Tinkerer is annoying, but it's not OP and here's why.

Ever since the change that was made to the perk from being awful to being a staple in much of the killer meta. It has amazing synergy with some powers mainly Blighted Corruption and Chainsaw. As well perk synergy with Ruin and PGTW. But, it has become an arch nemesis of many. Calling for a cooldown or anything else. I've done this before explaining why BBQ and Doctor weren't OP. And I will do the same here.
1.Too much perk synergy. While it's true that it has great Synergy with PGTW and Ruin-Undying I would consider this OP. But PGTW was nerfed so slower killers chances of reaching that far gen to Pop it are gone and now people will incentivize kicking the gen instead of downing the other survivor and having another PGTW ready to go. And the mobility killers who could reach it before still reach it now it's made no difference for them. And the same goes with Ruin + Undying the old combo could've been proven has OP on the chance you'd have to do 5 bones to eliminate Ruin but that's gone and now it's only takes two bones to lose two perks even a Solo Q game can easily eliminate two bones. People still act like Tinkerer has old PGTW or Ruin-Undying to make it overbearing. But they aren't, Tinkerer doesn't have those anymore. Yeah there's Surge and Oppression but they could use some improvements
2.Too much killer synergy, like the perks it has great synergy with mobility killers in particular Blight, Hillbilly, Nurse, and Wraith. And possibly Freddy if teleport is ready or Demogorgon if he placed a portal nearby and Oni if you're risky. While this is true. No perk should be judged for the epic synergy it has with a perk. Other wise we'll have to nerf Stridor because it's only good on one killer. Or Iron Maiden because it has synergy with two maybe three killers. And except Wraith you'll know they're coming. Blight you'll hear the rushes. Hillbilly unless there's apex muffler which still isn't good you'll hear him coming. Nurse her screaming. Freddy blood from gens, and Demogorgon everything, Oni his roar but a risk. Only Wraith can get a good sneak up. And every other killer is too slow to reach a gen in time. Tinkerer is a joke on 4.4s.
3.It takes nothing to use it. Well yeah but most perks don't require you to do much. Sloppy Butcher you just hit someone. BT just unhook someone. BBQ just hook someone. Dead Hard just push E. And so on. And Tinkerer isn't that different from most perks. In which you just gotta bring it.
4.Tinkerer is a regression perk. No it's not it's a tracking perk I hear that a lot but remember it's a tracking perk it has no de-buffs to you. In tier 3 once a gen reaches 70% completion it notifies the killer and gives undetectable for 16 seconds.
5.There's no counter. Yes there is. You can place yourself on a gen that's in a safe position where you can see far and next to a good pallet or window. As well, you can play around it by triggering it to the 70 and then leave or wait a little bit longer this will mislead the killer. And once he leaves you can hop back on. And on many maps the gens will be hard to get to and simply too hard for the killer to get to in time.
6.There'll be a 3 gen. You have to be aware of the possibility of a three gen. Tinkerer or not. You should be spacing the gens regardless of if there's Tinkerer or not.
That's my reasons why I believe Tinkerer isn't a OP perk great perk with good synergies, but there's ways in game that doesn't require a perk or add-on to counter. And simply basic game knowledge will keep you safe. Disagree if you want just keep the conversation focused on the topic Tinkerer.
A perk having good synergy with other perks or powers is not a bad thing, the only problem I have with it is how oppressive it is against solo q.
I think making it only activate once per generator would be enough, it would help solo q massively while not affecting high level play all too much. And I think it would be better than just slapping a cooldown and calling it a day
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So long as the generator regresses below 70%, the killer can keep interrupting it with zero counterplay. There is nothing that you can do about it. It's only "counter", and I use that term incredibly loosely because it isn't really a counter to Tinkerer but a counter to Dead By Daylight, is to play with 3 friends and slam the shite out of the gens. I don't see how that's particularly fair or balanced.
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Tinkerer is one of the few crutch perks imo. It’s pretty clear some killers especially some blights rely on it to pressure gens
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Even when you have a group of good survivors who are all Solo Q Tinkerer is just a tad bit too oppressive, because they can't communicate. And usually the perk is paired up with Ruin or Pop, so now you're left with a generator thats almost completed but is regressing and its not like you can communicate to your teammates that the gen is almost done, so it just creates a cycle of a gen almost being completed but never does get completed and its just boring and frustrating.
The perk can stay as is if they give ways for solo's to communicate thats within the game, a ping system would be a good start and its not something that breaks the immersion of the game like voice chat.
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Yes, survivors will kill this game just like they did when they nerfed NoeD, STBFL, Ruin, Pop, Undying and the list goes on
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STBFL and Ruin were both buffs in my opinion. Noed was more of a side-grade.
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Solo que man here. You have the greatest counter to tinkerer without picking up the game: Eyes.
If you have headphones (this game is next to unplayable without headphones) you can still hear the killer walking / running your way.
And it's one of the few perks to make survivor scary when you know they have it.
This perk is fine.
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Tinkerer and Ruin/Pop is the survivor equivalent of DS + Unbreakable for the killer, no matter what the survivor does theyre in a bad situation, unless theyre lucky and have a teammate nearby. Thats theyre objective right there being robbed from them, just like how killers were being robbed before of their objective
Again, the perk is fine for high level play since it only gets used once per gen, because the team is able to communicate that they have a gen almost done and as they're being chased away some one else can take over, for solo q you cant just rely on luck and call it a day.
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You're kinda missing the point though. People aren't complaining about the undetectable part of the perk, they are complaining about it being extremely difficult to complete gens in solo queue when the killer has Tinkerer combined with Ruin/Undying/Pop.
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Its really easy to counter tinkerer. If its a combo with ruin, destroy ruin. If its a combo with pop, dont go down so easily.
I use tinkerer against a killer how i use thrill of the hunt. Use the notifications to distract the killer. Its helpful for me bc i play always solo and prefer it if the killer chases me instead of my teammates.
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You sound like Tinkerer automatically causes the gen to explode and regress all progress made, as opposed to it just alerting the killer who then has to make the choice to go to the gen or do what they were doing originally.
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It's just annoyingly hand-holdy.
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The problem is not the undetectable part, it’s the killer knowing you are in the gen 24 secs before you finish it. When 2 survs are dead, you can’t finish a gen. It’s too much for a perk, and if it was a survivor perk it will have only 1 use
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On the matter of Ruin-Undying it's only two bones not all of them just two. Spirit isn't really a mobility killer. And Oni it's a huge risk to go chasing Tinkerer procs with Blood Fury.
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No. The killer doesn’t know which gen is almost done. You only need to see how many killers use tinkerer know. 100% of hillbillys use it, and at least 90-95 of blight. Every week more and more killers use it, because it’s meta and totally broken
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Just like how a killer is not entitled to get their objective for free? So we should revert the DS nerf?
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Well one that's a no yeah indoor maps are hard but that's always been the case. And MacMillan has the same spawns as before so don't know how they're difficult. Autohaven you have totems spawn in the open next to trees and that map is so dark a lit totem is visible miles away. Asylum has easy spawns more Chapel though. So there's more maps where totems won't last. And while yes Spirit with amulet and mother daughter ring is a mobility killer her other speed add-ons don't give her the ability to zoom across the whole map. And I play Solo Q I always find two bones in a few seconds not that hard.
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But, outside the mobilitys what can it do?
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It punishes you for doing the objective, Tinkerer needs a change.
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Does Decisive?
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So is Tinkerer, what exactly are you doing to get it activate? Nothing. Survivors are doing THEIR objective and you get rewarded.
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And people acted like the second people got unhooked they got teleported to the killers shoulder and got ds'd, when it reality if all 4 survivors ran it only 1, maybe 2 people got to use it making it a waste of a perk slot
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Tinkerer is an honest perk and fine as is. The surprise element will only work once on good players, less in SWFs where it will be instantly called out. Then people will note at 70% it's active and to play around it / bait with it.
Blast Mine will also help survivors loads if they know a killer has tinkerer/pop or tinkerer/ruin. Meaty 4 second stuns/blinds to waste the killer's time, and someone already said it earlier, if it's thin just find the ruin. 👌
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Well you've just showed how much you play survivor. "Don't go down so easily"?
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Right now i play more survivor then killer. Granted, im using windows of oppurtunity with over 1000 hours as survivor, but i have no problems with lasting over a minute against most killer. And even if i last only 30 seconds (less is almost impossible), thats almost half a gen and should result in another tinkerer notification somewhere. Then the killer has two 70+gens but only one pop.
I have matches where it doesnt work out and we get no gens done. But thats not bc of tinkerer. Its bc my team was weak or we did one dumb mistake which did cost us the game early. So tinkerer is no problem for me bc if we play worse than the killer we should lose.