Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

New Killer needs to be tweaked

Member Posts: 128
edited June 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

So I'm normally a 7-8 out of 10 killer. Not the best, but I do pretty well.

The new killer, however, seems to be quite slow. I'm not able to get anyone down until at least 2 generators are already done. There are a lot of very skilled players playing right now.

His tentacle thrash has too long of a cooldown. He seems to be very slow.

I approached a generator to damage it and all of a sudden out of nowhere I was blinded (the blinding animation and everything).

There is a big disadvantage when it comes to movement. Overall, the killer is cool. I think the addition of zombies is unnecessary if it's just to power him up. I think there should be more to that. Otherwise the zombies to mutate are merely an odd and inconvenient time killer that could be solved in some other way.

I am having fun playing this new killer. It just needs some tweaking, to be honest.


Post edited by Rizzo on

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  • Member Posts: 1,158

    Regarding the blind thing, that a new perk from Jill Valentine, she can set up a mine on the gen, it last for about 40 secs max i believe, so if the killer kicks it, they will get stunned and blinded.

    Btw it wont count has you kicking the gen forcing you to do it again.

  • Member Posts: 128

    I read the descriptions of both new survivors and after playing several games with the new killer, there seems to be a massive imbalance.

    Please tell me someone else notices that the new killer is ridiculously underpowered.

  • Member Posts: 1,158

    Idk, might be a bit too early to tell, and most ive heard, see him has a fine killer, not strong and not weak, just somewhere

    in the mid

    I did heart from most that his addons could really use some tweaks though

  • Member Posts: 128
    edited June 2021

    some of his addons seem like they were created without any actual intention in mind. They are kind of all over the place.

    The new killer is really fun to play actually, but he is honestly such a tank. He is a slow moving one with very big blind spots and a huge penalty when it comes to a missed tentacle thrash.

  • Member Posts: 4,033

    Whip has too long a cooldown. Inconsistent hitbox over structures. And takes three hits as killer. I’d understand the three hit requirement from zombies but I don’t find it reasonable from the killer.

    Two hits are enough from Nemesis and three from the zombies. The AI is being overcompensated for.

  • Member Posts: 1,893

    Nah he's trash. I was excited about buying him at first from the reveal trailer but after the PTB, and now going live he's basically the same as the PTB he's not worth the money....

  • Member Posts: 1,864
    edited June 2021

    Since he can injure & downs over pallets & windows I can see why it's 3 hits instead of one.

  • Member Posts: 21,210
  • Member Posts: 1,864
    edited June 2021

    Pyramid head's is wider, longer, & travels slower.

    Deathslinger already moves slow, has to reload after every shot which slows him down, and his ability drags survivor, as well as he can't hit with his melee over pallets.

    Huntress moves slow, moves slow when aiming, has a bigger hitbox, and her hatches have arcs.

  • Member Posts: 10,286

    Which is why that perk needs to be nerfed. Blind me, sure, but how are you gonna stop me from kicking the gen? Seriously? If the killer HAS to kick the gen because it's about to be done, there's no way to play around getting stunned. This is Head-on on a gen.

  • Member Posts: 517
    edited June 2021

    This. He feels like playing pyramid head with a bunch of handicaps. Essentially the same power, except with less width/range and you need 3 hits to down. And you also get screwed by LOS blockers and survivors crouching behind them

    Nemmy's power is nowhere near good enough to warrant all the downsides it has

  • Member Posts: 156

    I disagree, the perk is pretty much as powerful is repressed alliance, and maybe a bit weaker. You get stunned and blinded, so like and extra 4 seconds or so. Plus you need to work on 66% of a gen to even get it.

  • Member Posts: 128
    edited June 2021

    Glad I'm not the only one that thinks that this killer is extremely pathetic and poorly executed.

    I get a little pissed off still from being a green rank killer paired with red ranks, but with this guy, I feel a lot more evenly matched and not cheated when paired with red rank survivors. HOWEVER, he is still a worthless killer as he is designed currently. I'm not terribly bad as a killer. I still have fun playing him, despite his massive downsides. Until he gets fixed, be prepared to lose pips and rank if you play him.

  • Member Posts: 67

    I've been saying that too. His powee being short rangish makes 4.6m/s feel slow.

  • Member Posts: 777
    edited June 2021

    His early game without any perks helping him to better his situation makes his life impossible. He isn’t underpowered, he just needs CI.

    CI + LP + Mutation rate addons allows me to get one or two downs and also get T2 once CI is gone. He’s incredibly strong later in the game, but that’s too late for some killers.

    Focus your build around helping Nemesis as much early game. I have found great success with: CI, LP, BBQ, Pop/Ruin

    Zombies will not be hazardous, they’ll function as an annoyance and the more annoyance (gen regression perks) you put out, the longer the game will last.

    I’ve been overwhelmingly pro-Nemesis to be fair, but the real only weakness so far that I’ve disgustingly despised has been his zombies in some situations.

    Other than that, help the guy out early game. If you lessen the amount of loss in the early game, you will be magically doing better.

    And to the general question regarding Nemesis, when played at his best (I’m guessing Otz, Scott, and others), he’s going to be a solid A-tier. His power is unforgiving when missed, but very rewarding once those tiers go up.

  • Member Posts: 128

    I'm actually quite surprised how insanely quick he moves from one end of the map to the other. Not sure if that's an illusion or if he really moves that fast. I have nothing negative to say about this killer other than the tweaking that needs to be done. I'm having so much fun playing him, loss or not.

  • Member Posts: 49

    This new killer is totally OP. He moves really fast, has a distance attacks and zombie minions to slow survivors down. If anything, he needs to be nerfed.

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