I literally died twice cause of a Zombie

Second hook - I was on a safe loop and the zombie just comes from one side and Nemesis from the other side. I'm dead for nothing.
Third Hook - I went into house of pain cause he was tunneling me. I see Nemesis coming down the stairs so i go up to the window - I vault - boom a zombie just standa literally ON the window and hits me.
It's dumb. the killer did nothing and his zombies took me out of the game.
Why you running near zombies? have you never seen a movie? Zombies are known to attack people in fiction.
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Zombies are way too rng...they are either good or do nothing.
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I got tunneled off hook so i had a little time to reach a pallet. the only pallet i found within safe distance. after i loop it once i see a zombie approaching from the other side.
The second time - who the hell knew there was a zombie there? I couldn't hear him cause i was downstairs.
Post edited by Rizzo on1 -
they literally won the game for him. i could loop him for more time or at least have a fair chance if not those zombies.
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Like I said the zombies are rng....have you played Nemesis yet.
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Yeah I know they're RNG but let's look about it both ways:
The zombies doesn't work out for him - he still has a good Anti loop and a power that's gets stronger. it's not like he's an M1 killer who relies on zombies.
The zombies do work for him - He takes me out of the game twice in 2 really safe zones just because a zombie just joined a chase or was waiting for me at the window.
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Let me get this straight. You had ONE bad luck match and you then spam the forum with posts to call for nerfs? Entitled much?
I get that the situation was frustrating but that doesn't mean it's proof enough to call for a nerf. Play more matches against nemesis and then make a summary of how many times you were screwed over by them.
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Doesn't matter. the fact that the killer can kill you without doing anything is stupid. he already has an anti loop power.
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DBD is full of rng mechanics that win or lose games all the time. Zombies are no exception. Calm down.
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Fine. have fun with a game that you can be killed by an NPC. 0 skill required by the killer. just to be close to you so you have nowhere to go. I hope dbd will stop making killers that don't need to get a hit in order to down or the game will go to a bad way.
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From my point of view you can dodge his power easily...zombies again are rng based and the killer was lucky that even happen for him. Safe zones...where the killer can't do nothing but break pallet? So you know the loop isn't fair but complain when Nemesis get really lucky with zombie rng and you lost at the *SAFE LOOPS". alright I am done.
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you fail to realize that much like hag traps nemesis can see the auras of his zombies and herd you into their direction so maybe he was just 3 parallel universes ahead of you in this chase
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do you realize that i ran the loop once. cause it would be stupid to waste a good pallet right away. then I noticed the zombie coming from the other direction.
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Doesn't matter. I got tunneled I didn't have much time to look around me i just had the nearest safe zones.
The difference is that hag needs to set these traps and think about them+survivors can destory them.
The zombies are just an NPC that can win the game for you like happened with me.
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Yes it's possible to get lucky with zombies. It's also possible to get lucky with a key from chests. Structures spawning in favor of either side. Hex totems spawning out in the open or right next to survivors. Etc. Get over yourself.
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Are you sluzzy? I can only ask that now.
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"Second hook - I was on a safe loop and the zombie just comes from one side and Nemesis from the other side. I'm dead for nothing."
...not so safe anymore is it
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This sounds hilarious. If for no other reason than that, the Zombies should 100% stay. :) You should know that Nemesis will HERD you toward the Zombies since he can see them. It is rather arrogant for you to assume that was entirely random. I know I run people into the Zombies all the time.
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I dont mind. if a trapper made a loop unsafe gg he earned it by putting a trap there. thinking about it and wasting his time.
Nemesis be like : "MUH MUH KILL HIM NPC MUH"
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Then why not complain about legion or deathslinger too while you're at it? Deep wounds does the same thing.
You are entitled to your opinion, but that doesn't mean it can't be wrong, only time will tell if you were right or not about the zombies. Until then, play more games to get a feel about how strong the zombies are. Like i said, one match is not proof enough. If you fail to understand that, then your chances of having your opinion matter is low to none.
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Yeah but think about it like that. If i get tunneled I don't have time to check around for zombies. I have to protect myself.
Now a trapper or a hag can tunnel me to a direction of a trap - but they PLACED the trap there. they thought about it, wasted their time, it involved the player's skill to outplay me with their power. this power is just random and an npc is doing the work.
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Omg do you really compare a deep wound- that you can get away from by MENDING DUH to an attack you can't avoid if it's too close?
Attack that was made by a PC and not by the killer? really these people in this forum are a joke.
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I was watching a streamer playing Nemesis and one of his zombies body blocked the hook. 😹
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- I doubt you were Tunneled.
- If you were being Tunneled where was your TEAM?
- They should be taking protection hits.
- They should be stealing chases.
- They should be bringing the proper Perks to help mitigate Tunneling.
- They can certainly lead off Zombies.
- They can do Shoulder Saves.
- They can sabotage hooks.
- They can even trade hooks with you.
I could go on but those are the BIG ones. This is a 4v1 game. No, if you have to protect yourself, you are going to lose. Survivors stand or fall as a team. I have found, playing both Killer and Survivor, that most of the time Survivors incorrectly identify Tunneling and Camping. It is easier on the ego to blame something outside themselves. Zombies are here to stay. You better get used to them.
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Hahaha another killer telling me after 3k hours of gameplay if i was tunneled or not. my team maters were regular solo q team mates who are useless and hide from the killer. Yes I got tunneled off hook and an NPC killed me twice. stop protecting your precious fellow tunneling killers and blame solo q survivors LOL.
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Can confirm that the only good zombie I ever had was Hamilton. He was a good boi :(
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I also play Solo Queue and I find my Teammates are rarely useless. I suppose it depends on where you are and what YOU do. I play both Killer and Survivor equally. When I screw up and get killed, I take responsibility for it. Let's take an uncomfortable look in the mirror here. You are complaining about ZOMBIES. You got killed by Zombies and apparently are unaware (or won't admit) that Nemesis drove you into them twice. Clearly you need another 3K to practice.
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Nah let's admit that solo Q is unplayable and everybody knows that. you're just trying to paint it in a pretty picture while everyone knows it's a lie.
I was downed by zombies because they caught me in situations that i couldn't escape them at all. the killer had no input cause he didn't PLACE them there like trapper or hag are doing. I don't need another 3k to practice I know that my skill levl is high but thanks for the tip.
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Whatever floats your boat there champ. :) I haven't been killed by Zombies yet.
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Who's to say that Nemesis didn't intentionally lure you into those situations? He can see their auras, after all.
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I tried to talk some sense into him, but there is no way he'll admit he's wrong 🙃
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Now you know what it is like playing AS RNG killers. All those time you escaped because a bear trap was came off instantly? Now you know what it feels like.
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That zombie just had the better gaming fridge and outplayed you