Did one player die at the end and it was a Kate? Because that'd be me. 😂
The Continued Ignorance of Performance Issues Continues to Hamper Player Fun
No Kate would be crazy to bum into you fingers crossed for it tho 🤞🐷💖
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One more
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Just got back from work and started installing the update. Based on posts here, I'm not too optimistic.
Also congrats on 41 pages Pulsar. You da real MVP
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Oh yeah the update broke Dead Hard even further with the lag.
6 -
Honestly, at this point, what the ######### BHVR
New Killer broken.
New map broken.
Optimization broken worse than before, somehow.
Old perks broken.
17 -
I hope they make it as worse on PC in the near future so they HAVE to do optimisation. Otherwise we wont get it. It needs to affect everyone until people actually stop playing in high numbers.
Good news is: They will probably crash the game on PC too. Im sure they are capable of that^^
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I do not wish this level of performance on anyone.
Unfortunately, it is starting to affect PC users as well.
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I dont wish anyone a bad experience. But I think until everybody is affected nothing will change. Hope it is clear that i dont want others to have a bad time because I have^^' thats not what im looking for.
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It's either now or never for BHVR.
There is a ton of bad publicity right now and they need to do something about it.
If they don't know, then I'll give up hope for anything happening ever.
14 -
I wouldn't wish these performance issues on any player, no matter the method they use to play DBD. Imo the wrong mentality.
All this notice on today's update and it's problems hopefully pushes it over the edge, and that fabled big ol' health patch comes next. It kinda had to at this point.
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It either comes out now or BHVR literally does not care.
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Honestly something should of done a along time ago but now here we are with this...I'm so glad your been keeping this going and not backing down.
I would say if they don't respond to how bad things are now then they really don't care about us console players but yet still no response as well so yep
All we can keep doing is highlighting the issues at this point
Never back down never surrender 🐷
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I have one last idea if we don't hear anything.
9 -
In case their unwillingness to tackle the performance problems continues it would porpably be a good idea to check out refund options for the game, the dlcs and the cosmetics. Maybe there has been a precedence where a product´s quality declined to a degree that made it unuseable? Wouldn´t be suprised if thousands of players would attempt to grab refunds.
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Refund policies are usually very strict
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But even in cases like this where you´re literally unable to use the product you paid for? That´s a major bummer >:(
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I highly doubt they'll make an exception.
Look at the original Titanfall right now. It's completely unplayable due to a singular hacker, no refunds and is still sold at full price,
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somehow they made the game worse with this update
honestly? such a bummer, killer is virtually unplayable because the stuttering happens every 3 seconds. im literally getting a headache from it
i know dbd updates are usually bad but they’re never this bad my god
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I just had a match against Freddy. I thought the freezes were bad against Nemesis on the new map... Freddy is way worse.
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Same though.
4 -
They really aren't doing a very good job following this roadmap.
Seriously, they've been promising optimization changes for so long and still haven't delivered. What's it gonna take?
26 -
Hopefully, they'll change it soon.
If not, I'm thinking about talking to a gaming news website to see if they are interested in how DBD is borderline unplayable on Console and how BHVR refuses to acknowledge the issue, much less fix it.
18 -
I saw @Pulsar clips with the new killer and I got depressed :,(.
the "good" news is that on PS5 the new killer (and possibly the whole patch? too early to say) is working splendidly:
...the bad news, though, is that the tutorial with bots sometimes have 3-4 seconds of HUGE stutters, meaning that there's already something bad going on behind the scenes, even on PS5.
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Which basically means everyone else is ######### if the PS5 has issues
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let me reiterate though that for now the stutters are present only with bots. I'm obviously scared about what could happen next, but at least the online part is working fine at the moment.
I was also able to play the new map before it got disabled and all seemed perfect even there.
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I've crashed 6 times so far.
I'm glad next gen is okay, but good Lord current gen is not
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That might not be a bad idea. Just think about how Polygon got Red Dead Redemption 2 fixed.
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At the very least, it can't hurt.
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I had at least 4 crashes today with this patch, which gave me a 30 minute dc penalty. Also Nemesis is a hard killer to learn as well so all these technical issues just compound the problem.
Playing on Switch is pain.
8 -
Oh please do talk to a news website, this [BAD WORD] optimization has gone on long enough. If BHVR won't do it for the community, then they'll do it when their reputation is at stake.
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I've never said that good PCs or the newest consoles run absolutely flawless, just that it's an improvement over the older ones. I just don't see them fixing it. I have everything unlocked on my Xbox and I'm starting over on my new PC (don't really care about the exclusives). You guys can continue to play on older systems, but I don't think it's going to improve anytime soon, if at all. 🤷♂️
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We'll see what happens.
I'm not familiar with how they operate, so they may not even pick this up.
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I just thought - what are the odds they have some sort of hot fix for these recent performance issues before the anniversary event starts on July 1? Last time ps4 was unplayable it took them about a month to fix it and it cut into the Halloween "event".
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Depends on how much money they think they'll lose.
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I feel like the majority of the dbd player base is on last gen consoles. I don’t understand how a company can not give a complete ######### about such a large portion of their player base. I have a PS4 pro with an internal ssd and the game is unplayable. The frames are so bad if a survivor is close to me I can’t see them. 360’s are more effective then god pallets now. When I get 360’d it’s so easy to completely lose the survivors. I see them for one frame then they disappear.
Maybe stop with the chapters and stupid god damn cosmetics and put 100% focus on getting the game optimized. I was so excited for this chapter and after a couple hours play I’m done with it. Maybe it’s my fault cause behavior got my money already so why give a #########? I just feel like they are becoming a laughing stock of the industry for having such an old game run so poorly on consoles.
Please for the love of god. OPTIMIZE THIS GAME!!!!!
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Welp, nearly to 50 pages. Wonder how long it'll take for a dev to actually respond.
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Please add to discussion to keep the post going, just bumping posts is against the rules and could get this closed.
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Really? That's kind of a stupid thing to punish.
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It is but rules are rules. There's plenty of optimization issues going in right now so easy peasy to keep this going with discussions.
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Decent rant not gunna lie. I believe you are correct most players are on the prior gen machines still, something like 85% of us. And altogether console outnumber PCrs in total. You'd think their attention would be on console for these issues of for no other reason than that.
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Finally finished installing the update, and holy hell does it ######### suck. While I'm used to the awful stutter every now and again, its happening about every 30 secs.
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My experience with the new pa th has been going well even tho I have the Xbox one s but I've been having longer frame drops then usual.
Tomorrow, I will be able to get nemesis to see how he is and maybe see more gamebreaking bugs while im at it.
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Nothing really game breaking with him. He just has a really annoying freezing issue when he charges his tentacle strike.
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I was also talking about the game in general as I found an invisible wall in the sides in front the stair in the main building in temple of purgatation and found a but in blight that made his power unusable until you swing.
first time finding bugs in-game other then founding it out in the forum's.
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Not a good excuse when the game is a hit and they are making good money.
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It's not just consoles, I'm on pc with a fairly beefy machine. Every match against nemesis today has had noticable stuttering and lag
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Any and all issues regarding game performance I'm sure are welcome here as we are in this together I'm sorry to hear you are having issues 🐷💕 any future issues with details explaining what you are experiencing don't be scared to add them here fellow gamer 🐽💕 hoping for a response 🤞
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Here's my little contribution, sorry about my commentary, I didn't make a script or anything and I didn't look back at the video bc I can't stand how I change my voice when I record
11 -
This is so frustrating
We just want to play a game we enjoy but the devs don't care that it is unplayable right now because its getting them that money.
Devs can you please talk to us about this? You are ruining the game experience with really bad optimisation, think about how embarrassing that is for all the new players coming to the game from RE? Which RE Village runs perfectly on consoles.
17 -
Excellent video!
Watched the whole thing <3