DC penalty

Why was DC penalty turned off? Survivors are dc-ing when they get a killer they don't like once again.. Even talking ######### in end game chat saying they won't get penalized for dc-ing.
Because the game is broken to a point where Crashing is common
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Because the game is crashing every other match for thousands of people. Might have something to do with it
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Understandable, but something needs to be done about griefers.
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That's the worst take ever. Killers being toxic doesn't mean you should dc. Report them and move on. If everyone just dc-ed whenever they wanted, there would be no matches left to even play.
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Good. I won't be versing huntress and her bull crap hatchet hitboxes while it's down.
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Sounds like someone is upset they can’t play toxic. Go figure. This entire forum is a killer main complain fest. Us survivor players are honestly sick of it.
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LMAOOO!! Not you calling me a killer main to justify your nonsense. Sorry sweetie, i play survivor. I just don't die on first hook xoxo
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Considering the game is an absolute shitheap at the moment with crashes disabling it temporary was necessary
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If you think people would only dc because someone was "toxic" you should look at gameplay before the dc penalty was added.
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Yea, so sick of it you seem to feel entitled to disconnect because of your poor attitude.
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The game is crashing for many people across various platforms. We put up with no DC penalty for months and months so I think it’ll be okay as long as a hot fix is soon to come. Until then we just gotta deal.
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Another bad take. If survivors reported the killer everytime it was a killer they didn't like then there would be no more killers (and no more matches) left to play
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Where was it stated that the DC penalty was turned off?
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I mentioned toxic killers, not "killer they didn't like". Toxicity comes in many forms, some of them ARE against TOS.
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The one good thing about this update. No haddonfield or bad teammates, yay!
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Not really, because im rank 1 on killer and survivor. :) try again next time <3
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Games too unstable for the dc penalty to be a healthy part of the game, though I'll admit I never thought it was a healthy addition but with current state of the game since the chapter came out and its buggy as all hell it makes since to turn it off
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Like someone above asked, where did this actually get announced (if it got announced at all)?
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So your basis on your personal value is what rank you are in a video game? Maybe set the game down, go outside and get some fresh air. It’s just a game sweetie.
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And rank matters in what way? lol
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Hey now,it's not like killers don't dc if they find themselves being overpowered.
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getting banned for 30 mins-hour for crashing at 1 gen left with Bloody Party Streamers was just a kick in the balls. I think if they didn't remove the DC penalty I'd have just given up by now.
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I mean, it's the best feature in DBD - leave whenever you want.
It's also the only balanced and reliably functional feature in the game.
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Which is exactly the way to used to be. It used to be infuriating getting 5 to 10 games in a row where (as killer) all survivors would DC within 60 seconds into the gane, so just in this long, continuous cycle of search for match, wait in lobby, start match, wait for loading to finish, do it all again shortly after match starts.
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This game is the only game ever to make me have to turn off chats on my xbox. Not sure if other platforms allow it but I opted that only friends can message me. Has literally been a game changer
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I don't think they said anything, or I didn't see them say anything, but there is in fact no penalty for dc'ing
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Maybe it's another bug.
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If someone DC against me then a few things are going to happen 1) If someone DC within a minute of the game, then I'll farm. 2) If someone DC mid-match then whoever is left in the trial can have the hatch. But yea, that's just me.