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Feedback and Suggestions

Revert Franklin's Nerf

The nerf to Franklin's doesn't make any sense. They intentionally changed it to destroy items because of how pointless reducing charges is now.

Items have so few charges that it leaves Franklin's to only be useful for like the first 60 seconds of a match and even then the value of it was that survivors feel the pressure to come back for their items. It also isn't used nearly enough to warrant being nerfed.


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  • Member Posts: 3,014

    They changed the perk because of Nemesis. MandyTalk explained it in the other thread. It destroys the vaccine, which would mean Franklin's would be too strong on Nemesis.

  • Member Posts: 3,448

    How often would Franklin's actually destroy the key though? I've never had one if my items destroyed by it. Not only that, but if a survivor knows you have it, they can just hide their item somewhere.

    I don't know why people are suddenly acting as though Franklin's ever actually did anything against keys.

  • Member Posts: 1,379

    Items are different from killer addons, for us when we get the add-ons we grab it and that's final they are universal and we can use them with anything on that killer.

    But survivors have several items Flashlights, Med kits, Tool-kits, etc and all of these items have their own rarities, separate pool of addons, and interactions. It is overall harder to keep a survivor's supply of items stacked than it is for a killer, even if you had the worst bloodweb rng possible as a killer.

  • Member Posts: 6,493

    Keys are still getting changes, they just aren‘t ready yet. Admittedily i dont really undeerstand the nerf to franklin‘s demise, but i would hardly consider that a buff to keys.

    Also, if this is about devs only catering to survivors, then i would like to push your attention to the new nemesis perks, that all got buffed. And two of them got some serious buffs. Sadly none of the survivors perks got buffed, but i am still happy that at least the killer perks were all buffed.

  • Member Posts: 14,890

    They should have just reworked Keys to not be able to open hatches when it doesn’t have any charges left. Maybe even let the opening time be directly influenced by the remaining charges

  • Member, Administrator, Mod Posts: 18,073

    The changes to Franklin's have been made because of the Vaccine with Nemesis, since a single use of Franklin's could destroy the Vaccine.

  • Member Posts: 369

    why ? why does the dev nerf franklin and demo ?

  • Member Posts: 1,288

    🙄 Come on lets be honest you see keys what, 1 time out of 20 matches. It's not that big of a deal. Plus just leave the lobby if you a see survivor that puts a key in their hand just leave the lobby not a big deal. And plus what if a survivor finds a key in the game, and if you don't have franklins it really won't matter in that case😐️

  • Member Posts: 631

    BHVR really needs to hire people to fix that crap. I wouldn't trust them to fix it without breaking the game entirely.

  • Member Posts: 3,772

    Franklins never made it to its full duration anyway unless you specifically camped. It was basically just a troll perk in my experience. Destroying a survivors item by camping them out of spite.

    If it's changed so it instantly starts draining upon drop at a reasonable degree I might actually start using it against 4 item teams.

  • Member Posts: 2,014

    Then why not just make the vaccine an exception/treat it not like a standard item? Vaccines are not even that impactful and survivors tend to use it the second they open the chest anyway

  • Member Posts: 369

    I'm starting to think dev didnt care about their veteran players anymore currently they dev newbies and they even didnt touch problematic things like billy rework or DH or spirit

  • Member Posts: 6,556

    never destroyed anything that I really cared about... but items got destroyed by it all the time...

    I don't know why you're acting like it never did anything keys....

  • Member Posts: 1,662
    edited June 2021

    Am I right to believe you cannot use a key to open the hatch once it has been fully consumed? So isn't this actually a buff in regards to keys? I presume it is consumed faster than it would be destroyed with the old FD.

    Although there could be interesting counter plays to this by using Built To Last, which is kinda cool.

    Edit: I have been corrected!

    Post edited by Pepsidot on
  • Member Posts: 266

    ######### in hell, you nerfed Franklin's, you've pretty much ruined any reason to use it, it allowed killers to counter keys to an extent and instead of giving us the key nerf, you nerf the current counter the keys which now does....

    *Flips through notes*

    Now takes away charges....

    Wow. Just wow.

    Franklin's wasn't even broken, survivors could get their item back by grabbing it before, why bother nerfing it?

    What is the actual reason as I don't recall any information being released about keys rework.

  • Member Posts: 6,226

    Most gens get done in the early game; the killer's pressure comes in the late game, with less of an area to patrol and the survivors already scrambling to recuperate from the killer's damage across the team.

    Keys let survivors nope out when the killer's setup is finally paying off, and the last remaining counter besides just dodging the lobby got removed.

    Like I personally don't care about 4ks or the survivors escaping unless I'm going for an achievement, but you see how this is a problem, right?

  • Member Posts: 10,910

    The new Franklin’s will be very good against med-kits flashlights and toolboxes but will be worse against keys.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,000

    Except it's not 1 person escaping. It's 2 or 3 and now you just got an entity displeased because 1 item let the whole game end early.

  • Member Posts: 266

    The nerf wouldn't be as big of a deal with keys weren't a problem.

    Plus I found using pyramid head trails over dropped items helped tremendously reduce the chance of them seeking it out because they avoid trails like the plague.

  • Member Posts: 708

    Franklin's change was a mix between buff and nerf.

    The only nerf argument is when it affects keys.

    The buff is massive towards medikits and okayish against toolboxes and maps.

    Keys are on the chopping block and will be changed in [REDACTED: DATE DOESN'T EXIST IN A KNOWN UNIVERSE].

  • Member Posts: 631

    BHVR really needs to announce everything they're going to change in the PTB. That way we can give them crap for changes that clearly have no thought behind them.

  • Member Posts: 369

    demo nerf is really unjustified, while maybe franklin wont do much but this patch has been survivor side at all and killer got nothing in return i think i will just skip this chapter entirely and will be back until they buff killers again or say goodbye forever

  • Member Posts: 3,448
    edited June 2021

    Because it didn't, a survivor isn't going to just leave an extremely strong item to get destroyed. If you didn't have the memory of a goldfish, you could easily just pick the item back up before it got destroyed, therefore meaning that Franklin's Demise achieved nothing against that item.

  • Member Posts: 615

    How, though?

    Old Franklin's dropped a bucket of charges each time it was slapped.

    This drains a pretty small amount of them over time.

  • Member Posts: 1,009

    I honestly don't understand what the big deal is.

    Good survivors would go back to the key, pick it up and drop it again as soon as they learned the killer has Franklins, picking it up again when needed, making it do absolutely nothing unless the killer camped the key. Now at least the items loses charges upon first drop. Sure it's less effective on keys now, but way more useful on other items.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    I should be surprised...yet I am not.

  • Member Posts: 566

    The key fix hasn't been ready for months now, it's getting ridiculous at this rate.

    And when it comes to Nemesis perks getting buffed(?), they are still pretty worthless. Eruption, down to 30 second cooldown from 90 seconds? Oh nice, if it only didn't require me to waste time walking around and kick 5+ gens for it to have more value than Pop.

    Still way too much set up for no return.

  • Member Posts: 9,702

    The problem with making vaccines an exception to Franklin's is that it means the exception will have to be considered everytime they add in new perks or update Franklin's. It's simpler to adjust Franklin's.

    What the devs should do is make it so Keys can't be used with 0 charges to open the hatch.

  • Member Posts: 6,556

    assuming the killer didn't want the item destroyed. he could easily make sure it would be destroyed

  • Member Posts: 3,012

    I think i am gonna do that too. I was so excited for RE chapter. But no, i am not gonna buy now. If they wanna lose more killer players, they will. They already have so long queues for survivors. They will make it longer.

    I really can not see point of nerf Twins, Demo.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    Key's charges are connected to add-ons. You can use a fully depleted key to open the hatch.

  • Member Posts: 2,773

    Thats a damn joke. Fix the vaccine to not work with perks, meaning nothing can effect it.

    This is like when the Thana buff was reduced, there was a better and more simple solution but you guys take the worst route possible.

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