Option to Remove (NOT HIDE) End-Game Chat Altogether for PC Players.

Let's be honest here. This community has a toxicity issue and some of us don't want to get involved in it. As someone who plays killer on a consistent basis, I'm always getting the "gg ez baby killer", [insert suicide threat], "you're a trash player", etc. abusive comments from survivors. Yes, there's a way to hide the chat, but there are certain individuals (like myself) that get curious of what's said in the chat. Yes, I could buy a console and avoid the whole process again, but there are ways for players to circumvent that harassment on those platforms.

Given the nearly five years I've played this game, I would like for the developers to consider removing the chat.

Why should the developers consider this?

All of us playing this game are passionate about horror or having fun with friends. Some are us are thick-skinned and can tolerate a bit of arguing. However, some of us aren't and it may lead to ruining their experience altogether. Players may have a bad mental health day and don't want to tolerate verbal abuse from their opponents. Some of us may get explosive or hot-headed when the wrong thing is said towards us. There are some people who may love the end-game chat salt and I won't shame them for it. No matter what, people should be allowed to remove the chat window entirely and not simply toggle it. That's why I would like an accessibility option added for PC Players.

Playstation, Nintendo, and Xbox Users have privacy options to block messages from non-friend users. They have these measures installed for the user's privacy, prevent harassment, and allow the user a peaceful gaming experience. Yet, Dead by Daylight been out for five years and the only option we have is toggling the chat bubble off. How about letting the user remove the chat altogether in their settings?

Hiding vs. Removing

There's a clear difference between hiding the chat with a toggle option and removing it altogether.

Allowing players to toggle the chat off does allow players to hide away the harassment. There's a reason why the phrase "curiosity killed the cat" exists. If you don't know the phrase, let me give you an example. As a child, you remember seeing the gifts under the Christmas Tree and curious what was in them before Christmas? Remember begging your parents to open just one or two of them? That's what curiosity does when our mind lingers and does unnecessary investigations.

Relating back to the topic at hand, that curiosity can easily lead us into misfortunate situations. It's why hiding the chat doesn't always work for certain individuals. Removing the chat altogether can eliminate or majorly limit the curiosity and lower the toxicity and abusive behavior. It may lead to lower communication between players, but I rather prefer players with better mental health than getting themselves upset or into trouble by other's comments. If Behavior wants to focus on cracking down on toxicity and promoting counter-measures against it, then I would highly recommend this.


Simply hiding a chat doesn't work anymore, because some people's curiosity will lead them into misfortune. The game has been out five years and there hasn't been effective measures implemented to tackle toxicity. I've seen vile and disgusting things thrown across the chat and even targeted at me during my tenure. Console companies have higher regards of protecting their users from harassment compared to Behaviour's PC's end-game chat. It's why I rather see this company take the right step forward and allow users to remove the chat altogether.


  • gilgamer
    gilgamer Member Posts: 2,209

    Im pretty sure the reason why most games on console dont have a chat is because its not exactly easy to type on it, where as on pc we have a keyboard.

  • Lycidas
    Lycidas Member Posts: 1,170

    Simply hiding a chat doesn't work anymore, because some people's curiosity will lead them into misfortune.

    That's..that's the player's fault tho..

    You know the "risks" of opening the chat, you do it anyway, and then you complain about what you see? Isn't it a bit..playing victim?

    I mean it's like going to see an 18+ movie, and then complaining about the topics shown in it..

  • terumisan
    terumisan Member Posts: 1,293

    Just hit next match it's that simple

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,236

    Many console games do have chat functions though, and you can use usb keyboards on them. Especially if you play an MMO like FFXIV as well.

  • EngineerDispenser
    EngineerDispenser Member Posts: 52
    edited June 2021

    Both of you don't seem to grasp the point of the post.

    "hit next match"

    "hide the chat"

    "refuse to communicate"

    These are the common excuses people use to dismiss the underlying problem overall with DBD's end-game chat. It's easier said than done with these practices, especially with players who may struggle with mental health or behavioral issues. All it takes is one wrong thing said in the end-game chat for someone's day to be ruined. So, what's the problem with providing a solution for the selective portion of the community wanting to avoid the infamous salt from end-game chat?

    Fun fact, did you know this command option was actually removed from the GameUserSettings.ini file?


    Unless you manually add the line back into the .ini file and switch it to "False", your chat will always be opened after every client reset. Given the current state of poor optimization with the Resident Evil patch, I don't want to press hide on my chat several times a day.

  • EngineerDispenser
    EngineerDispenser Member Posts: 52
    edited June 2021

    Can confirm this as a XIV Player myself.

    Oh, there are avenues to still send your salt on console. Xbox and Playstation allows you to send messages to anyone you're connected with, as long your privacy settings allows it.

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • terumisan
    terumisan Member Posts: 1,293

    So why won't you take responsibility by not reading it or moving on or just not playing the game and going outside if you have mental health problems

  • Lycidas
    Lycidas Member Posts: 1,170

    The only problem I see with hiding the chat (if what you say is true, which I don't think it is) is that it doesn't stay closed after you closed it once

    what's the problem with providing a solution for the selective portion of the community wanting to avoid the infamous salt from end-game chat?

    Absolutely no problem there, but the "hide chat" is a perfectly fine solution for that

    Again, you are responsible for your own curiosity, so if you willingly CHOOSE to open the end game chat, you shouldn't complain about what you find there

  • tolore
    tolore Member Posts: 101

    Killer main chiming in here, I actually disagree with the core premise. 90% of survivor messages in post game are positive. either simple GGs, or "good try that was a tough game" when i get stomped. Occasionally accused of tunneling, but even those exchanges are short. It's actually weird because some of the most tocxic I've felt like survivors were in game were some of the nicest/politest post game interactions i've had.

  • Pepsidot
    Pepsidot Member Posts: 1,662

    This is so trivial. Literally just hide chat or as you said yourself, go in the ini file and auto hide chat every time. If you can't help but look at chat anyway, I'm afraid that is your own fault.

    BHVR could do as you ask but like I say it's such a trivial matter when you can already hide the chat.

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142
    edited June 2021

    Just play on console then. You cannot ever see chat

  • EngineerDispenser
    EngineerDispenser Member Posts: 52

    Mental health and behavioral issues cannot be painted in a black-and-white picture. Yes, people can take responsibility for their actions, but some players need barriers (like what I suggest) to prevent divulging into toxic behavior. There's a reason why certain games, like League of Legends, have advanced on their communication system over time, because they've gave players tools to combat toxicity. Behavior took years to even implement a simple colorblind setting and censoring system into their game. Players should have a right to play this game and not have to tolerate trash talking from their opponent(s).

    I get quite a bit of nice comments from survivors and I cherish them. I love fooling around with nice survivors, especially the ones that meme around. However, I don't find them as much anymore in my lobbies and started finding the lobbies where it's dead silent or trash talking. I found a killer (on survivor) last night, who was consistently bullied by SWFs, and they was having a mental breakdown from the harsh games they was dealing with. I experienced this similar situation weeks ago from being bullied all night and getting trashed in the end-game chat, steam profile, etc. As much I like to communicate with nice people, I feel my mental health is better off removing itself from abusive trash-talking.

  • gilgamer
    gilgamer Member Posts: 2,209

    yeah some do but not very many of them do and I'd also be willing to go out on a limb and say most people don't have a keyboard hooked up to their console

  • gilgamer
    gilgamer Member Posts: 2,209

    Im aware xbox and playstations has ways to private message people you've played with but the vast majority of games dont bother with adding a text chat on the console version but some do so its not because consoles are more protective of their player base after all im sure people remember voice chats back in the cod days which were way worse then any text chat i've ever read in my entire history of playing video games.