I am autistic and have sensory issues - The Blast Mine is hurting my eyes a lot

The perk is great,but can we change it to a stun of some sort that doesn't include the blinding flash?
Personally I'm going to stop kicking gens because of it.
I think blast mine is a great addition and really fun for survivors but i can't take the sudden flash.
Anyone else like the perk but finding it physically hard to cope with while playing?
Does Lightborn counter it? I havent even played new content yet cause I had massive update on PS5 last night, but I will dive in today
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so you don’t have trouble with Flashlights, Flashbangs or firecrackers?
Seems like it would make more sense to give an accessibility option to change the blinding effect as there are also people with epilepsy that have trouble with it. Maybe make a toggle setting to make it completely black instead of the light?
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Although I'm personally fine with it, I can understand why some people like yourself arent fine with it.
Hopefully, the devs can add some sort of feature that doesnt make it suddenly blinding, and maybe make it similar to the current flashlights in which its gradual.
Question however, are you fine with Flashlights as it's not an instant blind but you can prepare for it?
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Yes, lightborn removes the flash. At least in the PTB. That said I don't think OP wants to have to run it every game.
Hopefully the devs see this and add an option to make the screen go black or something.
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I haven't tried yet but I don't really wanna have to use that perk. I may do it in the end though. As I said, there si nothign wrong with blastmine, it is just the flash.
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No because there is a kind of ramp up so i know it is coming and i can squint a bit. But the blast mine is instant.
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Ah alright. Well… one ‚solution‘ could be closing your eyes everything you kick a gen.. but I understand that that is also pretty annoying.
and as I said, there are people having trouble with the Flash generally so it would still make sense to give some form of accessibility option here.
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Great perk though, seems like a tilting addition to the game for us killer mains but i think its great.
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As someone else with autism I struggle sometimes in this game with sensory issues as well. I can hardly play doctor sometimes because I find his music to be triggering. Even with color blind mode this game is still lacking in the accessibility department.
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Yeah, I can't see a downside to giving an option that changes the blindless to be easier on the eyes.
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I dont have either of these conditions, and the flash from fragmine still gives me a headache. I think it really is too sudden.
Maybe just make it a killer stun with the knockout effect around the screen instead.
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easier on the eyes =/= not being blinded anymore.
if the screen goes black you are still blinded
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An accessibility option would be in order. Fairly easy solution and it would have no effect whatsoever on game balance.
@MandyTalk can you kindly forward this suggestion to the team?
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I wonder if it'd help if they'd make a slight 'black out' (where the screen turns black for the duration instead of white) effect for people facing issues.
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That’s a really good suggestion actually. A sensible accessibility option that doesn’t leave itself open to cheating by those that don’t necessarily need such a change.
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yeah, this would be a good change for people that need it. hope they listen and add it
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Additionally give the clicking sound of flashlights also a toggle option, so it’s not triggering anymore. Something more muffled.
but I actually think they are working on stuff like that. They just started to implement accessibility options after all with colorblind and struggle skillchecks and it didn’t seem like they would stop with these.
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As someone who is also Autistic I always thought this game could use something to make things like that less unbearable for us lol I feel this 100%.
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I can respect why it’s slow going as well. I’m sure they’ve brainstormed heaps of accessibility solutions, only to scrap them, because they found “holes” in the idea whereby it could be abused by players that don’t need the accessibility option.
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How does this sound?
With Lightborn, you can see that Blast Mine still has a smaller flash that doesn’t blind. If that’s easier on your eyes, I’d suggest that instead of being forced to run Lightborn to cope with it, maybe the flash effect can still be there, but instead of being blinded, there’s a little stun effect with a bit of an afterimage, similar to Knockout!
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I know this. That's why I said that I couldn't see a downside to adding this option.
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I have pretty bad light sensitivity from nerve damage in my eyes and have to either close my eyes or squint anytime there's a flash. I feel your pain, OP but for different reasons.
Hopefully in the future there's a box to check that gives relief for other players in similar spots.
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I have Asperger's, while yes it is bright and can, and is, painful when I adjusted the screen to match the lighting in the room it was more bearable.
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Yeah, I have light sensitivity and the blinding flash genuinely hurt my eyes the one time it happened to the point where I still have a bit of a headache like 5 hours later.
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sorry. that's my bad.
I read it as sarcasm.
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Nah, it was sincere. 'Tis all good.
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Yeah, I remember in the PTB it was a bit too bright for me as well...