People Like This is Exactly Why An Auto-Ban System Cannot Work
and who do you think should be banned? Campers and tunnelers when its literally said that those are not bannable
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What if one salty Killer makes a script or a bot to report you?
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Well if they can’t get banned why is everyone worried?
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thats why people think people are going to abuse the auto ban system for things that aren't bannable
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Well then they will have to stop tunneling and camping if they don’t want to get banned.
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If the killer takes it that seriously then I have probably done something wrong.
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Like what? played the game? escaped? tbag? stun him with too many pallets or escape too many chases and it's "your fault" gens popped off left and right when he should have stopped chasing you? You sat at the exit if you were a ninja and needed a single chase to get toward the emblem before you escaped the match? the list goes on and on and on.
there's also duos and 3 mans that are gonna spam reports on you if they blame you for their butt buddy walking himself into the killer or you used a pallet they think could have saved him later. Or even just for chets & giggles just because they can and decide to do it every few games or so to the random.
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okay you're trolling, or enjoy 30 minute queues as survivor LMFAO
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So I’m trolling because we don’t agree? Queues are already long enough. I would rather wait a few minutes extra to get a game where I actually can play it without getting camped to death.
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You are acting like I will queue up with these people every game, I won’t.