I want to see your Survivor gameplay

Title. Any of you Survivors who are struggling to get wins or just don't play Killer (and believe Killers are OP) I want to see your gameplay. I want to witness it personally and see what you're doing wrong, because you are definitely doing things wrong and probably more than you think at that. I want to confirm if Killer is just OP and unfair or if you are all just mega bad.
Most people are too arrogant and fragile to take criticism. I don't struggle to win versus most killers but I do recognize I make mistakes. Granted I feel there's a difference between mistakes you could avoid if you knew something you didn't and mistakes you made while having all the information on hand. Case by case basis I feel.
If I get time I'll dump one of my games here and you can roast my gameplay I'm just busy.
FYI I'm a killer (Nurse / Blight) Main.
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I don't wanna roast. I want to analyze.
Well, maybe roast a little.
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Let's be honest here if someone makes a pretty awful mistake it's pretty hard to resist not roasting them for it. Granted I feel those are rare. Even if it's all in good fun like dropping the pallet in chase on the wrong side and getting swatted down for it.
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It makes me actually wince when I'm chasing someone and they drop the pallet on the wrong side. Physically painful to see.
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I can't upload my actual gameplay but just imagine a lot of dead harding into nothing.
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Just go on YouTube. It’s 4K games every time. Or look up the stats on kill rates, which are crazy high. In fact I’d ask you to find me a video of a streamer not getting an easy 4K 90% of the time. I’ll wait.
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I watch plenty of streamers and what I see is: bad Survivors making bad mistakes - usually excessive altruism - getting bodied by Killers who are playing to win. Streamers are also a bad sample because they literally play the game for a living and oftentimes were extremely skilled before they started streaming. Watching streamers won't help you improve; in fact it'll just give you a warped idea of how to actually play skillfully. Streamers play to entertain, not to do well at the game. They are putting on a show for their viewers and thus should not be taken as examples of normal play.
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And this goes both ways
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Agreed. I see plenty of Killer streamers doing things that make my brain explode. Biggest one is yapping so much they literally walk past survivors standing still hiding, ignore notifications and don't swing through windows and pallets.
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Here's mine:
Although I don't think that any killer is OP.
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Yikes; you did great so far (i'm 4 mins in) but no gens got done until 3:29 even while you looped his face off. Bad teammates; nothing you can do there. You run tiles efficiently even taking into account that disgusting chain of tiles near the shack. That's a 'your teammates' issue, not you.
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Thanks 😂
Although I don't mind losing the first game. That Billy was really fun to play against.
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Yeah I think everyone can make a notes about how to be better and realize mistakes
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These people are just trolls so please refrain from feeding them
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What the hell are you talking about??
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Make sure you go a bit better about it
Make sure you are constructive rather than just insulting, because that doesnt encourage anyone to get better at the game
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I am talking about the people that say stuff like: "the game is unwinnable for survivors, every killer is op needs to be nerfed". They are either not serious or rank 20s
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It's always easier to think the issue comes from the game, and not from one's skill.
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If I could I'd just send you a picture of the end screen saying dead.
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Video is more helpful ;)
Seriously, i'm trying to help Survivors identify where they are making mistakes. Snark won't make you better, salt won't make you better. But realistic and unbiased analysis will.
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Sure. Torsti56 on YouTube. Give me all critisism what I need.
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Or you could just go on YouTube and watch Ayrun, Ussylis, Noob3, or ZubatEl (when he's playing survivor) -- just to name a few. Watch them run killers silly, playing meme perks to challenge themselves, or escaping at will, and only dying either because they get sandbagged by their teammates, or they purposely play in a way that's unnecessarily risky -- again, because they're so good at survivor that playing "normal" is easy mode for them.
Using top-tier killer players who literally play the game for a living to make assumptions about game balance is ridiculous -- they're an outlier, just like the survivor players I referenced. They don't represent the vast, vast majority of the players by any measure, and making assumptions about game balance based on that highest-level play is pointless.
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When I watch streamers the thing I see is 6000 hour killer versing 300 hour survivors most of the time.
Funny thing is, they are all in the same rank.
You can watch survivor stream where the thing is the same, veteran survivor outplays new killer most of the time.
Matchmaking and ranking system at its finest I guess
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I actually would love if the forums had a little tutoring section where people can get together and train!!!! I used to hate playing killer because loops are tough for me, but I started to learn with people and I am slowly but surely getting better. I think both sides are powerful in their own right, but both require planning to really excel.
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Beautiful loops you ran mah dude. Im trying to figure out how that jukes the killer when you go near the window at a sharp angle when the killer vaults over it at 1:58, and 7:35.
What does the killer see for his POV?
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The killer doesn't see anything when you window tech them. Also, you do it at the very end of the vault animation.
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We really do need this.
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Sweet. thanks for the tip. Ill try doing this and see how it fares.
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No problem:)