Is Nemesis tentacle broken??

Is that broken or what? Im stupid or its broken, sometimes it works and some other it doesnt, but i dont get a real way to use it, seems like generating a random boolean to count or not the hit.
so the tentacle has a deceptively short range and its finnicky when it comes to hitting over objects. the range is about the same as a lunge for the most part. pay attention to the blue streak on the ground to see the hit box, its pretty skinny
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It can only hit over short things I guess. I've seen someone say that it can hit over anything as long as the survivor's head is visible and is directly in the center of your attack. But mostly, just hit them over dropped pallets and windows with it. It sometimes prioritizes breaking the pallet rather than hitting the survivor. If you're experiencing the fps skips, it's up to you if you want to keep attempting to use his power.
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My question is, why doesn't Nemmy have an addon to show his M2 range? It wouldn't do much and be a mostly wasted brown but like with Nurse, Doctor, Exe, or near any other Killer with a funky hitbox being able to see where you are hitting is MUCH better than nothing when first learning that Killer.
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It's very inconsistent so yeah, it's broken. It's similar to deathslinger. Sometimes it works sometimes it goes through the survivor without a hit /shrug
I'm convinced bvhr does not know how to work projectiles.
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Hard to say, on console there is a 2 seconds freeze whenever I'm using the tentacle. I did the adept with m1 only.
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Yes, Nemesis’s tentacle is inconsistent. I’ve had it pass right through Survivors before. Its range is also too short.