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General Discussions

Short complaining because I'm a pussy.

Member Posts: 17
edited June 2021 in General Discussions

I play on console so I just got to start playing Nemesis and I caught a bully squad my second game. I want to enjoy the ######### game. I am actually crying. I want to play the ######### game. I am sick of this ######### this game and ######### its community. I am so tired of it.

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  • Member Posts: 1,521

    From your wording I would say this game has big affect on ur mental health consider playing single player games for some time

  • Member Posts: 56

    If you want to enjoy the game then YOU need to learn to lose without crying.

  • Member Posts: 4,458

    Bully Squads are a thing. I consider pulling one like my birthday because I like to pay them back for all the garbage they gave me back before I knew what I was doing. Even so, I can still empathize with you on this. I'm going to be as direct with you as I can. You can't let this stuff tilt you. If it is getting you that badly you need to take a break from the grind games. That is what Custom Games are for. Get with some friends. If you don't have enough people, just ask. Hell, I'll play with you and I have horde of people I can call up to round out a game if you need one.

    If you do choose to keep facing the grind, you have to bite the bullet and just shrug when you get those Bully Squads. Immediately adjust your expectations and use them to practice. It won't take you too long and you will have them NOT wanting to play with you anymore. You will, in time and with practice, make them pay for every dangerous, risky thing they do in the name of their weird fun. Anyway, I know it is easy to say, but try to put the emotions aside here. And the offer to play with you Custom is always open.

  • Member Posts: 477

    I feel you man, cried yesterday after getting tunneled 3 games in a row.

  • Member Posts: 17

    I am okay with losing. Hell, I don't even care about winning. I just want to try the new killer and enjoy the game again. Is that so much to ask for?

  • Member Posts: 406

    It is your first video game? try another.

  • Member Posts: 3,772

    I get that, but the challenge of facing other players is part of the game. And as someone closing in on 5 years, I very rarely get "bully squads" anymore if at all, though that will most likely change with that awful MMR system. Chances are OP just needs to improve a bit as killer.

    I can guarantee you aren't being bullied every game, you're just making mistakes and paying for it. Look up some guides for killer.

  • Member Posts: 116

    I understand you, but i dont give a ######### anymore. When you learn to just laugh when the gens popping and you get bullied, then they have the problem not you. I bet u can do this. Take it as a chance to find how to destroy bullys and ruin their game!😁

  • Member Posts: 6,556

    Here's what you do.

    Next time you play, put some music you enjoy while you're playing.

    If something starts happening in the trial that is frustating you, focus on the music and sing along.

    It will get your mind out of the game for a bit

  • Member Posts: 3,772

    So.. whats the problem? If you don't care about winning or hooks just use the power and have fun. I'd consider Nem one of the easiest to use killers in the game so I don't get your complaint.

    Not trying to be a dick as others are implying I just don't understand your complaint.

  • Member Posts: 3,772

    Personally I don't like the term because I think its used by inexperienced killers to deflect blame of a loss. "I played perfect, I made no mistakes, its unfair" etc.

    It is completely possible for a good killer to get a team that is so good on a map that is so strong for survivor to not have a possible win, but I don't believe that's the case here.

    Don't get me wrong strong, unfairly so, SWF teams exist, but "Bully sqauds" stopped being a thing imo after instablinds were removed.

    THOSE were bully squads. 0.3 second blinds that made hooking impossible, blinds at every pallet constantly or even mid chase, etc.

  • Member Posts: 981

    I suggest you take a break, get a nice drink (juice, coffee, beer, whatever you like) and then get back to it.

    You are playing a new Killer after a break from the game if I am right. As such you should go into the game with reasonable expectations. Do not stress youself. Bully squads exist but it is in your control if they can get to your nerves or not.

    I was in the same position. I was angry, I was disappointed and I had no fun.

    For me the solution was to get "BBQ & Chilly" and now I play most games with the goal to stack that Perk full. If I can do this, then I played a good match. This mini game realy helped me to calm down and relax and I started to apply it to other Killers and with other perks. Set reasonable goals. As an example I rescently tryied out Pyramide Head and my goal was to get one person into a cage. All 4 escaped but I caged that one guy. Goal archived, feels good.

    You are not a pussy and you are not bad at this game. As I said: You play a new Killer. So you are just learning him and should set you goals accordningly. Maybe set a score on how many tentacles you can hit or make it a challenge for you to get the mutation to max as fast as possible and look if you can increase your record a bit each time? (Serious i have no idea how to play Nemesis...) Set some goal that could help you long term to improve yourself and have fun when you accomplish some of those goals.

    Just please, do not stress yourself. This is a game and we play it for fun. Even if it does not alway look like it.

  • Member Posts: 5,211
    edited June 2021

    While I do agree there is a difference between a really good team and an actual bully squad, there are still teams who specifically go out of their way to make the game Hell for the killer (my example I gave is absolutely a bully squad; a group of survivors who goes out of their way to make the killer experience as miserable as humanly possible).

    They might not be as effective as they used to be but that doesn't mean they no longer exist.

  • Member Posts: 171

    If in-game sounds weren't so important for killer, I'd agree with you. Unfortunately, being immersed is somewhat necessary for killers to be able to hear footsteps/breathing.

  • Member Posts: 3,772

    Oh, I agree. But I think the actually good players who do that are few and far between. A lot of the survivors I know who are really high level know the game is a joke at that level and don't taunt or mock killers.

    Most bully squads or wannabe bully squads I see tend to be really, really bad at the game.

  • Member Posts: 372

    So when you say bullying squad what do you mean? Doing gens fast, trying to body blocking to save a teammate or flash lightning you when you're carrying s teammate or looping isn't bullying. Neither is teabagging

  • Member Posts: 9,417

    This IS the game.

  • Member Posts: 6,825

    I know how you feel man... can't blame you for getting emotional. best thing you can do is take a break, play some other games or play some survivor matches.

  • Member Posts: 6,226

    That's just because the new chapter dropped and lots of people want to try out Nemesis, where there's far less new gameplay to test on the survivor side. Give it a day or so and it'll be back to the usual.

  • Member Posts: 1,730

    I thought you were gonna say Lord Tony 😂😂

    To OP, I understand how you feel, and know you want to play DBD, but when you get to the point of crying it isn't worth it.

  • Member Posts: 298

    If you don’t care about winning or losing why are you being so sensitive?

  • Member Posts: 1,684

    the game is 18+, so if you cry from a match you probably should’nt be playing it.

  • Member Posts: 6,226
    edited June 2021

    Yeah, okay, that's hilarious. You're not only creating your own standards for what's okay and decreeing that nobody else's opinion matters but yours, but you've decided I'm the real evil here because I profoundly do not enjoy your idea of fun and have the audacity to tell you that it isn't okay, and then painting a whole host of activities I must be doing even though nothing I said hinted at any of them. Toxic and insulting? Explain how me going "don't be a dick" when a player is going out of my way to ruin my day makes me toxic or insulting? Literally nothing in the post you quoted made me what you're accusing me of and you're just throwing around shade because you're mad that people don't take what you do in good fun.

    (I never said you're trash for tunneling or reported anyone for clicking a flashlight, but okay, go ahead and strawman. I don't report players for things I know aren't bannable and I generally keep my mouth shut even if I was unhappy at how the killer played, unless they were doing things that served no gameplay purpose, like bleeding out four slugs to waste time.)

    What if my idea of having fun was to blind you constantly because I know it'd get a reaction out of you? Is that okay? Because that's the mindset that griefers bring. They do things because the other player hates it and will react negatively - possibly because it gives them a gameplay advantage, possibly because it's funny. And I promise you, the people you're throwing your lot in with aren't going to differentiate between physical issues and mental.

    Or is my negging your playstyle hurting your feelings and making you feel invalidated? Because if so, then you are a flaming hypocrite by defending your desire to belittle others and making them feel like ######### in a game, because it's all in good fun for you.

    People going out of their way to be dicks are a problem and shouldn't be excused because "lol it doesn't mean anything, it's the internet." People are people, whether they're in front of you or behind a screen. People who antagonize strangers because there's no consequence have a profound lack of empathy at best and are actually bad people at worst, on the metric that you can judge a person by how they behave when they can get away with it, and on the other end... People generally cannot control what they get upset at any more than you can stop being triggered over sudden bright flashes. It's all brain chemistry. Years of therapy and mental training, perhaps, but for the most part, we are what we are.

    If you're all for accessibility options, maybe you'd support a segregation system so that bad sports and toxic players would be more likely to pair up with each other based on community ratings? Then you can enjoy getting clicky-clicked every single match because you very valiantly don't have a problem with it, and so can bear that burden for those of us that do.

  • Member Posts: 3,772

    Sometimes I just punch them in the face for the sake of it lol

  • Member Posts: 6,556

    what server do you play at?

    cause I never heard anyone say that.

  • Member Posts: 1,158

    Just a heads up,

    If you're not happy with your post, don't like where it's going or more people are jumping on you, you can tag a mod and have them close the discussion for you, or I can tag one for you.

  • Member Posts: 100

    eu it takes around 10 minutes to get killer match and i always have insta survivor que

  • Member Posts: 3,171

    Don't be so upset. I am rank 1 and get toasted/bullied here and there. I used to get tilted as well then I realized Nick you dumbass you just ran a level 15 trapper with ######### perks and add-ons against a swf with decked out perks on comms what you think going to happen. I only have 3 killers that are P3 level 50 and I don't use them as I am working on the rest of the roster so I always under par perk wise and bouncing around killers means I am constantly changing my play on the fly. Don't get tilted over things you can't control because when you get your killer/killers all fixed up they get pretty darn dominant which is why survivors act that why every chance they get. Most of them actually suck ass you just didn't have the right firepower at the time whether it be skill, perks, or add-ons.

  • Member Posts: 4,184

    I am also Eu, on PC, playing in the evening with crossplay on and I wait max 1 minute.

  • Member Posts: 6,434
    edited June 2021


    They are kind of right though.

    If a game is literally making you feel that emotional where it is affecting your everyday life like that then you should maybe stop playing.

    This isn’t to say that one doesn’t understand how you can get teams like that, but also understand it’s your second match, what do you expect from a killer you’ve literally never touched?

    I’ve had bad matches too. I also understand my skill level and where I could have done better. Which is something that we have no info on just based on a rant post. The fact that someone “bullies” which seems to be a word just thrown around on here (all when there is actual people being bullied in RL and ending their lives because of it ) doesn’t take away from the fact that if you are new to a killer you are most of the time going to be unmatched. This is the nature of the game.

  • Member Posts: 1,158
    edited June 2021

    The fact that someone “bullies” which seems to be a word just thrown around on here (all when there is actual people being bullied in RL and ending their lives because of it ) doesn’t take away from the fact that if you are new to a killer you are most of the time going to be unmatched. This is the nature of the game.

    What the ######### are you talking about. Not just THIS ^ but are you simply going to ignore the way he spoke? Really? Listen... you're not going to come and justify it.

    Creating an account on the DBD forum does not turn one into a Psychologist. My god...

    I'm done

  • Member Posts: 2,203

    I'm from the EU server as well and I have the same queues. Around ten minutes for Killers and less than a minute for Survivors.

    Back to the thread...

    Some people are serious, there? "It's a video game, you shouldn't play if you cry."

    Like. #########. Some people are very sensitive. I am. I understand OP crying because they were mocked, not because they lost. Stop saying they can't take a L, there is a difference between losing and being mocked the whole trial.

    OP, you're not alone. Some of us cried the first time they were mocked. I did. I took a break from the Killer role and I went back only when I felt I was able to face the clicking flashlights and the teabaggers.

    It took me a long time before feeling I was ready. The very first time I played Killer, I was streaming for a friend. I felt more comfortable as I wasn't alone. If you can, share your gameplay on Discord to a friend who will watch you and say positive things. I'm sure it could help you.

    I wish you to find a way to enjoy the game.

  • Member Posts: 6,434
    edited June 2021


    You are trying to give the OP the benefit of doubt without evidence that A) someone was actually doing anything to "bully".... how do you know survivors weren't just playing normal? B) OP admitted that this was their second, not week... not month, but DAY playing this killer... on what earth does one outplay the opposing side without actual experience with that character?

    I'm sorry that you think that suggesting someone to remove themselves from a situation where they clearly admitted is causing them distress is somehow bad advice. That is all I was pointing out.

    "Creating an account on the DBD forum does not turn one into a Psychologist. My god..."

    I agree, doesn't stop from people on here posting like they are at a session with their psychologist.

  • Member Posts: 593

    Omg no way thought I was the only one that does that just stick Spotify on and play away also makes great fun when you can barely hear terror radius, most people ask me how I play like that I just say "better than getting annoyed because I was tunneled and camped" works great for camping tho seriously just ignore the game and listen to your playlist.

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