
Not a valid reason to remove a killer
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Thank you for your feedback. I am a DBD dev and I will remove Deathslinger in the next midchapter update. Let me know if there are some other killers I should remove.
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Change your dealer...
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there's an easy way to prove you wrong. boring is your opinion you think he's boring some think he's fun
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Something being boring is subjective even if the majority of the playerbase agrees with you some still find him fun to play against and a lot of people find him fun to play as. Also ill put this here knowing this is just salty bait but people have put a lot of time BP and money into their death slingers so outright removing him is just straight up out of the realm of possibility.
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Boring by do you mean you get out played by him all the time 🤣🤣🤣🤣.
Poor baby😭🤭🤣🥳🥳🥳
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Dont mind him or she just there period. That's all.🤭
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So while everyone else was just ... rude imma try to be constructive.
NEVER be out in the open. That is obviously a death sentence. I even recommend playing not as you normally would cause he can just shoot your windows and pallets attempts.
The best advice is to just adapt to each invidual player and killer. You won't use tactics against a trapper for a huntress now would you? If the killer is backtracking a lot, you should take a note of that. Little things can really save or break ya.
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Learn when he shoots and try to dodge at those times. I enjoy playing against Deathslinger, but probably because I used to be Deathslinger main, so I just dodge when I would shoot.