This Game Carries the Killers Too Much

Shuryuken778 Member Posts: 1
edited June 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

This Game has Become almost Unplayable Do to the Fact that there is little to no way to fend off killers a lot of empty areas where there is no pallet also killers get unlimited special moves with no cooldowns killers like nemesis spam the tentacle and easily break pallet with no cooldown or pallet stun also maps are very bright and make it easy for killer to spot survivors killers need cooldowns for using special moves like the chainsaw moves, moves that require one hit types especially idk I Enjoyed this game but people cry because they were not good at killing always cater the weak.. I guess

Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on


  • bsloth87
    bsloth87 Member Posts: 35

    They base every single thing in this game based on the chance the killer side will encounter a 4 person team with comms. At least the silver lining for us is that you don’t have to survive to pip. I die in at least 85% of my matches because I play with randoms, but at least I stay in the red ranks as a consolation. The thing that pisses me off more than player interactions is the difference in blood webs. I have a 3rd prestige Meg, and a 3rd prestige Myers that I stockpile a million blood points for. Half goes into each, and Meg might get one ultra rare add on(mostly syringe which is useless) every other blood web. Myers will have 2 Judiths tombstones, an ebony momento, and a fragrant tuft of hair in just about every damn one.

  • Hektic3000
    Hektic3000 Member Posts: 674

    They don't base things or balance around high level 4man swf, they balance with new survivors in mind all the time, which they shouldn't since new survivors don't know how to survive well to begin with. If you're dying and still pipping then that shows the ranking system is bad, since a killer can kill everyone and not pip. You shouldn't maintain rank for not achieving your goal of escaping, but that's why there are tons of red ranks that don't belong there. Meg doesn't get a bunch of ultra rares since she's part of the 4 player team(who could all be running ultra rare addons) vs the killer that's all alone.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Yes, this game babies killers so much that I quit playing last night because I spent 40 minutes in a survivor que.

  • bsloth87
    bsloth87 Member Posts: 35

    You’re logic is absolutely flawed. If I fix multiple generators, unhook 4-5 survivors, break totems, heal people, and run the killer ######### ragged……I definitely deserve to pip. I should de-pip because I died in the endgame collapse, or on a single hook as the last survivor? You should pip because your a face camping bubba? GTFOH

    You’re one of those baby killers I hear so much about.

  • Hektic3000
    Hektic3000 Member Posts: 674

    My logic is flawed? Wanna explain that to me, since based on what you said, survivors not achieving their goal to escape should be rewarded by ranking up? If the general goal is for survivors to escape and killers to kill the survivors why is one side given points for not escaping and the other not given points for killing everyone?

  • bsloth87
    bsloth87 Member Posts: 35


    there are actually 4 goals for each the survivor, and the killer. Doing incredibly well in three of them(obtaining iridescent emblems), and doing okay in the unbroken emblem(if you do well, but ultimately die you get silver) that results in a pip. The same applies to killers. I have pipped on many 3k games. Wanna know why? I don’t camp, so I maximize hooks, and I dump chases I feel are dragging out to apply generator pressure again. That really helps out in the gatekeeper emblem. You’re just an all around bad player it sounds like. You’ll figure it all out once you put a decent amount of time into the game, so chin up sport.

  • Hektic3000
    Hektic3000 Member Posts: 674

    Lol comical, you instantly try to belittle me so you think your point has validity. I've been playing the game for a while and im pretty sure i've already put a decent amount of time into it to understand basic things but no ill let the person that didn't know flashbangs could make the killer drop a carried survivor tell me how to play....

  • bsloth87
    bsloth87 Member Posts: 35

    You do you champ. I asked a question the very day that perk went live. Five years in, and you don’t understand the ranking. You belittled yourself dude.

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082
    edited June 2021

    Maps are just deadzones ever played on Badham or The Game? With tons of safe pallets and windows

    Maps are too bright have you ever been on Yamaoka and Autohaven? With plenty of cover and darkness.

    Nemesis too strong? Trust me once people learn to play against him. He'll be less imposing.

    Please respond

  • Tizzle
    Tizzle Member Posts: 696

    Your logic is saying that a Survivor that does ABSOLUTELY NOTHING the entire trial and escapes should rank up?

    Meanwhile the Survivor that is saving others, doing generators, being chased and dying during this time should derank?

    How is a Survivor given points for not escaping, they don't get 5k for dying....HELLO?

    Next time you play Killer make sure you watch right before the game ends.

    There will be a little notification that pops up called "No One Escaped", it gives 625 points for each Survivor that Did not escape.

    Clearly you have no idea what you are even talking about.

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    What are you even talking about

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458
  • Hektic3000
    Hektic3000 Member Posts: 674
    edited June 2021

    Survivors constantly complain that they have teammates of the same rank that absolutely dont belong there. The person I replied to says they rank up despite not surviving matches sometimes and that kinda contributes to survivors not belonging in certain ranks. Survivors can be given emblem points for yeeting teammates off hooks with BT(guaranteeing a safe unhook) and not interacting with the killer the whole game(not being hooked) and that's acceptable? If by points you think i mean blood points then i think you need to re-read what i wrote im talking about emblem points so maybe you dont know what you're talking about. In regards to emblems why is it that rank 12-2 survivors have less rank up requirements than killers of the same rank, why is it easier for survivors to rank up despite doing less?

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    All that needed to be said. Close thread now please......... mic dropped.

  • Viktor1853
    Viktor1853 Member Posts: 943
    edited June 2021

    Or maybe you are just not as good as you think you are. If the game babys killer so much why dont you play killer

  • MissKitty95
    MissKitty95 Member Posts: 786

    He most defitnaly has a cooldown .. maybe try play him first understand his play style so when you play surviour you kno how to counter him,

  • kingbojenbo
    kingbojenbo Member Posts: 130

    I get some of the frustration about killer but some of what you said isn't true. Nemesis has the tentacle recoil animation after breaking pallets. Honestly it's a fair amount of time. Pallet stuns sounds like either you missed the stun or since this game is currently having issues, that might have something to do with it. I'm ok with the amount of brightness on maps.

    This game needs to be fair on both sides so killers need visibility to see survivors. Only using scratch marks, crows and sound notifications will only take you so far. Granted they have more than enough aura perks to help them but I'm fine with the visibility.

    I will agree on dead zones being an issue. Shelter Woods is the worse offender of that. One shot killers are tricky to go against but I have more issues with killers that don't one shot.

  • Swampoffering
    Swampoffering Member Posts: 384

    The game baby survivors more than killer,SWF are Broken as hell and they are doing nothing so......

  • 707Melchior
    707Melchior Member Posts: 6

    As someone who primarily plays killer, they really don't baby killers or survivors. You have to practice and hone your skills in both fields. The game rewards you for benefitting your side. If you're a survivor and you repair a gen, you aided in the escape you should be rewarded, even if you don't actually escape. Killers are rewarded for hunting, downing, and hooking survivors even if everyone escapes, I'm still given points for the other things I did well (and I've had games where all 4 escape. It sucks but thats on me for playing poorly.) It's not a matter of the game favoring one or the other, you really just have to practice and adapt to different groups