Twins feeling clunky possible unintended nerf/bug?

The Bug: When downing people as victor it now takes a few seconds longer to switch back.
What might be the cause: I am not a coder but I believe when victors timer was extended this makes it unable to switch back to Charlotte after the pounce that downs someone.
Why it should be fixed: Due to victors killer instinct being a major feature of the killer in order to find and pick up survivors him having to wait extra time to change is a undeserved punishment because its time a killer cannot afford to waste doing nothing proactive. It also just feels awkwardly clunky. Left unchecked it will cause the twins reputation to deteriorate into being just a camp killer like old bubba. I understand that is an acepted stratgey but their more fun to use as a trap based ambush killer.
Fix: Allow victor to swap to Charlotte after pouncing when a hit is successful. You might need to code in 2 states after jumping one of non hit where he cant change during the venerable state and one where he has landed a successful hit and can change in order to keep momentum up.
There is also another possible bug in which it seems like both Charlotte and victor are being unable to use their power after downing someone if still near the body.
Example: On the new cold win farm I downed a survivor in a open patch there was grass but I was not in range of a hook or generator however despite victor being ready I was unable to release him to chase a different survivor who was close with a flashlight. I was unable to use my power until I got a few steps away from them. The interaction was similar to when Charolette is to close to a hook and it blocks her power off to avoid camping. I am unsure how exactly to fix this one it may be related to the death state and her anti camping radius. I expirenced it on the new cold wind farm I only got that map today so I was unable to test on other maps.
Ps The new map looks great please give your art team some cookies when covid is over they did some amazing work. keep safe and have a awesome day fellow foggy bois and grills and thrills!
I don't know if it's a bug or nerf, haven't really looked into twins changes. I can say though that this was also in the ptb, so something was definitely changed in ptb and unchanged in the live build.
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Its because they added a longer cooldown after victor lands a pounce to prevent him from slugging people as quickly however it made the character feel like garbage to play because it destroyed the flow for people who where playing them in a fun way and not just camping. Now its down wait a few seconds change back hang body repeat rather than just changing and moving on.
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The added cooldown was terrible idea. All Survivors need to do when Victor is chasing them is to stick together. If he Down someone, easy 3 seconds of kicking him. It was allready good enough.
Also I noticed something: The extra cooldown only makes them ######### to play. If they don't stick together, they will not gona kick you anyway and just keep running. I saw it many times, they don't know they should run towars you and instead they run away, making this cooldown backfire the original meaning and just makes Twins feels more garbage to play. Sit and wait. Clunky.