Here's my little contribution, sorry about my commentary, I didn't make a script or anything and I didn't look back at the video bc I can't stand how I change my voice when I record
The Continued Ignorance of Performance Issues Continues to Hamper Player Fun
And that's a like. Great vid! 👍
8 -
Thanks a ton! I've been meaning to share my clips for a while but never got around to it , but this patch is just too much.
5 -
Not really! It's advertised one way and plays another, quite simple.
0 -
I agree.
Wish I could make content like that, I just stream on Twitch sometimes lmao
5 -
It actually advertises one Killer player vs 4 Survivor players.
4 -
Amazing. This awesome thread now goes out the door, around the corner, and clear down the street. With no official response.
Last night had two matches as killer and one as a surv not start because of a dc during loading, and three unknown errors in a row send me back to the main menu. Had to hard reset to stop that noise.
In another match a surv dc'd in front of me while my Piggy and they were memeing away in the exit gate. No way they'd purposely dc at that moment, and if it were me I'd be super pissed. They were Crossplay so I don't even know their system.
During the matches the lag spikes and frame drops all us consolers know well & love have been far more frequent and pronounced.
I feel especially bad for our Switch cousins I know they have it even worse.
10 -
Lmfao, I got a ban warning for suggesting a boycott on all future DLC until we get the promised optization that never came. BHVR never ceases to amaze with thier shittiness.
8 -
How is this thing 43 pages and we haven’t had an official response?
7 -
Between this post and the multiple posts from yesterday about the optimization issues from the patch I can't believe they haven't atleast acknowledged the patch made things worse. Even fog whisperers were talking about the issues in streams. No "we hear you" just a "we turned off the new map, here's some BP." 🙄
7 -
dont forget the “buy our game now!” with the sales on twitter, lmfao
8 -
Why is anyone even surprised anymore at this point? lol
The DLC and everything else is released and i'm sure they already earned more than enough money.
The actual playerbase that supported this game for years isn't relevant,money is.
That's it.
7 -
I think this is as close to an official statement as we're going to get.
The same ######### as always
15 -
This is the closest we will get and it might be the farthest as they will only fix the issue's from this patch only and that would be it.
8 -
It's not that I'm surprised, it's more so the exasperated can't believe. Like when you see someone do the same dumb thing multiple times in a row and you're like "I can't believe someone can be that dumb."😂
4 -
Ah probably :')
2 -
Oh it's definitely only this patch they'll work on. The other optimization issues we've been talking about will stay swept under the rug.
5 -
i hope they will act on ps4 and xbox switch, not just ps5 and xbox series x / s
5 -
the devs have a statement on the forums here about the performance issues and FPS drops. Hopefully this means we finally get what we asked for.
7 -
How many years ago was it they promised they'd fix the bad performance on console? Then radio silence since. But please keep buying new chapters and battle passes and costumes.
Either they don't care/prioritise fixing their game on console (I'm talking ps4/xbox one/switch), or don't know how to. I'm not sure which is worse.
Please get your act together BHVR!
14 -
It's affecting the fog whisperers so that's the only reason why they have put this on Twitter...
Post edited by Ryuzaki on7 -
I hope so hopefully they dint brush it off
2 -
Another clip showing how fun this update is 🤡
9 -
Just my 2 cents. I'm running the game on PC with 16 gigs of ram, a i9-10700k and an RTX 3060ti, on low settings with frames uncapped, more than enough horsepower. I get a solid 120fps pretty much all the time, however there are in game instances where frames drop by 20-30 fps for a second, things like unhooks taking place, etc. I would guess maybe people already playing with lower FPS would be impacted by the same in game events that impact my FPS and if they are already playing at 60 or 30fps the drop in frames would seem much worse.
Something defiantly seems to be off with the game and I would encourage the devs to look into it.
7 -
We got a official statement saying there looking into fixing the FPS drops where experiencing. It’s not an answer but at least there acknowledging the problem. But guys please don’t stop you guys are saying there only going to fix it here and move on NO! We will not stop keep this thread going
4 -
That acknowledgment was only for issues from this patch. We aren't going anywhere, there's still all the performance issues from before the patch that need to be fixed.
8 -
Exactly this.
The hotfix will only fix the FPS issues that came along the new update.
We are at the same point like before,no progress towards optimization at all.
8 -
This tweet is a step in the right direction, im glad they didnt ignore us, but also good optimisation has been promised before...
Please don't let us down BHVR
4 -
The fix will probably just adress the FPS issues that came with the RE update.
Optimization is still gonna be a huge problem
8 -
Then we keep fighting like how where fighting to RestoreTheSnyderVerse we will not stop until we get what we want
2 -
That and it feels naive to appreciate a corporate cutout of a damage control statement.
5 -
My specs are almost identical to yours, Ryzen 5 5600x, 16GB RAM and a RTX 3060 Ti. I play at 60 fps and the frame drops are really noticeable and have been driving me insane.
3 -
I am pretty sure they will have to address it at some point considering how many pages this thread has and how many people have seen it.
if only there was a way to guarantee a response or even better is them taking action to fix the issue entirely.
4 -
At this point, I have a hard time to believe they will take action and give us the fixes we need. We are just milking cows at this point in my opinion.
3 -
Sadly. a part of me feel like we are.
2 -
4 -
I've been playing on console, Xbox one s specifically, since the game was released for it in 2017. The game has always had these problems, the most notable being deadhard leaving you exhausted on the ground, sloppy butcher dropping frames across map, and don't even get me started with Freddy. I WISH the devs would actually optimize the game as they promised, but as everyone has echoed here, they'll only address the issues from the RE patch. It's sad that a developer team is KNOWN for constantly adding new bugs to their game each patch while not addressing the older ones. People still get glitched in lockers to the point that killers can't get them and end game collapse doesn't kill them so it comes down to willpower of who is willing to take the dc penalty at that point. It's absolutely frustrating, but our cries appear to fall on deaf ears.
5 -
If they don't ever address console optimization than they're gonna lose a lot of players. A huge portion of the playerbase is on last gen console.
8 -
My PC is an i5 - 4690k 3.5GHz, 24.0 GB ram, GTX 970, Windows 10 x64 bit. Not a top of the line, but above the minimum specs. I am on the steam platform.
I've done lots of the things suggested. -dx12, increase virtual memory, reinstall EAC, review and shut off all the unnecessary background applications. All these things help some, but I still experience a lot of stuttering and mini freezes in game. Simply turning my camera can cause me to freeze.
I used to also play with an Xbox One S before crossplay because I had family members that played the game on Xbox. The freezes and stuttering where much more prevalent. When crossplay came out, I thought great, now I can play with my more stable PC and still play with my family. But they have all quit playing because the game runs so terrible on Xbox.
When they started the optimization project, I was really hoping they would make this better. They even created an optimization forum, that I contributed too, in hopes they would get the information needed to make the fixes. But if you go look at that section, you will see there is barely a post from a developer even asking for more information to people's concerns.
They made a pretty roadmap graph, said they did some changes which some people claimed helped but others still said they had issues. After that it just went radio silent. They got a few people to say things seemed a little better and it seems liked they just wiped their hands of it, even though they weren't all the way through their timeline on the road map.
I have not bought the new chapter and will not put anymore money into this game.
9 -
I'm starting to feel a little more hopeful now.
2 -
I won't tell you not to be hopeful, but temper your expectations. BHVR is the master of disappointing people who have even NO expectations
6 -
They're only looking into fixing the new problems their chapter release caused.
Every time a chapter release has tanked the framerate and/or caused crashes, the devs come out saying they're looking into the issue, and when the issue is fixed it's at best the same as it was pre-update if not still worse but without being completely broken.
9 -
that's why I said "little" lol
3 -
2 -
Thank you both and all the other PCrs that have stopped by sharing their performance experiences. Us consolers know what we experience may not always be what those on PC get, and if your bad ass machines struggle with DBD it makes me even more apprehensive for the future on console, particularly the proir gen ones the vast majority are still on.
On a side note I bet y'all 3 auric cells if they eveaaaaaa ever ever ever put out a DBD2 it will be only on PC and stay there. My opinion of course...
3 -
Okay, just played my first game of Nemesis and here's my input on it:
What the #########?!
I was dropping frames and freezing. PC, Ryzen 7 3700x, 6GB GTX 1660, 32GB (4x8GB) RAM, 1TB Samsung SSD, And I was dropping frames and freezing. No other game has this issue. No other game stuttered as badly as this one match did. My computer is reaching record-high levels of temperature and I have the side of the PC off because I knew how hot it'd get. That didn't help.
What the actual ######### is this?! In the nicest possible way, of course.
I should not be dropping frames. I can play other multiplayer and single player games just fine. I should not be dropping frames on a game with minimum specs as low as an AMD FX-8120, a 1GB GTX 460, and 8GB RAM. I should not be dropping frames when the recommended specs are an Intel i3-4170, a 4GB GeForce 760, and 8GB RAM.
I don't really know what else to say, except from what the #########?!
If this cannot cope with it- a machine costing upwards of £1300 built in 2020 (bearing in mind, a 2016 game), what hope do lower end consoles have at the current level?
I'm aware BHVR have said they're looking into this. If they don't fix the abysmal optimisation in total, despite having said 60fps in 2018, then it's honestly not enough.
I've said enough times for you that you've got enough staff on enough teams BHVR. I've summarised your streams and told it exactly like you have.
Now prove to me, and to the rest of your consumers, that you mean you'll fix this.
15 -
Don't have high hopes that they'll fix it. They didn't even mention optimization in that earlier announcement, only what they broke with "our latest release."
5 -
I try my absolute best to look on the positive side of things when it comes to companies. I hope so, so badly that they fix this.
Because, quite frankly, this is genuinely unacceptable.
4 -
Frankly it has been for years now. Feels like the topic is only picking up traction now with this thread.
But since BHVR has ignored optimization for so long, they have shown they won't do it for the community. If Pulsar is able to talk to a news site, then maybe BHVR will do it if their reputation is at stake.
9 -
If Pulsar can't I'll make an effort to.
7 -
Yeah at this point creating pressure from outside seems to be the only way to motivate them to work on game health - this is how they got the colorblind settingsafter all (after being denied for years).