Buff Killers

Give all of them bloodlust immediatly upon getting a survivor in chase. That way patrolling and movement across the map is the same, but chases will be shorter and give the killer more time to pressure and play the game. It will make it so survivor is the bit harder it needs to be, and killer is the bit easier it needs to be. It also prevents forcing survivors to spend more boring time on gens, and gives a buff to stealth gameplay as well.
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Do some of you people who make these threads even play the game? lol
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So make chases less fun and easy for killers while no fixing gen times?
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Counterpoint: remove bloodlust entirely please.
That weekend where bloodlust was disabled entirely, literally no good killer cried about it (key word here is good) 💅
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Good for them. Guess I'm a ######### killer who dosen't want to stress as much as killer and want to stress a little more as survivor. Because Survivor is too easy and I never ######### stress, and I'm not even really good at running tiles.
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As i see it, it might make stealth more important, but how does it buff it? The map reworks just left areas without any hidding spot, how does ending chases faster buff that?
Also, ending chases faster gives the killer more time to wait out a camp, or makes tunneling more effective, if he decides to not pressure and play the game. How would you counteract that?
At best, its not well thought out.
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I don’t think giving killers bloodlust at the start of a chase is going to fix anything.
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Cool, then what would you do? because your not given constructive criticism, just criticism.
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Cool. What would you do instead then? let's get constructive here.
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Easy, i would make a working matchmaking, and then balance according to the data i gather then.
Also i would seperate swf from solo queue, because thats the biggest balancing issue in the game. By seperating them, you could balance them individually, making both modes fair.
But both is probably not going to happen.
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Better idea, remove a hooks state from all survivors making the game a bit easier for killer & an actual challenge for survivor
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I like part of this. Seperating SWF from solo queue would be the best. And give rewards to killers who pay in SWF ranked, like unique skins and charms, things visually(tangible) rewards, not just blood points. Make actual seasons and incentives people to want to play against an uphill battle. And then people who just want a casual and classic experience can play the other mode.
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It would make it unfun for survivors if a killer has bloodlust to start a chase. I think what needs to be fixed is map design and spawns. There would be more fun chases and killers would be less reliant on gen regression.
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I well say it takes blood lust forever to active In A chase and they can get out in 2 seconds if you aren't right on them. So they should increase how fast you get blood lust but not instintly what are you high!!
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Sure, but thats not something BHVR has shown they can do even close to remotely correct, so like with all things with this game, alternative solutions need to be figured out. At least in my opinion.
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Honestly? Just fix survivor spawns and some tiles. That's it
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Separating solo and swf is not a good idea honestly i dont know any killer who is massochist enough to go in the swf queue unless they are nurse main
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Realistically in such a system the Killers would not know which queue they are up against.
But separating the queues like this would allow solos to receive buffs that would place them on a similar level to current SWF, and also allow Killers to be buffed to be able so they can fairly face SWFs.
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No [BAD WORD] way, killers are in good spot now. Maybe trapper and spirit need changes but thats about it.
Movement speed buff like you want would completely break the game.
Post edited by EQWashu on0 -
Counter proposal: give killers Bloodlust 3 while NOT in a chase (and keep it off for several seconds after a chase is over), to make patrolling generators easier.
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That sounds extremely unbalanced, to be honest. While Bloodlust remains a necessity from time to time, it shouldn't activate instantly.
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A better move might be to reduce the blade wipe and sprint burst after hit by half each then remove bloodlust entirely.
Of course youd need to do something about stbfl tii, that perk wouod be op at that point
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So... let's change the game for you because you are bad? XD
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That's kinda sad then
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And why not? The ability to balance the killers advantages and disadvantages vs swf is the whole point of the seperation, so you can have fair games vs swf that are not very much harder than vs solo. For killers it would be the choice between a fair game with a lower killer powerlevel or a fair game with a higher killer powerlevel, the higher powerlevel balancing the swf advantages. So why wouldn´t killer go against swf if they can get a fair match there?
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Sure, if you want to read it like that. More I just want killer to be less stressful and some of that stress put on survivors. I want survivors to have more challenge, because I find them boring, and killers to have a little less challenge because they require so much work. I just want everyone to have to put in about the same amount of effort.
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Killer is in a great overall spot. There are some tiles that are really hard to go against, but for each of those tiles, there's one that's equally as easy. If you don't like a certain maps tile set, start stockpiling map offerings for other maps or the wards to prevent survivors from using them. If this was a thread about like, buffing some of the weaker killers like add-onless Trapper, I'd be all for it. Some killers still need a lot of love. But in general, killer is in a great spot.
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Like for example: Trapper: Let him carry more than 1 trap by default. Wraith: Fine as is with his recent buffs. Billy: FoV feels off, maybe lower his stun timer for bumping by default and make the bump zone smaller. Nurse: Fine as is for the most part, supposed to be a hard killer. Myers: Let stalk juice regenerate slowly over time or on hook so if someone dies early or DC's they just don't instantly lose a significant part of Evil Within power.
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I find depending on the time of day, survivor can be very intense. Other times of the day it's very relaxed. Same goes for killer. Sometimes back to back I'll have one match where I can struggle to down more than 1 person, but the next match I 4k almost instantly with the same killer on the same map. Try playing in a different time. Killer is not that stressful if you don't make it.
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Buff Trapper!