; but I still want truly balanced gameplay. I guarantee it won't be boring.
This. But they ain't ready to hear that. It's easier to believe you're being hard done than it is to admit that your losses are because you aren't good enough to play chill.
Nope. I'm playing to win always; that is my fun. Why can people like you never understand that? Not everyone enjoys just 'chilling' and playing like garbage.
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Because they won't be rewarded for not putting any effort, I keep hearing "it's going to be a sweat fest" Wich is a lie since if you play chill you won't reach sweat fest. The rank based matchmaking is unhealthy and just results in unfair matches where one side gets stumped.
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I bet you 10 bucks or whatever your currency is most ppl are gonna hate it because its gonna get more sweaty than usual.
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The penultimate test of the MMR had been quite good, it had at least fit quite well with me and I had teammates who finally played acceptable and as a killer also once the opportunity to try out new killers that I do not play so often.
The last one was really strange though, especially after the data was reset.
I would like to see us finally get a working system to play with and against people who are on my level.
For many opponents of MMR, I think there's a fear that the games will become more challenging and they just won't be able to pull off all the gens in 5 minutes and their meta builds will become nearly worthless against experienced killers at their level.
And also the fact that Smurfs quickly lose their value when the MMR captures them.
Or the possibility to take a rank 17er e.g. into a red rank lobby to screw with new killers.
I hope the new system comes soon. And I hope it's made harder to level up so that red rank actually means you're playing well.
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Because let's say, I'm a good survivor. I will only see spirits, nurses, blights and I won't play against clowns, legion, trapper, wraith ever EVER again
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Trust me, they already know DBD on a competitive level is boring and unbalanced, but they dont really care. They're balancing the game for the average player.
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Then you will be more satisfied being people on the same level as you correct? I don't exactly feel joy when i 4 man 5 gen a group of rank 20 solo's
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If it works properly, you won't get games like that often at all. That's the point; at first you get easier games while it adjusts your MMR, then you start getting harder and harder matches until you hit your skill limit and plateau. That's how MMR is supposed to work.
EDIT: And yes, I am fine with losing games where my opponents were equally skilled.
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thats what im sayin
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DBD at the higher levels falls apart and is extremely boring and unfun for both sides. Games last 3-4min at most and the killer either 4ks everyone in the first 1-2min or everyone escapes, there is no inbetween. Also it's only ever Nurse and Spirit with 4 slow down perks.