Im ######### tired of getting absolutely rushed through gens as Killer.

I start the match, find someone in 20 seconds max and down them relatively quickly.
I hook them and 5 seconds after it 2 Gens POP, I try to keep my composure and get downs/hook until I have a %90 gen at 1 side of map, a generator with 2 people working on it(Knew cuz of discordance) and the guy Im chasing.
I leave chase and go towards the gens that are being worked to not waste time, THE GUY I left also works on the gen like a madman while I try to keep them busy another 2 gens pop...I just gave up at that point I had a total of 6 hooks like please tell me what I can do
Put on Lethal Pursuer so you can see the survivors spawn on gens spread out from each other, it's a good perk to decide whether to dc or not.
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I legit say Im pressuring gens but how am I supposed to pressure them when the survivors are working on 3 gens separately?
even If I keep one in chase the others do gens like madmans, how can I pressure them lmfao
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Im a nemesis main and have lethal pursuer already..problem is 9 out of 10 matches atleast 2 survivors will spawn in separate gens
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Yeah, I don't understand why BHVR released a perk that highlights their horrible spawn system. It's just shooting themselves in the foot.
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Its just BHVR being BHVR...You can't win matches unless you 1-Snowball 2- Get a 3-gen
3-Get lucky and manage to slug people down cause they were too altruistic
4-Do enough gen delay using Corrupt Intervention, Ruin and Other Stuff so you can get someone out of the game to make it easier for you.
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"relatively quickly" seems to mean around 1 minute to down them, if I read your post correctly.
This is not "relatively quickly".
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alternatively Im the survivor found and downed early and I just wanna goof around not tryhard in chase please leave me alone <3
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It's not rare for the first few gens to go quickly, but it's less common for them to keep flying even if you're racking up downs and hooks relatively fast. If that is happening and you've got a pretty gen obsessed team you might want to start slugging, and slugging hard if necessary. They aren't holding back, there's no reason you should.
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Here's some general stuff I follow in almost every match. It can work on any killer you're good with, but it might fail if survivors are too good and you are using a weaker killer that you may not know as well. Generally speaking, playing like this I have only had 1 played match where I didn't kill at least 3 survivors with my main Blight in the past like...3 months or so.
- It's useful to find a 3 or 4 gen area that you can defend as hard as possible. Slowly try to get deadzones going around those 3 or 4 gens you're trying to keep. I've legit won games as M1 killers just by focusing on defending my 4 gens even if survivors seem to have a good start with gens.
- I don't know what you mean by "relatively quickly". Some people think 40 seconds is "relatively quickly", when that's actually like 90% of a full gen with 2 people, and if you have 3 people on separate gens it's literally half of all of them. Some people have a 15 second rule where they leave a chase after 15 seconds if they haven't gotten a hit or a pallet. I think that's too much time to be chasing for nothing, but generally speaking it's a calculation of what you're gonna get out of it. An injure state can be good, but you shouldn't waste time trying to down a survivor outside of your control area, if a survivor is in a good position it might not be worth chasing them. Sometimes 30, 40, 50 second chases can be worth if IF you know what you're doing, but that depends on the individual match and your individual circumstances, usually at the start of the game it's too much time.
- Keep track of who you have hooked and you you haven't. Especially on High mobility killers, if you down someone and you know they're working on a gen in an area you want to keep, just leave that survivor on the ground and go defend your 3/4 gen.
- Don't ever try to hook all 4 survivors 3 times unless you know for a fact the team is inefficient. You need to focus down 1 or 2 survivors, not necessarily hard tunnel them, but generally focus your hooks around them so you can get people out of the game.
- Do not let unhooks happen uncontested unless you already have secured extra pressure from a chase. I try as best as I can to never let survivors heal for free. Two healthstates is a ridiculous amount of time from a survivor just holding W. The more I can keep them injured the better. Eventually you will wear down a team.
- Hook close to the area you want to your 3 or 4 gen area. Make sure those hooks are hard for the survivors to get. Don't ever get discouraged by survivors talking ######### about "proxy camping". That's BS. Their main objective is to hold M1 for a couple of seconds. You have the right to make your main objective easier on yourself by protecting your area.
- Try to eat DS early if you have the pressure for it, or if it's a survivor you know for a fact you can catch quickly after their DS. This will prevent them from getting insane pressure on you by being aggressive with DS when it actually matters. And absolutely ALWAYS punish people who deactivate their DS in front of you. If a survivor starts healing themselves after being unhooked, that's survivor is going right back on the hook. Having a survivor on death hook is huge pressure.
- Remember that focusing on the macro 4v1 game is waaaaaay more impactful than having good individual chases. And depending on the killer you're using the chase is massively in favor of the survivor. Focus on the 4v1, and even if you make some mistakes in the 1v1 you will have a better chance.
- If you have a slug and a hook in the area you want to control, and especially if the other survivors are injured, there is ZERO reason to leave the area to look for the other survivors. Let them come to you to try and rescue, it doesn't matter what stage the game is in. This is massive pressure for you.
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Lets say I find them in 20 seconds, down them in 15(or lets say max 20 seconds) = 40 seconds.
Lets say hook is 6 seconds = 46
3 other people should be on gens by now, you go to a gen thats almost done and pressure 1 guy off in 10 seconds
56 Seconds
1 guy goes to unhook, unhooks
1 other guy finishes gen
Moves to the other gen thats 24 seconds away from completion
You down the guy you pressured
Hook Him
By the time you'd go to the gen it would be over.
The other guy gets unhooked while you pressure the guy who finished this gen
Than they do the gen that the 2nd person we downed almost its finished too.
Boom your 3 gens down in 2 hooks(almost 3 assuming you will down the guy ur chasing currently)
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Let me introduce you the doctor
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And I'm tired of getting constantly teamed up with new players who can't even run a Legion for 10 seconds. There's a reason the statistics are way in the killer's favor.
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With 6 hooks someone needs to be dead. You dont need to hard tunnel survivor most of the time, but you should prioritize survivor with hooks.
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Perhaps you 2 should switch roles.
Just saying.
Btw, the stats could be explained by the ridiculous rift challenges. Where people hook bomb or have to hide in the killers shadow for 80 seconds, etc.
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Well, you shouldn't only be keeping one person busy. Throughout the match you should be having 1 person slugged/hooked, 1 person being chased, 1 person going to get the slug/hooked and healing them, and then you have 1 person doing a gen. The only time you should have 3 people working on separate gens is at the start of the game.
You need to create pressure.
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That's probably a factor but I feel like most people don't literally kill themselves just for 1 challenge very often, at least I hope they don't.
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People constantly DC/suicide because they don't like the killer. Why wouldn't they suicide once they completed their challenge?
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You don't worry about it and keep fighting. Look, two Generators pop on me all the time, but I usually end up winning. If you are seeing two Generators pop right at the start, immediately go to a 3-Generator strategy. Stake out the section of the map where the closest three Generators are located and use that as your base of operations. I'm not saying don't leave it, but I am saying that make sure your pressure there is always consistent. Survivors gravitate to the path of least resistance.
In this way you keep chasing, earning points, and making pressure, but your end game zone is set. More than likely if you have consistent pressure in this area, you will also clear out the pallets and create the necessary dead zones. If you get someone down, hook them in that zone, near Generators you are also patrolling if at all possible. Get another down hook them there too. If you are getting pushed hard on Generators early, you have to be realistic.
All that being said, two Generators is nothing. I've seen two Generators pop in the first 90 seconds or so and then didn't allow another up. Remember that every Generator they pop shrinks the map.
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Idk I don't really experience people killing themselves because they don't like the killer. It's mostly when the killer had an amazing start and there was no way for the survivors to come back. I generally don't like the idea of basing the statistics on one-off things like challenges or random DCs, it's more based on consistent things like the terrible matchmaking.
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The problem is when you do that and gens still pop ultra fast.
Sadly the meta right now forces you to slow the game as much as posible, so Ruin is mandatory. For me PGTW is bad because most of the times the moment you reach the generator, is finished (it is pretty good though in a 3 gen situation).
I don't think they're slowing the gen speed so...maybe survivors should always spawn together, so there is no chance of 3 gens being done at same time.
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If that's a huge issue for you use corrupt. Best perk to counter the devs silly early game of spawning survivors on separate gens
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Are you playing perkless? This scenario only happens if you aren't using perks for gen defense. Corrupt makes it so you -should- be pressuring survivors before they're pumping out gens. Pop gives you 25% reduction on gens after a hook. Surge depending on the killer is amazing and can pop 8% off multiple gens at once. Ruin is going to quickly cause the loss of progress of those survivors you pressure via hooking/slugging who will likely spend time healing letting the gens regress even more.
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At least in 2 of 10 of my matches someone disconnects/suicides on the first hit/down.
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Well I don't really play as killers that a lot of people hate, I mostly play Demo, but in my survivor games it rarely happens even against Spirits.
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I don't think gen speeds are the issue. The early game is the issue. The killer needs to start the game with some form of pressure. Slowing gens would just make the most boring part of the game more boring.
I don't like Pop either. Even when it was the meta I never enjoyed the perk. I think I just don't like kicking gens tbh. Surge is underrated imo. If you're downing survivors reliably and quickly you're knocking 8% off any gen within 32 meters every 40 seconds and it stacks with Ruin if you're into that.
I'm sure they've thought of having survs spawn together. Wish they had done something with the early game collapse idea
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You’ll always lose 2-3 gens within the first few minutes, during that time you build pressure. if a gen is at 90% consider it a lost cause, unless you have PGTW.
The advanced side of killer is knowing when survivors are wasting your time. Is the survivor you’re chasing leading you away on a chase from generators? So many killers have tunnel vision! And focus on survivors as the priority, instead of generators.
The same as clickty click survivors, they’re trying to get your attention away from generators. Once you learn the advance side, even the best survivors go down like a sack of potatoes
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especially since about half the challenges across the tomes require you to make extremely stupid plays to get them done in any reasonable length of time (*coughHeroicCausecough*)
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Some of them really annoying. Hide in killer TR without catch and escape in this trial. I hate challanges like this. So i have to play like baby survivor in red ranks?
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Right now the meta is corrupt, pop, and ruin. Unfortunate how killers have to use 3 gen regression perks to have a chance.
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Which killer and perks were you using?
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If you get first one quickly, I prefer using Corrupt and Pop. Well it depends also which killer you are playing but Corrupt is your answer.
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If you’re always seeking a 4K, you’ll be disappointed at red ranks because survivors have grinded for 16 ranks and developed skill while most killers have not. The game doesn’t encourage most killers to improve or even learn new tactics so once they get to red ranks, they struggle to compete effectively. Not all, but a lot of them. Keep at it and try some different builds.
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Lol what. According to who?
I only use Corrupt and it is enough most of the time.
The game is called Dead by Daylight not Dead by Eternity. This is why slow down perks are a problem to begin with people rely way too much on buying time because they think one chase is suppose to take 2-3 gens. I get that in certain circumstances it happens (overcommitting to a single chase, hardcore camping or alternatively they all brought a BNP, PTS and all injured with resilience) but this isn’t normal. At least not in my games.
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I’ll always say the rift has been the biggest nerf to solo q has ever got
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You aren't downing people relatively quickly if two gens are popping on your first chase. Or you aren't running Corrupt Intervention. Corrupt Intervention is mandatory against a competent team.
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Not really. Survivors typically spawn on a gen. 20 seconds to find a survivor, 15 seconds to first stab, speed boost + blood wipe means 15 seconds to catch back up. 15 seconds to get second stab. 5 to 10 seconds to drag the person to the hook. 5 to 10 seconds later 3 gens pop. This isnt complicated.
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For most killers thats the meta. Its either corrupt and pop or corrupt and ruin but I've seen corrupt pop and ruin in my red ranks games. The thing is any chase already takes about 1-2 gens by the time you get 1 survivor unless the survivor is a weak link. You could say the same thing about second chance perks which makes the loops longer. They are a problem as well.
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I see this as survivor. But maybe its because the game is instable since the patch. Seen a lot of DCs that made no sense. Like someone else got hit and someone disconnects. Really weird.
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Yes, or Blood debt. Where you have to unhook someone who unhooked you first.
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It definetly has a bad impact on the kill rates.
People play bad on purpose because of it.
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Yep and it ruins a lot of potentially fun solo matches because 1 guy is searching chest while another is looking for his red glyph.
But yeah once challenges are over things tend to go back to normal
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Play a strong killer, not speed boost' Santa
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Pro tip: there's nothing you can do.
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Until the next chapter drops.
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Play a strong killer, not speed boost' Santa
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Play a strong killer, not speed boost' Santa
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It sucks, but you need to get better. You can still win matches like that.
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Just pressure every gen on the map at the same time while also downing and hooking people. Totally possible.
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All tall you the perfect center play for those little turds. Play as gunslinger
Bring no one escapes Michael Myers hit cooldown speed perk. Blood worden and fire up.
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Rushing 2 gens doesn't really mean that much for survivors if they don't know exactly what they are doing, a big part for me to consider during the match as a killer is knowing which generators to defend more than others, play for late game instead of running around defending random gens, what I do is I identify 3-4 generators that are close to each other and I defend those generators the most , even if they do 3 or 4 gens if you protected your gen line up you will have a good late game set up.