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Lights up or flashes very often on the Maps.

It always flashes very often on the maps. it's bad for the Eyes. (PS4/5)
I think what you are describing is what I am seeing. Parts of the screen occasionally flash or flicker. Sometimes it appears to flash bright, other times it flashes dark. It only happens in game and when I am moving or the camera is moving. It is very distracting.
I swapped HDMI cables, plugged in a different port on my TV and played around with various PS5, in game and TV settings but that made no difference. Interestingly, as PS5 records your gameplay, I watched back the last 15 minutes and the flickering recorded in the footage. I could pause, rewind and playback again and the flashes would be in the same place
It happens both as survivor and killer and also in the tutorial bot matches, but never in the menus
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This might be helpful, I watched a Twitch VOD of someone playing on PS5. The screen flashes at 45 minutes and 23 seconds:
It does it lots of other times too but this one was really clear.
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Has had it happen too and this is before the new patch/update, there is a little flicker on DBD, but well little as it maybe it's annoying, and it only happens on DBD, I have tested other ps5 games and they are fine.
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I have those flashes on the MacMillan maps. Only having them since the update
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Exactly the same problem :)
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It rarely happens but I think it came with the Update.
Here are my Clip (PS5) you can see a lot of blinks.
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It happens a lot for me. Here is my clip:
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Fixed an issue that could cause a global flicker in the environment while moving around the maps.
Is not fixed. It still flickers.
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I read that in the notes but I was very suspicious that it would not be fixed. I expected it to specify "on Playstation 4 and 5" as this issue it not present on other platforms.
At least I didn't get my hopes up but I am so disappointed that it has not been fixed.