Why is Dead Harding over a bear trap still a thing?

How is this a thing in 2021? Like, just how?
Seeing as it works against any attack, special or basic, I'd argue that it would make sense.
Trapper definitely needs buffed but I really don't think making his traps more of an inconvenience than they already are is the way to do that. He really just needs help achieving a good setup in the early game.
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Almost correct. Victor seems to be immune to Dead Hard from what I see. So theoretically, it should be possible.
And disabling dead hard over traps isn't an inconvenience. It's common sense. There's no reason you should be able to just ignore the trap that exists.
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If we could move in a trap although much slower i could see them changing it but its one of the few incibility cloaks survivors have
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This is probably the main gripe I have about Dead Hard. Trapper's not exactly a fantastic killer but he's still decent.
Spending a ton of time getting set up, leading a survivor into a narrow area, and they dead hard over the trap is extremely frustrating. If it's in a narrow area it's much more annoying as you have to either pick up the trap or go through it and get your own leg caught.
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How is this a thing in 2021? Basement Trapper exists. Only escape it's DH trap
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You shouldn't be able to step over a bear trap quickly, nonsense feature imo.
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I am a killer main. I whole heartedly DISAGREE with you
Trapper needs a SLIGHT buff.
Dead Hard on the other hand, is usually a non issue. For any killer. Although Dead Hard does need a slightly longer cooldown
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yeah... no.
dead harding over a trap is the most BS thing ever.
it's like if there was a perk where, after you stun the killer you lose a health state.
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Yeah no. Dead hard over a trap. And a killer gets a hit
Its like, you dont care the survivors barely have anything to keep them off the hook. Especially BAD surivivors.
Sounds like you just want EASY MODE
Here is a thought.... Stop putting traps in HORRIBLE spots? Trapper is by far my most successful killer IE doorways, pallets, and windows. Be more creative
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While I’m okay with DH as a whole this has to go
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Almost nowhere you put a trap matters when they can just dead hard over it.
doorways? pallets? dead hard.
you can pretend it doesn't absolutely destroys any planning and herding you did while playing trapper if you want... just shows you don't play trapper nearly enough to understand how bs this is.
windows are the only thing that still works, because they are locked in an animation
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Like i said...... Be more creative about your traps..............
EXAMPLE (I will only give one, BECAUSE you are being a jerk) Put a trap on the corner of a L or T. So when you are being looped. The trap is in an unexpected place during chase. Now you have a survivor in a dying state
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I'd rather they remove stepping in your own traps, but maybe that would be too much of a buff.
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that is a very common spot. have you ever actually played against trapper?
next you'll tell me to trap the shack corner...
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Outdated game design.
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Not to mention those are 50/50 spots I call them. Works half gets disabled other half as there is no cover for your traps in those locations. Risky spot I prefer great spots as I don't play bots so I need all the traps I can get.
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troll. troll. and more troll.
Do you even own the game?
EDIT that was rhetorical. as in, dont answer that. I know the answer
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You dash when you dead hard.. you don't just walk really fast. It makes sense because you're not touching the ground with your feet
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I completely agree that this should be removed.
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Does anyone else just kind of vomit in their mouth when they see another Dead Hard complaint.
I main trapper and it's not that big of a deal. You are making a big deal out of something that isn't game breaking. Yes, we know that JimbusCrimbus hates Dead Hard. There's thousands of posts from you on how much you hate Dead Hard. You are kind of the Sluzzy of Dead Hard right now. Maybe you should play Dead Hard as a survivor and see how very little Dead Hard contributes to your game play compared to how much Sprint Burst contributes to your game play or even Lithe.
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I’ve played Trapper for as long as I can remember and this has never bothered me.
Technically a survivor who has Dead Hard active should be immune to anything that would otherwise injure that survivor. That is what the perk is meant to do.
This is also why I also do not set traps inside the pallet but rather in front or behind a pallet.
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so they dead hard in the front or behind a pallet...
you're not changing anything.
the reason you don't trap the center, is because the survivor can just drop the pallet and vault your trap. nothing to do with dead hard.
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I’ll play devils advocate here.
I played a game against trapper yesterday where he put someone in the basement of Azarov’s main building trapped the window, put two on the stairs and waited for someone to go down for the save while he put one in the only doorway in.
The only way that the two people could have gotten out is if one had dead hard.
I understand that the “counter play” to this is simply to let the dude in the basement die and pound gens, but I feel like a lot of people don’t realize how boring this is for every single survivor in the game. Dead hard is the only perk that allows you to escape these types of situations while also trying to be altruistic.
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I mean you don't really need DH anyway the hit boxes for the traps are so trash survivors can just walk to the side of them.
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Totally agree. You literally have only 1 way to counter situations like that, if you take Dead Hard away, survivors would have 0 counter play. And of all the exhaustion perks, Dead Hard is one of the hardest to use effectively. It's the highest skill exhaustion perk in the game. And I still would argue Sprint Burst and Lithe give you much more chase time that Dead Hard will ever give you.
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you can walk around the traps in the stairs. because trapper literally needs to be sideways to even put a trap on stairs. and if he can fit there, so can you.
also, use the door.
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The devs don’t care about Trapper
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I’m aware you can walk around the stairs one and you must not have read my whole post as I said that he trapped the only door out and the only window out
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Lol no. People know to check stairs and areas when going against Trapper, especially if they're on comms, which is a good percentage of players. But again, even if they're not in a SWF, once they know it's Trapper, which they will if someone got hooked in basement, vast majority will treat basement with caution.
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Point being that even if they drop the pallet the trap remains. So yes while you aren’t changing anything it is a better option that if they were to drop it on top of it. Why? Because it is now an unsafe loop for them, and you can simple go around.
This applies to every pallet except shack pallet. Where you would literally have to go around to catch up with that survivor.
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then just disarm it. how is dead hard helping you there?
you wanna dead hard in, wait 40 seconds, unhook and dead hard out?
trapper camping isn't much different than any other killer without an instadown camping. if he wants to be near the hook to get at least a trade... he will. and like any other camping killer, it's very hard to get a proper save.
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and again... nothing to do with dead hard.
It's like you know you're supposed to not trap the center, but never bothered to learn why and assumed it was dead hard... it isn't. if dh was never in the game, you still wouldn't trap the center.
that doesn't matter...because with dead hard, they just won't drop the pallet. and now you need to walk around the loop while they are gaining all the distance they lost during the chase. and the pallet wasn't even used
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Whats the point that you are trying to make? Cuz I seem to have missed it.
Did you not just say that placement of a trap doesn’t change anything? Cuz I believe that is what I responded to. Dead Hard (again) hasn’t and doesn’t bother me. I am simply pointing out where people might see it as a problem which is at a pallet.
You can still trap the center and get value out of it. A healthy survivor doesn’t have DH. So again, I am not sure why you are trying to make this a point when it really is up to the player and the exhaustion perks they are working against. If I find out they have SB or Lithe, why wouldn’t I trap the center? Smdh
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I once again urge you to read my full post before you respond.
It is a very common strategy for trappers to trap every entrance to a basement besides one, let the person go down to get the save and then trap the only exit out.
The only way for the survivors to get out in these situations is to have dead hard.
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So, you dont own the game. cool story. thanks for baiting me into a complete troll post
im outta here. nothing but lame brain dead weights running these parts
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Same reason it was a thing in 2020.
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Unless Trapper gets buffed DH should not make survivors immune to bear traps.
Trappers has too many downsides to also allow a perk to ignore his power like that.
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you said
Technically a survivor who has Dead Hard active should be immune to anything that would otherwise injure that survivor. That is what the perk is meant to do.
This is also why I also do not set traps inside the pallet but rather in front or behind a pallet.
which reads as "I put traps on the outside of pallets because of dead hard". Now, maybe that's not what you meant, but that's how it reads as.
and you don't trap the center because they just drop the pallet and vault... ######### do you think they would do? sit and die?
then he is camping... and just like any other camping killer, it's very hard to get a proper save.
and someone else can disarm the traps after trapper goes down. there's still a simple way out that doesn't require dead harding over a trap.
pfff... XD
wow that was bad... bye guy
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You’re expecting too much out of solo queue players.
You’re left with three options now.
Pound out gens and let the dude die.
Have a good level of communication to where a third guy disarms traps while the other saves the hooked.
Having dead hard which also requires you to get injured along the way, if you’re healthy you’re simply dead.
Im still left with the question of why is dead harding over a trap such a big deal when it’s one singular perk that has a requirement. Some perks counter certain killers and that’s just part of the game.
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I main Trapper and Trapper is one of the lower tier killers. However, just because 1 perk out of ~50 perks, counters, allows 1 survivor to counter 1 or 2 traps the entire match, does not indicate that 1 perk needs nerfed. Iron Will counters Spirits power, Calm Spirit Counters Doctors power, Spine Chill counters Stealth Killers powers. There should be perks that somewhat counter killer powers. It's what really makes this game unique. It makes every game different, sometimes the killer has the advantage because of perks, sometimes the survivors have advantages because of perks.
The Trapper should be buffed and start out with 2 traps. Nerfing Dead Hard is not helping the Trapper and asking for a Dead Hard nerf for the Trapper just means that the Trapper is getting a crappy buff when the Trapper could be getting a much better buff.
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But i mean you don't need to nerf dead hard, just make it so you can't ignore bear traps. Why must survivors be able to ignore killer powers, it defeats the purpose of having a power in the first place.
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If Dead Hard should be nerfed, like you are saying, because it negates a specific killers power every once in a while, does that mean that every other perk that negates a other killers powers be nerfed also?
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No, because im saying that you can change dead hard for this one specific instance, that technically doesn't make sense. I started by saying that you don't need to nerf dead hard but i guess you ignored that, you can change it without it being a "nerf". I didn't say change the way it worked at all except for allowing you to step over bear traps for no reason, since the point of bear traps is to cut off options for survivors at the cost of having them disarm.
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Thats the problem i really have with DH.
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Another Dead Hard whining.....
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I will answer honestly, because trapper isn't loved by the devs even though he is the face of dbd.
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I don't think I am. I've seen solo players do very coordinated stuff before.
It's a camping killer, so yes. Pounding gens is the normal counter.
Not communication, understanding.
both of you having dead hard. otherwise you're just leaving the guy to die.
several perks have a requirement. most of them...I think... and getting injured is just part of regular play, it WILL happen.
no perk should beat a killer power 100% of the time. afaik, dead hard is the only one that does.
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Right, so if someone dead hards through a trap in front OR behind they can drop the pallet by which point I am already walking to gain distance on them. If they don’t same thing. Point being (yet again) that they A) didn’t get to use the pallet and hardly gained distance B) didn’t get to drop the pallet on top of my trap because it wasn’t placed in the center.
My question to you is what does that have to with with anything in relation to how you personally feel about DH? I see you defending it so I am not sure why you feel the need to judge how I play when I was simply pointing out that IMO that is where people have issue with it?
If a survivor is being chased and you are about to get a hit on them, I can guarantee you 110% they will not have time to both, drop the pallet and vault. Regardless of where that trap is.
Also, PS I am not sure how old you are but learn some forum etiquette. You sound very condescending and I’m not just talking about your response to mine.
Post edited by Johnny_XMan on2 -
Victor is "immune" to dead hard since his leaping animation takes longer to finish. And no, the reason you can Dead Hard over traps is consistent with being able to Dead Hard within Doc's shock to ignore the shock, or DH in PH's punishment and ignore damage. Or DH into a chainsawing Billy and avoid damage.
Dead Harding over traps isnt really an issue for Trapper, tho. He has other issues that make Dead Harding over traps feel like they are an issue.
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So Dead Hard should be nerfed so it doesn't negate a killers power but other perks that negate other killers powers should not be nerfed, so what makes Dead Hard different from all the other perks that negate other killers powers?
Also, how is changing a perk so that it is less effective not a nerf?