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Who else absolutely despises the RPD map and hopes it stays disabled forever?



  • Member Posts: 1,594

    You know it's possible to get the same map multiple times ina row without a map offering right?

    I've gotten Lerys like 9 times ina row. people wonder why i hate the ever-loving ######### outta it

    Don't assume that you ONLY get it once or twice in one day, that's just being Selfish

  • Member Posts: 2,719

    No. I don't care that anyone dislikes any map. It's everyone's right and prerogative to hate whatever map they like for whatever reason they choose. As for being childish, I'm recycling the same arguments I've always heard killers make. The ONLY arguments I've heard them make, besides a worthless "it's badly designed" or "it sucks to play on". Those arguments are: Too many pallets, too mazelike, too frustrating for killer X or Y or Z, too survivor - sided". That's it. No one else has ever laid out an objective assessment of why these maps actually impede the gameplay, prevent anyone from being able to achieve their win conditions, or in any way constitute a "poorly designed" map that shouldn't be in the game. They just complain that they can't do as well on it, then turn around and tell survivors who hate Wraith or Spirit to "adapt".

    This is all moot. My problem isn't with the incessant complaining. My problem is with people who make selfish declarations like "I hope this map stays deleted". Instead of celebrating the fact that a single petty map, 1 of 36, no longer has to ruin their fragile day, they should be sympathetic to the fact that other players exist, other players may like the map, and those players have had something taken away from them.

  • Member Posts: 1,264

    When will the enable it again,I don't mind it just follow the gens and you'll never get lost

  • Member Posts: 3,302

    Can't wait to try this map with Oni 🙄

  • Member Posts: 2,719

    I find it incredibly doubtful that you've gotten a map nine times in a row, let alone one of the indoor maps. Yes, I know that this is different for everybody, but those are some pretty astronomical odds.

    Besides which, no one still seems to grasp the point. There are 30 maps in this game that aren't GRR INDOOR AUTOMATICALLY BAD. Whether you happen to have actually gotten Lery's nine times in a row doesn't change the fact that the chances of you getting an outdoor map is much, much higher.

    Somehow we've gone from "I don't like indoor maps" (which, let's be honest here, is about nothing more than not liking easy chases and hating pallets) to "I wish the indoor maps didn't exist" and "good, one of them has been disabled, I hope it stays that way". That's just selfish entitlement. I play maps I don't like all the time. That's life.

  • Member Posts: 433

    Well considering I’ve never seen it in real life, I cannot say. It’s been disabled since it was released with no word from bhvr.

  • Member Posts: 1,594

    It's also due to the fact that Scratch Marks are shittier on In-door maps,

    They're stlil inconsistence and terrible, And on a map like lerys in which you think they went into One room but not in that ONE room you last saw em?

  • Member Posts: 51

    If they insist on adding big indoor maps then I’ll just idle or camp. What’s the difference between wandering in a void and standing in a corner? Barely any action either way. The worst part is the amount of people completely domesticated and willing to play and pay for anything.

  • Member Posts: 2,719

    Help me understand your definition of "inconsistent". What is inconsistent about Lery's and consistent about Dead Dawg Saloon?

  • Member Posts: 2,719

    So again, the argument boils down to "it's not as fun for the killer". The presence of walls make it more difficult to hone in on survivors. That's what you're saying.

  • Member Posts: 759

    I haven't played it yet and I can't wait

  • Member Posts: 9,039

    Well I never actually had the opportunity to play it lol

  • Member Posts: 2,677

    Love how the dev's give us a terrible indoor map and nothing after that for an entire year. Then when they finally give us a new map it's another indoor map! Instead this's even worse :D

  • Member Posts: 2,719

    Besides which, anyone who says that the map is just running in a straight line is either exaggerating or hasn't played it. The map has an abundance of ways to play because the architecture is NOT just a straight line. There are narrow hallways, yes (which is a strange thing for killers to complain about) but there are also loads of corners, lots of obstacles, massively wide open areas (see the map that someone kindly provided earlier in this thread), balconies, staircases, dead ends, rooms with multiple exits, etc.

  • Member Posts: 705

    No Killer who isn't utter garbage complains about indoor maps. They just want to always be zoom-zoom Nurse/Spirit/Billy (Not so much Billy anymore; poor guy :( ).

    That's why so many people hate and suck with Nemesis, Myers, Ghostface and a host of other Killers. They can't play anything that requires more than two seconds of actual thinking rather than go fast twitch reflexes.

  • Member Posts: 2,719

    I used to try really hard to remain neutral to both sides but the sheer amount of whining that I see on this forum about any and all indoor maps demonstrates what is, to me, a very clear and apparently unconscious bias. I always hear pointless, vague generalities like "they suck" and "no one likes them". Yet when you actually see someone complaining about them it's always about the number of pallets, or how frustrating it is to loop (and I don't even like looping myself). No one ever says "there are too many dead ends that make it frustrating for both sides", no one ever says "the map has clipping issues and I fall through the floor". No, it's always just a variation of "I prefer the maps to be open because, for one reason or another, it's easier for me to have an advantage as the killer".

    That's not to say that every survivor likes the indoor maps. I'm sure that some hate them just like I love some of the outdoor maps. But with this recent RPD fiasco it has become so glaringly obvious that a large number of players don't like the indoor maps and think that they're "bad" and "poorly designed" or "don't fit DBD" for no reason other than their own frustration at the inability to be as dominant on those maps as they'd like to be.

    Then I come along and say "there are loads of maps, variety is good, there should be something for everybody, all players should have a chance to enjoy their preferred aesthetic and playstyle, not every map should look and play the same, no map should be deleted because every map has its fans", etc., and I'm called selfish.

  • Member Posts: 631

    I remember that I called you the meme dealer for a reason :)

  • Member Posts: 1,594

    Killer isn't fun. Killer is Stressful,

    In this day and age where Gen rushing is a thing and being force to go to the same map over and over and over..

  • Member Posts: 1,730

    They just do. I think it's bc of the animations constantly playing:

    Hawkins has moving hooks

    Lerus has the center of the map that makes the game unplayablekf I'm there

    I'm fine with Midwich.

  • Member Posts: 545
    edited June 2021

    I really dont get why they didnt make it 2 maps.

    upper floor and lower floor could have been 2 maps. Or inside smaller, and make another outside map like from RE3 remake. That would have been awesome.

    As it is its far too big.

  • Member Posts: 339

    Not me. I liked the new map. It was a change up now all day 9 times out of 10 ill be sent to Coldwind Farm. I have played 50 matches so far today and only 2 have been other places.

  • Member Posts: 2,719

    I don't agree that playing as killer isn't fun, if it were then there's no reason to do it. I do recognize that it's hard, and that it's stressful. I have more fun playing as survivor. Killers have to play a much more intense game (unless they're Bubba campers, which 90 percent of Bubbas are).

    That said, just because a player might find the role of killer difficult or stressful doesn't mean that maps that may potentially add to their stress should be eliminated. I feel stressed out on certain maps as well, thinking that the map is either worse for my playstyle or just plain ugly / irritating / boring / frustrating to navigate, but I recognize that my preferences don't take priority over everyone else's and I would never call for those maps to be taken away from those who do enjoy them. I just have to accept that the game wasn't built just for me, sometimes I'm going to have crappy matches on crappy maps, and I play through them and move on.

    48 matches on Coldwind on one day? Out of 50? That would mean that you got that realm more than 20 times in a row. I have to try to remain fair here, that number seems a wee bit high to be realistic.

    That said, Coldwind IS jacked up. They've got it tuned up to show off the changes or something but I think we're all plenty over it by now. I've played about 20, maybe 25 matches today and at least a dozen of them were on Coldwind. I have to admit though, I DID get the Thompson House a couple of times which was a nice change. Normally it's only ever Abattoir and Rotten Fields.

  • Member Posts: 1,594

    I Rarely get any matches on Coldwind. if i do then it's only Rotten to say the least,

    You gotta keep in mind. how good survivors are. will they loop me for a good while? Will they camp pallets or actually run it and try to mindgame me,

    I could play upwards from 50-100 matches a day, and most of my maps consist of Autohaven (Which i prefer) Macmillian, Lerys, Hawkins or Midwich.. Rarely i get none of the specific maps lest i bring an offering,

  • Member Posts: 339

    I wish I was exaggerating. But it could also be offerings people are doing. I really don't look at the offerings that people put up.

  • Member Posts: 4,142

    I never got to play it. It was disabled by the time the DLC was available for purchase in the Xbox Store

  • Member Posts: 33

    RPD seems to be a good map for 2 or 3 killers at the same time.

  • Member Posts: 1,367

    I like the map design wise, gameplay wise however it's terrible. There are too many small rooms and it's a maze. Killers like Billy and Blight are screwed.

  • Member Posts: 2,719

    I think that part of the problem with people not liking certain maps is that when they do get those maps they stand out, leave a negative impression, and seem to have a lasting effect every time they show back up. This perpetuates a cycle of thinking that the map comes up way more than it does.

    This includes me. If I were to go back and look at my recordings to see how often I get my favorite maps, it's probably a lot more than whatever number I have in my head. Similarly I hate the swamp maps the most (they've replaced Dead Dawg as the most dull and annoying map to play on for me) but I probably don't see them nearly as much as it feels like I do. When I do they just stand out. "Oh. THIS map again". Even once a day is too much.

    I'm not saying that this is true of you or anybody else specifically, I just think that it's a likely possibility for a lot of people in general. The things we don't like stand out more, we dwell on them, we learn to anticipate that they represent frustration and stress. That doesn't necessarily mean that they're bad, or that we can't have fun with them. They just leave a bad impression.

    You're lucky if you're not getting Codlwind very often. A lot of us are getting it 65-75 percent of the rotation every single session. It's a good realm but I'd like to see a little more variety. And stuff like this is exactly why we need indoor maps, dark maps, small maps, large maps. We need variety. This is a great game but it becomes tedious when things start repeating themselves. The more maps, the better. The more perks, the better. The more killers, the better. The more skill levels, the better. The more playstyles, the better. I mean I love (LOVE) the bot matches, I cannot wait until they upgrade them. But even I can't play Dwight vs Trapper on MacMillan more than a couple of times a night.

    Well I won't call you a liar, I'm just hesitant to think that the game's map randomizer is truly THAT terrible. I mean the odds of getting one realm that many times are very low, though admittedly it's the map that has the highest odds being that there are 5 maps in it and it does currently seem tuned to show up more often, likely because it's the new redesign.

    I got Hawkins and The Game today but only because they were offerings. Beyond that it was the same as every other day of the last month: Coldwind, Autohaven, some Macmillan, Yamaoka, and more Coldwind.

  • Member Posts: 545

    Its way too big should have been 2 maps

  • Member Posts: 566

    You're completely missing the point, what he is saying is that the survivor turns right but the scratchmarks goes left. I personally have encountered this many times, once I had a survivor run past some stairs and for some reason the scratchmarks went up the stairs instead of following the survivor. That's what makes them inconsistent.

  • Member Posts: 2,719

    I understood his point completely, my point was that the complaint still boils down to killers not having as easy a time on the map as they'd like. If the scratches appear incorrectly on the map I don't think that anyone would object to that being fixed.

  • Member Posts: 1,594

    We can't also forget that alot of the killer community wants to strive for the 4k just bout every game. For me it's about chasing all 4 survivors and trying my damn best not to camp / tunnel, but when it comes down to it, That task is just harder than everything else in general,

    I'm not saying we SHOULD remove the maps. But just... Fix the damn scratch marks, we say things when we're mad and that's human Nature, most likely we'll apologize and learn from this together, that and People truly don't like Lerys since they can get lost (which i don't blame em)

    We just gotta fix alot of the issues first and see where we could go with this ya'know..

  • Member Posts: 2,719

    It's much more reasonable to specify exact problems such as the scratch marks. I would have no problem at all with an issue like that being addressed. That's a lot more reasonable than saying that "everyone hates the map so it should just be disabled". A lot of people resort to the latter, and it's irritating to people like myself who might happen to enjoy those maps. But if someone is willing to take the time to objectively communicate that there are things that are uniquely problematic to a certain map, things that would be worth taking a look at, that's a fair argument.

    I understand getting lost in Lery's, I still get lost in it too. But to me that's part of the fun. In this particular case it's just a matter of preference - some killers may hate being lost and unable to quickly find survivors, whereas some survivors may enjoy the tension of not knowing when the killer is going to suddenly appear around the corner.

  • Member Posts: 1,146
    edited June 2021

    Although I have yet to play the rpd map I hated Midwich so I'm guessing I will hate this too. It should have been 2 maps, East and west as altogether it seems rather big.

    Speaking of midwich, someone has played an offering so I'm headed there now *sigh*

    Post edited by Purgatorian on
  • Member Posts: 267

    I played a few times as a killer on it before it got disabled and i can't say i like it.

    It feels overall too big, corridors are too small, too many different rooms, the 2nd floor makes it even worse.

    It doesn't feel like it was designed for dbd if that makes any sense?

    I mean yes, we obviously not used to it yet but honestly i can't remember i felt this lost first time playing on midwich or the game.

  • Member Posts: 682

    It's a brilliant map.. FOR ANOTHER GAME! The whole point of it being like a maze is to induce paranoia in the player playing Resident Evil and scare them with zombies lurking around the corner. DBD is a completely different and unique game, porting a map 1:1 is about the dumbest/laziest thing you could possibly do.

    Christ if they were to make a map based on 1408 it'd just be literally a small hotel room with 5 generators crammed in

  • Member Posts: 1,855

    I can't wait until it gets reenabled. I really like the maps which stand out with their gameplay and rpd promises to do exactly that.

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