DBD for Switch keeps crashing

austeeen Member Posts: 1

About every 8 games or so, my game will crash completely saying that the software closed because of an error. It is very frustrating and always causes my matchmaking to be locked, which is unfair. Would love to see this fixed soon.

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  • Squrix
    Squrix Member Posts: 9

    Im also having the same issue on switch, which also started with the first release of all-kill but it has gotten worse with the following patch.

  • Unccmyway
    Unccmyway Member Posts: 4

    Exact same thing for me. Started with the All-Kill release. I just have to remember to restart the Switch after every 4 matches or so. It makes me look like a poor sport to my teammates when it closes...that's the worst part!

  • Maeylee
    Maeylee Member Posts: 6

    I still have this issue. You too?

  • Yuretz
    Yuretz Member Posts: 23
    edited June 2021

    This also happens to me! around 70% of my matches on both Yamaoka maps, sometimes this happens when playing Ormond, Gas station autoheaven. On all of those maps only crashes when all gens are repaired, then just randomly the software closes.

    I am also a Nintendo switch player.

  • toodooleedoo
    toodooleedoo Member Posts: 12

    Happening for me a lot lately and reading post above is a matching pattern for me to at least some parts it is often when all generators are repaired. I found a post on Nintendo to reboot and reinsert game card and such since I have 2 copies that will be easy.

    Hope this works I'm at a 7h lockout period not sure what scales they have usually not a concern as I never dc'd untill now.

  • Unccmyway
    Unccmyway Member Posts: 4

    Are all of you running off an actual game card, like me? I wonder if that is the issue.

  • toodooleedoo
    toodooleedoo Member Posts: 12

    Thanks for link that video surely same issue for me. I'm on day 3 I hope I don't have the issue this weekend.

    I think there should be some additional smarts when determining to lock a player for dc'n since it is such a harsh punishment. I say that because all of my crashes have been toward end game like others and strangely it's always when I am having an awesome match.

    Who I'm there right mind dc's when they have already earned a pip.

    I'm hoping that's at least helpful for bhvr as maybe that helps sift through logs.

  • GhoastKween
    GhoastKween Member Posts: 11

    same thing happened to me multiple times ive gotten up to 30 minute penalty because of this everytime it does this my switch says "software error" and then disconnects me from the game and it happens everytime we are near the end of game like when 5 gens pop or EGC starts

  • dontpanic503
    dontpanic503 Member Posts: 58

    This happens to me too, typically shortly after last gen is completed, both as survivor and killer. It happens about once a day for me, and I typically play 8-12 matches a day. Game freezes, error code comes up "The software was closed because an error occured", and back to Switch home screen.

    I've tried doing full system reboots of my Switch like some people recommend, but the issue is still here.

  • Unccmyway
    Unccmyway Member Posts: 4

    Two matches in the police department and two crashes within the first 2 mins of the match. This isn't good at all.

  • Hello_Its_Kai
    Hello_Its_Kai Member Posts: 9

    I can confirm that this is entirely the new map that is the problem. I played a few games after the map was disabled and see no issues.

  • llamalord
    llamalord Member Posts: 6

    I’m on auto wreckers and game just glitched mid match. I HAVE to close the software to be able to get back into the game.

  • llamalord
    llamalord Member Posts: 6

    Super disheartening. Spent the money for this and I really just don’t want to play. I’m now heading up in disconnect penalties. Game three disconnecting and I’m at 11 minutes. I want to keep playing but like I don’t need a 24-48 hour ban on their behalf that they ‘can’t do anything about’

  • dontpanic503
    dontpanic503 Member Posts: 58

    Reiterating this issue is not just the RCPD map issue, which has been acknowledged. Just played a game on Azarov's Resting Place, game crashed about 1 minute after last gen was completed.

  • Vash
    Vash Member Posts: 19

    I am also having this issue. The crashing seems to not matter who I play or the perks I use but it's always against Nemesis and late in the game after a chase. I cannot confirm if Zombies cause it. It's happening wayyyyy too often and we should have our ranks restored and some kind of compensation. Additionally all survivor customization is being reset after doing the tutorials.

  • domriver
    domriver Member Posts: 142

    Same deal here - Switch User - game DC’s after last generator is completed AND the gates are open. I got dc twice as nemesis on cold wind farms map. Twice. Please fix issue. Thank you

  • GhoastKween
    GhoastKween Member Posts: 11

    ever since the update it got worse it penalized me for up to 5 hours already its crashing too often and every single time i play against nemisis it crashes half way through the match and i dont know whats wrong even after the new map disabled

  • JJOR64
    JJOR64 Member Posts: 7

    Another Switch player here. Was streaming the game on Twitch and the game crashed twice in a two hour period.

    I can make clips/highlights if needed. It crashed on my twice when I'm playing as Nemesis.

  • llamalord
    llamalord Member Posts: 6

    I don’t even know what to do. You can’t appeal these bans but like I don’t think this is right. Ugh.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,145

    Playing on Switch, the game totally froze just now and I had to restart.

    BHVR needs to do something, their game is crashing and their DC penalties are still on, they are punishing players for faults in their software.

  • yes_hello
    yes_hello Member Posts: 146

    Game has crashed THREE times out of five matches since they disabled the map. Unbelievable, unplayable, unreliable, unacceptable!!!

  • toodooleedoo
    toodooleedoo Member Posts: 12

    I reported above and it's been happy consistently since. I had hoped the new chapter would have fixed it but this am woke up happy to finally play but crashed in my second game and now I have 24 yep 24 hour block 😔

    I am soooo glad I didn't buy the new chapter.

    I play a lot and this happened to me playing SWF with a streamer and once doing SWF with a few other friends so embarrassing and has caused me several DC's end game leaving many randos screwed.

    Im sure being switch players doesn't get us the highest visibility to the issue but it's been sooo long now a couple threads going with screencasts and not even an acknowledgement.

    I may have to start making suicide moves around 4th gen but honestly think it's time to find a new game until it gets fixed very frustrating!

  • domriver
    domriver Member Posts: 142

    I forgot to mention this as well. While I was playing Nemesis my game froze as well. :(

    Twice DC as Nemesis

    Froze during gameplay as Nemesis

    Funny thing i have yet to come across a problem when playing Survivor Claire Redfield.

    Maybe this is a Nemesis coding Issue? lol Nemesis too hot for SWITCH. :P

    btw Love this chapter :) I bought just about everything. lol for it.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,145

    I was playing killer when it froze, but I don't have the new RE chapter, so the issue isn't Nemesis-specific.

  • toodooleedoo
    toodooleedoo Member Posts: 12
    edited June 2021


    Post edited by toodooleedoo on
  • Djangersol
    Djangersol Member Posts: 6

    Playing nemesis has a chance to crash nearly every time a gen is done, ans is all but guaranteed to crash the game when the exit gates are finished. I am 4/4 for crashes if the gates are powered

  • nessa1989
    nessa1989 Member Posts: 1

    Every single time I load into a match and nemesis is the killer it’s a given that my switch will crash and it completely throws me out of the game.

  • toodooleedoo
    toodooleedoo Member Posts: 12

    My crash today was nemesis as killer we solved all gens I powered the exit to 99% since someone was on the hook and halfway through my Sprint back it crashed.

    I thought I should have used the shortcut to record last 30 seconds. Has anyone tried this?

    I'm halfway through a 24 hour ban but next time hopefully I remember

  • JJOR64
    JJOR64 Member Posts: 7

    Crahed again today when I was Nemesis. The crashes definitely happen cause of Nemesis.

  • domriver
    domriver Member Posts: 142

    Crashed again while playing survivor and nemesis as the killer.

  • toodooleedoo
    toodooleedoo Member Posts: 12

    This issue started before nemesis maybe it's just worse now 😭

  • JJOR64
    JJOR64 Member Posts: 7

    Just got another crash when playing as Nemesis. Really hope this gets patched ASAP. Can't even play the game. :/

  • athenaorea
    athenaorea Member Posts: 8
    edited June 2021

    I just recently sent an email to bhvr about this issue and they said they would let the team know. But I just found out from this forum that this bug has been happening for months??? And nobody on the team has responded or given us any kind of info on if this is gonna get fixed or not.

    I love dbd so much, but this bug makes me not want to play it since the bans, the pipping down, and lost items is so frustrating. I just wish they would at least acknowledge this issue :/

  • zomtech
    zomtech Member Posts: 2

    May we have to talk do Nintendo, to bann this Bug Game from the Nintendo eShop, like Cyberpunk from PSN. My games crashes 2 times today. Behavior: Patch it, or I want my Money back. I'm having the whole Game with DLC on my Switch, that's a lot of money for an unplayable Game.

  • Tranquil_Blue
    Tranquil_Blue Member Posts: 335

    Honestly, the way this company is treating its Xbox One/PS4/Switch customers makes me sick. There are plenty of bugs even on the more playable platforms, but it is unacceptable to keep extracting money from people when they can't even make the game playable/enjoyable on these less-powerful platforms.

  • Ekzayde
    Ekzayde Member Posts: 1

    People are saying that Nemesis is a bad killer but the mad lad makes at least one person crash per game so he's quite broken if you ask me lmao. If you're playing on switch and you come across him you can be most certainly sure you won't see the end of the game by any mean.

    Anyway, I feel you guys, the game's becoming unplayable on switch and that makes me both really sad and angry. I don't ask for 60fps or 1080p, just let me finish my games PLEASE.

  • jjohns47
    jjohns47 Member Posts: 3

    I’m having the same issue. Seems like it happens most when the exit gates are powered up. Just happened to me on autohaven against nemesis.

  • Newtton
    Newtton Member Posts: 42

    I’m having this crash issue since the new chapter is really annoying

  • Clonegreen
    Clonegreen Member Posts: 7

    Game crashed 5 times in the timespan of 2 hours. Luckily no penalties yet, but it tends to happen late game.

  • toodooleedoo
    toodooleedoo Member Posts: 12

    I've been dealing with frequent late game crashes well before new chapter

    I couldn't wait any longer to get the new chapter and finally gave in it. After my the 3Rd game while playing Meg Thomas it froze up when loading into a map.

    I have never had this type of freeze with solid black screen and cursor in the exact center I had to restart the game.

    I hope the new chapter didn't get me a new bug but I did play a lot today no crashes and I didn't get a penalty at all thank goodness. My crashes get the DC penalty which I'm up to 24h

  • demian514
    demian514 Member Posts: 12

    I lost like 4 Survivor Puddings because of this. I want my BP back.