Decisive skill check is unfair

After the right nerf why not male the skill check bigger? It feels not fair to run the perk, fail the skill check and get tunnel to death. The perk is now balance, so why di not male this quality of life change?
It isn't that hard to hit
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But not that easy too. Sometimes you miss for a tiny part for lag for and the perk became useless. Because next time someone unhook you Ds doesnt activate and you get tunnel to death. I dont understand why devs, after nerf, dont make a bigger skill check and make the Ds activate a second time after unhook when you miss first Time.
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sure a second chance on a second chance perk, survivors already have enough of them.
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I can't run DS because I pretty much always miss the skill check.
I'm better at hitting the Overcharge skill check than the DS skill check. I don't know what the hell it is about the DS one.
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Just practice the ds skill check and you will get really good at it. It's hard the first couple of times but you will get the hang of it eventually
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because it's meant to be a skill check, I can hit it at 30 fps as a killer main
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Just remove the requirement to hit the skill-check altogether
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Pressure I thing. I hit perfect on gens, but sometimes miss ds.
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I'm almost devotion 10, almost all achivments did xD
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Skill check is needed if you Want to use ds last hook and not first Time.
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I mean it is true, l'm a killer main, i understand what you say. But when I play survivor I think that slot is not whorted if I miss it. I play 3 perk, cause ds is USELESS if you miss, you will Be tunnel ed to death, even if you use a perk to prevented to be tunnel ed cause you didnt like It. As killer when I decide to tunnel I take My risk of eat DS and lose time. But tunnel is not healthy for the game however, and a Skill check quality of life buff on DS nerfed is not the end of the world, but a thing to make the perk easy to use and more reliable. Change my Mind.
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After the nerf is to hard to justify it.
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High risk high reward perk. Like hexes
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Or you could just, you know, learn how to hit the skill check. It's really not that hard.
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I understand that input lag can sometimes be a factor but I really don't think the DS skill check needs to be increased in size, again it's not supposed to be a guaranteed thing, it's a strong perk.
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Thanks for the answer. I respect your view. I'll continue to think that can be an healthy change for the game. I see devs continue to make new perk to address some playstyles (slug, camp, tunnel) that makes the game go faster/rush objectives both sides. However anti tunnel perks are not that good, only decisive is a lifesaver in the contest of a player that you Want out of the game in a early scenario (and that is reasonable, 1vs3 is way easier than 1vs4) . Is a thing to make game feels more fair an fun to both sides, just it.
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We Will see with boon totems. Hexes are really powerful. DS it Is also, but is a needed antitunnel perk, to make the game playable, and not a Slaughter fest.
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What an intresting opinion to add to a conversation.
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Maybe some better optimization would help reduce the amount of stuttering and freezes that occur and lessen the chances of missing skill checks too.
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Regardless if you hit it or not, you'll get tunneled.
A successful DS usually gives a grand total of about 10 seconds to the survivor that uses it and afterwards I can pick them up no problem and don't have to assume DS.
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That's true. But if i get camped and tunned, and get downed under the hook, I can use ds and go to a safe loop/use a fast medikit/get a bodyblock and other options.
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Fair enough. I know I run it every game. But, I don't know if the skill check should be bigger.
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Same. At lest is only a skill check. Consistency. Not a real buff to the perk to break the balance, just to make it easier to use, fair. Balance issues are other thing, the perk is nerfed so devs are agree with the state of the perk in the game now.
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I don't think so since you know it's gonna happen unlike a gen skill check and not that hard to hit skill checks
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you just said it is balanced. Why dont you stop moaning and fix your poor gameplay?
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because having multiple anti-tunnel perks would punish the killer for a way they are playing the game - we already have one strong one, that should be enough, as tunneling normally makes a killer lose the game anyways
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My compliments for your tone, your rude attitude to someone you dont know, and your great deduction on my gameplay skills (because sometimes I miss a skillcheck cause pressure/lag). You really add a valid opinion to this conversation. Great job, nice education champion.
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Agree, but not totally. I respect your opinion.
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It already has a lot of limitations, and it's not even that effective at dealing with tunneling. The difficult skill check just seems unnecessary and more so to favor the killer in doing something that is already powerful, easy and effective: tunneling right off of the hook.
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Totally agree, you said well.
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You are absolutely totally definitely right! I think ds needs massive buffs to stop op killers. Right now the perk punishes survivors for playing the game which is unfair. I say we go back to the original version of ds (you know when it first came out), remove the skill check and juggling exploit, make it usable more than once and increase stun duration to at least 80 seconds. Then it would be balanced in my opinion
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Nice sarcasm.
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Tunneling plagues newer survivors at lesser ranks more than other survivors/ranks.
They need Decisive Strike the most, yet are most affected by the skill check requirement as they are more likely to fail it than veterans.
The skill check ought to be removed or made massive.
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Agree. I can say also in solo survivor high rank camp+insta tunnel under hook if no BT can be opprrssive.
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This is the most one-sided and biased post I think I have ever seen... this is such a joke. I don't even need to explain why this is so wrong in every way. As someone who's played both sides, this would be so terrible...
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Then just have pre-release DS. The skill-check covered the entire zone, meaning the only way to miss it was to wait, and save it for later.
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Honestly the changes to DS have solidly put it into the "Chase me for 59 seconds and then let me stab you" category of perks, not having anything to do with anti-tunneling. Its honestly getting insanely annoying the amount of survivors using their flashlight macros in my ears trying to get me to chase them after they've been unhooked, probably just so they can feel justified to use DS after all of it.
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Slug them. Is a good punish.
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However, I would say it should activate twice. One for each unhook since its main purpose is to keep someone from tunneling you. That's about all.
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It would be an enormus buff, so you have to balance it, and at least reduce the game speed that punish killers. Both things would make game longer (personally I would love the idea), but we dont know if that would work well.
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It should proc twice but still disable if doing what it currently says disables it.
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Correct. You miss it or do an action like healing yourself or touch a gen, it'll still disable for that hook state because you're not being tunneled.
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It deactivates for touching a gen, healing or doing a totem. So you have 50 seconds of not being able to be picked up, but you also aren't doing anything to progress the game, either. So keeping your DS, actually benefits the killer since it gives them time to attack your team and kick gens. If they're ARE tunneling you, it'll work as normal.
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I main killer, barely play survivor and when/if I run it I find it easy to hit...
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As others have said, DS would be fine without a skill check requirement. The vast majority of games I'd say DS is simply a waste of a perk slot. Firstly, you might not get hooked. If you are, to make use of DS you must be tunneld. Then you must be picked up, not slugged. Then you have to hit the skill check. And even then there's now nothing stopping the killer from tunneling you for the rest of the game.
So I really wouldn't mind seeing the DS skill check being removed. There's really no need for it. Not to mention, this game is poorly optimized, especially for last gen console players. I can imagine it being very difficult to hit with bad fps/lag spikes.
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Now with console performance issue is even worse. The game lags on skill checks prompt, and sometimes so much that freeze the view, and you literally cant hit any skill check type (even bigger ones).
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I actually agree with OP. There are times where the optimization can completely screw you over with skill checks.
Personally I don’t even see why DS needs to be activated with a skill check instead of a button press within a 2 second window.