If it's fair for perks to counter killers powers, then it's fair for killers to counter playstyles.

Steah Member Posts: 511

So i made a post about spine chill earlier. Did i want it nerfed? Well despite saying i don't people still thought i did. I want it changed so it doesn't completly screw Myers and GF. We can buff it other ways to make up for it too. I would feel the same about calm spirit but no one uses that one but it's just as guilty for messing with Doc. Just like how slippery meat used to counter trapper and they changed it so it doesn't shut down one killer.

General response seems to be "No. it's okay for a perk to completely shut down a killers power. GF counter play to spine chill is to not use half of his power."

Well if that is okay, why is it so unacceptable that in chase vs a stridor spirit all you can do is guess? Maybe the counter play to stridor spirit is to hide. If it is so acceptable to have 1 perk counter killer's whole kit and playstyle, then it's fine for spirit and nurse to shut down looping. Try hiding instead, i know you spent all the time learning how to loop and you find hiding boring, but too bad.


  • gendoss
    gendoss Member Posts: 2,270

    No, you walk sideways to them until you get close and then you stalk them. It's almost impossible to break Ghost Face out of stealth anyway if you are good enough at leaning. I use Spine Chill in every build and trust me it does not completely counter stealth killers, it just helps.

  • gendoss
    gendoss Member Posts: 2,270

    I agree that it really does hurt stealth powers but the point I'm making is that it doesn't completely counter it. You still don't know where they're coming from and GF specifically can crouch and wears dark colors. It's not like you're handed a free win or anything close to it just because you have Spine Chill, it just helps a lot.

  • gendoss
    gendoss Member Posts: 2,270

    Well firstly I think Stridor Spirit is as close to a free win as you can get in dbd.

    Secondly if you rework Spine Chill in that way it's objectively a nerf, you can't get around not calling it a nerf, you're making it not as good.

    I'm not even necessarily against reworking it in that way they would just have to be extremely careful about it because any way you look at it, it's a nerf and Spine Chill doesn't deserve a nerf in general.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Look, I understand your frustration. I will say, however, that Spine Chill is not the end of the world. I play Myers myself, Spooky Myers (Scratch Mirror) most of the time. I get around Spine Chill with just some minor adjustments to play style. The problem with trying to change the Perk is that it is actually more useful against the high mobility Killers like Spirit, Nurse, new and way too improved Wraith, and Blight (and to some degree Oni too). Against those Killers you need every possible warning, and have to leave the second Spine Chill flashes. You just go, don't try to guess if it is an accidental flash. You just go.

    My point is that there are TONS of Perks which give Killers stealth temporarily in this game. If Spine Chill were changed to be more effective against sneaky Killers, it would also destroy its effectiveness against high mobility types who would just continue to use stealth imbuing Perks and now the time for the heads start simply won't be enough. Tinkerer, for example, is a great Perk for Killers and extremely popular with the high mobility crowd. It turns those Killers stealth. If you were to change Spine Chill, by the time you got the warning it is too late.

  • gendoss
    gendoss Member Posts: 2,270

    Eh I think the only thing that could be nerfed is the speed bonus. It doesn't even make sense that it would have it.

  • Steah
    Steah Member Posts: 511

    You can rework a perk without nerfing it. Thanaphobia got reworked and it's about the same power. I think Spine Chill is a fine perk, but vs GF and Myers it is stupid.

    And what would that play style adjustment be. I'm also not sure what they could do with it. Maybe it's a matter of changing Myers and GF but the stalk they both have fits their character so well.

    Spine chill is completely fine and fair vs the majority of the cast, even when they are using stealth perks like tinkerer. But to have it completly stuff the whole point of two killers kit, is ridiculous. Especially with how everyone is so hot to trot to nerf spirit because of her insane anti loop potential even though stealth is always an option vs her.

  • StibbityStabbity
    StibbityStabbity Member Posts: 1,839

    I have always been of the opinion that SC shouldn't work on stealth Killers, in particular ones that need to stalk.

    When I play Killer, I DO approach gens looking to the side so that I don't set off SC. Kind of like old DS, I just have to assume Survivors are always running it. Mostly because I always run it on Survivor. It's very strong, gives a lot of intel, and opens up plenty of options because of the early warning it gives. I also don't play stealth Killers, so I don't have to worry about SC invalidating my power.

  • kingbojenbo
    kingbojenbo Member Posts: 130

    Spine Chill is fine as is. Killers have many counters to survivor stealth so why can't survivors have something that helps with killer stealth, to me that is fair. If hard counters to killers are an issue for you then there are other perks that should be considered. Calm Spirit counters Doctor, Urban Evasion counters Hag and Pyramid Head, Fixated to an extent counters Spirit and not to mention any survivor perks that counter killer perks. Any actual change to Spine Chill would be a nerf unless you raise the radius and remove the speed to balance it. If you lower the radius and even if you keep the speed it's still a nerf. And those other perks I mentioned, do those get nerfed as well?

    I use Spine Chill to give me a head start when the killer is coming my way but even then I still have to see what direction the killer is coming from. Some killers have added speed outside their normal speed and the warning at least lets me gain distance for a chance against the killer.

    I promise I'm not looking down at your point of view but if you feel that way about Spine Chill then you might feel that way about those other perks too. Unless it's because Spine Chill counters the killers you play as the most. I feel like their are more game breaking issues that need to be looked at instead.

  • van9684
    van9684 Member Posts: 433

    Which perks counter a killers power? And I mean like break the game or are not strictly anti tunneling perks? Killers have Noed, bbq, hexes, etc. Its simply not comparable. Take ds for example. It’s a few second stun if being tunneled. Take Noed now, which grants killers even more speed and insta downs at end of match, providing unearned kills for unskilled killers. Which is more impactful? Show me one survivor perk that can take the game hostage, and I’ll wait here.

  • Steah
    Steah Member Posts: 511
    edited June 2021

    What are you even talking about? I mention Spine Chill screwing GF and Myers. And now you're on about DS and NOED? This literally has nothing to do with my thread. But to answer your question, Calm spirit counters doctor, Spine chill counters GF and Myers.

    Also for the love of god if you do not like NOED just go and cleanse the totems. On the majority of maps they are easy to find and if you still don't like it bring small game, detectives hunch, counterforce, or a map.

    Well I did mention that Calm Spirit is just as a big of an offender as Spine Chill when it comes to messing with a killer, Doctor in that case. But no one uses it. If Calm Spirit was a very popular perk i would suggest it needs to get changed as well.

    Also people need to stop saying it's a nerf. You can change a perk without nerfing or buffing it. They changed Thana to stop affecting healing but gave it more impact on gen speed, was that a nerf? I would rate it around the same power level after the change as it was before the change.

    I disagree with Urban and Fixated being counters. If i'm setting off a Hag trap it's because i'm either running from the hag or i didn't see it. Urban isn't going to help in those situations. Same with torment trail. I only step in the trail when i'm running from Phead. I'm not getting much value out of urban evasion during a chase. Fixated is the same thing, i'm already trying to not get into a chase vs a spirit, so walking 20% faster isn't going to do much. If she does find me and phases, good spirits will just use sounds to figure out where you are, even if you are walking.

    A great example is how Slippery Meat used to be a specific counter to Trapper. They changed it so it does not specifically counter Trapper anymore even though they kept it around the same power level.

    In terms of perks countering each other. I'm not super familiar with all the interactions but i think in every case but one the survivor perk trumps the killer perk. Calm Spirit beats Infectious Fright. Quick n Quiet beats I'm all ears. Totem tracking perks being a hard counter to all Hexes. The only one i know where it's reversed is Stridor beating Iron Will and if you frequent the forums you should know all about how survivors feel about that interaction. But those are different from my points. A perk trumping another perk is one thing. A perk trumping a killers whole power and play style is different.

    While it doesn't give a huge red arrow pointing at the killer, it does hard counter stealth. If my spine chill is perma lit up and i hear no terror radius, that means it's time for me to leave. And yes you can get around spine chill by crab walking to the gen. But answer me this, what do Myers and GF do when you have to look at the survivor to stalk them?

    Your other points about forcing them to dead zones is just basic killer gameplay. Yes, Myers and GF can still go around and be epic M1 man. But every killer can do that. The whole point of Myers and GF is the stealth and stalk mechanic and we have a fairly popular perk that shuts that down and that is okay. But Stridor Spirit basically shutting down looping and making it into a guessing game? Well that is just unacceptable now. Asking survivors to not default to looping and instead try stealth vs a spirit is out of the question as far as survivors are concerned. But making GF and Myers players crab walk to gens and then not use their powers because of a perk and just be M1 man, well that is somehow acceptable?

  • odra
    odra Member Posts: 369

    btw ghost and myers still can do his power against spine chill its just not that effective secondly there's no rule about that killer power cant be countered, lets say DS can be countered by PH. even though he needs extra work same as ghost and myers for spine chill surv

  • Steah
    Steah Member Posts: 511

    The trade off is Phead cant use hook perks like Pop to compensate. Also when it comes to killer countering perks, that is 1 of 4 perks that isn't working as intended. 1 perk countering the whole point of a killer is different.

    I still think spirit is stupid in a chase and should be looked at. But if it's fine for a single survivor perk to hard counter 2 killers power, then it is fine for 1 killer to counter the main playstyle that most people use in dbd. You can always hide vs a spirit and try not to get in chase.

  • van9684
    van9684 Member Posts: 433

    I see you put a lot into that novel

    above but I don’t have time to read that mess. Killers easy and requires no skill. That is why killers struggle in red ranks. Survivors have to grind and eventually get good, whereas killer tops out.

  • Steah
    Steah Member Posts: 511
    edited June 2021

    Unfortunately, the part where i responded to you is 7 sentences. If you think that is a novel i suggest stepping away from DBD and brush up on your reading skills.

    Also you can say anything you want, that doesn't make it true. A lot of survivor mains on this forum seem to think that.

    The only thing we can gather from your posts is that you're a troll or delusional. If you want to reply fine by me, by try to keep it on thread.

    Post edited by Steah on
  • odra
    odra Member Posts: 369

    wow sluzzy reborn, try playing killer then

    as i said you still can stalk and use the power it's not as near as hard counter

  • Steah
    Steah Member Posts: 511

    I can't stalk when they run. And if they have spine chill they know when to run. No terror radius plus spine chill perma lit up? That just means run.

    While it does not completely make it so you can't stalk at all, it is as close to a hard counter without completely turning Myers and GF power off.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814
    edited June 2021

    Spine Chill doesn't "shut down" any killer, they're just weak and you're reaching for an excuse.

    Sorry to say, but I've been in plenty of trials with absolutely zero Spine Chill and they still run the moment I start stalking. Why? Because you have a bright white mask and they were paying attention.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    Why is it not comparable?

    because one is a Perk that causes Ghostface to have to slightly look away while approaching, while the other is an blatantly overpowered combination that eliminates any form of possible counterplay Spirit has.

    one is a slight inconvenience, the other an instant death sentence.

    and no, "just hide" doesnt work. there are way too many Perks covering exactly that weakness (e.g. BBQ & Chili, Lethal Pursuer, Infectious Fright, ...)

  • Steah
    Steah Member Posts: 511

    It actually does shut them down. Even if you have an amazing spot, they will still get the alert and will run away. Also if you are having a lot of issues with people running away from you when you try to stalk and they don't have spine chill, that sounds like you are picking piss poor positions to stalk and should reevaluate your play.

    You really need to read my man. Yes, i have thoroughly stated that you can crab walk to a gen to counter play spine chill. That is why despite having stealth built into her kit, i did not mention Pig being hard countered by Spine Chill because as stupid as it looks you can crab walk to counter it.

    What about GF and Myers. Once you get there you HAVE to look at the to stalk. You cannot stalk out of your ears. So what do i do then? Again, not the point where i'm approaching, the part when i'm there and i HAVE to look at them.

    Also spirit really isn't an insta win with stridor. She wasn't even top kill percentage last time they put out stats. Also you can use stealth perks to counter tracking perks if you don't like that much. So yes it is comparable, no having your power stuffed by a perk is not a minor inconvenience and for one final time to really get my point across i am not talking about the crab walking to the gen, i am talking about stalking with GF and Myers because you have to look at them. Also no, stridor spirit is not insta death. I have escaped trials from a stridor spirit, as i'[m sure you have as well. I have played Stridor spirit and i do not have a 100% kill percentage with her. It is not insta death. I think it's stupid that she turns the chase into a guessing game and i want that changed. But if spine chill stopping GF and Myers from stalking (NOT APPROACHING WHEN YOU CAN CRAB WALK) then spirit doing that to chases is fine.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    They have 2.5 second of warning and spine chill does nothing that paying attention to your surroundings doesn't do. I haven't used the perk in years and I still have no real trouble going against stealth killers.

  • Steah
    Steah Member Posts: 511
    edited June 2021

    Well that is the counter play to stealth killers. It sounds like you're a good survivor player than. If the counter play to stealth killers is to stay alert and look at your surroundings, and the play for stealth killers is to keep out of sight and find creative sight lines to stalk from, then why would changing it be a problem?

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    yeah im just gonna keep this short: you are heavily overrating the stalking mechanic.

    Ghostfaces main power is not stalking people, its going into a stealth mode. just walk up to them and grab / hit them when they dont expect it, thats how you play GF. not stalking someone is not "getting your power stuffed".

    Myers Power is a lot more reliant on the stalk (especially in Tier 1), but since Survivors can not break you out of it stalking your way up to Tier 2 / 3 even mid chase is not a hard task at all. so Myers doesnt even care about Spinechill nearly as much as GF doesn, as he is just going to keep stalking them during the chase. another case of not "getting your power stuffed".

    and im not even going to bother with a debate on whether Stridor Spirit is stupidly overpowered or not, because we all know she is. If you disagree then please, do share your secrets on how you can reliantly counterplay a Stridor Spirit. "just dont get found", am i right? that argument is about the equivalent as telling a killer to "just apply map pressure" when facing a 4 man genrush SWF - its stupid and it is nowhere near as easy as you try to make it sound.

  • Nebula
    Nebula Member Posts: 1,400

    What this man said ^^

    Ghostfaces that only try to go for expose stalks are the easiest ones to face as they usually waste more time trying to expose survivors rather than injure them. Being injured against a killer that can turn off his terror radius and his red stain is how a good GF can snowball quickly.

    And spine chill is not this end all for stealth killers as you think it is, it gives no direction so if you get creative with your angles it can actually play into your hands more times than not.

  • Steah
    Steah Member Posts: 511

    So as I have stated many times I want spirit changed so she doesn't make looping a guessing game. I literally need to repeat myself for people to get that I guess.

    But you think that a killer shutting down a play style is bad. But a perk shutting off parts of a killer kit is fine. You say GF power isn't getting stuffed but then tell me that its not that important so don't use it. Yes his power is getting stuffed. You literally don't use his stalk. At that point you are making GF into a bad version of Wraith. And yes it does affect Myers because if you are playing him normally you need to get put tier 1 asap and the longer you get a good sight line on someone the better. If you get the greatest angle possible it doesn't matter because they are gonna figure it out with spine chill.

    You think it's okay if survivors have perks that screw killers powers, but its not okay if a killer screws a survivor play style is what It comes down to.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    first off: YOU were the one arguing whether Stridor Spirit was OP or not. i simply stated that Stridor Spirit is not a good comparison to a Survivor running Spine Chill.

    secondly, seeing how you dont seem to get it: you. do. not. stalk. as. Ghost Face.

    But you think that a killer shutting down a play style is bad.

    i never said that btw.

    You think it's okay if survivors have perks that screw killers powers

    once again, i never said that.

  • elpoh
    elpoh Member Posts: 222

    Well... Undetectable status should work for ANY detection perk, not only aura reading ones.

    Premonition & SpineChill included.

    That's all.

  • NerfedFreddy
    NerfedFreddy Member Posts: 394

    Spine chill is fine. Stealth killers are already annoying enough. Stealth in pvp is completely unfun mechanics for opposite side

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    Chase stalling should not work on every killer. 1v1 is killer favored otherwise the whole game doesn't function.

  • Beelzeboop
    Beelzeboop Member Posts: 1,306

    If you're not supposed to stalk, then


    Why do over half his add-ons relate to it then?

    Has it occurred to that there can be multiple strategies for the same character?

    Or that there are specific builds for Ghostface based on how much stalking you plan on doing?

    Or that you might not be an expert on the character?

    Or that not everyone wants to ignore a massive part of a character's basekit when that character's whole deal is based around it, to the point that it's heavily referred to in his advertising, his mori, his cosmetics, his animations, and his add-ons?

  • Khar
    Khar Member Posts: 640

    Stealth is fun for the killer side. Why should they be denied that fun just because of Spine Chill?

  • Steah
    Steah Member Posts: 511

    It depends. Some people really enjoy stealth. What you may find annoying other's might find fun. People clearly like stealth as their are stealth killers.

    But didn't you know survivors need to have the advantage in the 4v1 and the 1v1?

    I mean this is just cognitive dissonance at this point. Saying you don't stalk as GF is just bad play. Not stalking as him just turns him into a ######### version of Wraith. Invisible. can't be broken out of stealth, and way faster when stealthed. GF's advantage over him is the one shotting with stalk.

    You are arguing that it is okay for spine chill to do what it does currently to GF and Myers, so yes, you are saying it's okay for a perk to shut down a killer's kit and playstyle, in fact so much so that you are trying to justify this by saying you just don't stalk on GF which is just flat out wrong. Go watch anyone play GF, they are gonna use the stalk mechanic. Not using it is dumb and is hampering you for no reason.

  • Tizzle
    Tizzle Member Posts: 696

    Spine Chill?


    As stated above, it's a terrible perk already that is only used by players that are completely unaware of their surroundings.

  • Steah
    Steah Member Posts: 511

    If it's that bad and no one uses it then changing it shouldn't be a big deal, right?

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669


    its not. it is a very, very secondary aspect of his kit.

    Why do over half his add-ons relate to it then?

    idk, why do 95% of Pigs Add Ons relate to the RBTs, even though those are clearly only a secondary part of her ability?

    Has it occurred to that there can be multiple strategies for the same character?

    obviously. but as always when there are multiple playstyles, there is going to be one that is the best ("meta") - which in GFs case woulld be not to stalk and just go for ambushes instead. and it is not at all a new concept that Survivors have Perks that counter specific playstyles. Unbreakable counters slugging, Decisive Strike tunneling, etc. (this pretty much applies to your next two points aswell)

    Or that not everyone wants to ignore a massive part of a character's basekit when that character's whole deal is based around it, to the point that it's heavily referred to in his advertising, his mori, his cosmetics, his animations, and his add-ons?

    okay, first off the most well known and advertised part of his power is the ability to hide his presence and then ambush when people are vulnerable. that is literally the core aspect of his entire backstory. the stalk mechanic is only there to give him the ability to create such a scenario even when a Survivor isnt in a bad spot at that moment, meaning it only serves the purpose of creating something he can easily get without aswell.

    all i was stating is that Spine Chill does not hardcounter Ghost Faces ability. it makes an side aspect of it harder to use, but it does not mean that you can pack your things and go home as GF just because someone brought Spine Chill. you can always enter your stealth mode and sneak up on them, all you have to do is to look slightly to the side.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    I mean this is just cognitive dissonance at this point. Saying you don't stalk as GF is just bad play. Not stalking as him just turns him into a [BAD WORD] version of Wraith. Invisible. can't be broken out of stealth, and way faster when stealthed. GF's advantage over him is the one shotting with stalk.

    false. GFs advantage over Wraith is that he can immediately attack out of his stealth, while Wraith has to ring his bell first. it means ambush attacks are much easier as Ghostie.

    You are arguing that it is okay for spine chill to do what it does currently to GF and Myers, so yes, you are saying it's okay for a perk to shut down a killer's kit and playstyle

    either you just dont want to understand it or you havent read any of my previous posts. stalking for GF is a SECONDARY part of his ability, you can still access his main power - and Myers literally doesnt give a **** whether they know hes there or not, you can just stalk them over a loop.

    in addition to both i might want to add that Spine Chill doesnt reveal the Killer, meaning that even if they know you are looking in their general direction they have no idea where you are and therefore cant just dodge it immediately. you will still get some decent stalk progress with both Killers.

  • Steah
    Steah Member Posts: 511

    You are deciding that stalking is a secondary part of his kit. Where is that written? You also said that RBT are secondary part of pig when they are the best part of her hands down. It is still part of his kit, it is expected that you use them. You can choose not to use them but that is ineffective play. A killer having multiple parts of their power doesn't make them secondary. Should Doc not use Static Blast because it's secondary to Shock Therapy? Should clown never use yellow bottles because purple bottles exist? Demo shouldn't use portals, they aren't his shred. Which ability should i not use on Freddy? His snares or TP. I don't know which of those are secondary. Shame about the Phead cage mechanic, giving him his punishment of the damn for some reason means you shouldn't use his cage.

    Also yes GF without stalk is bad wraith. You can hit right away vs Can't be broken out of stealth, faster movement speed, insane lunge and speed boost after uncloak. I shouldn't need to type this out for you.

    You think they are secondary, that doesn't make them secondary. No where is that written. You arbitrarily determine that GF stalk is secondary because you don't like to use his stalk when you play him. That is okay, i am not going to tell you that you have to stalk when you play GF. However, you are not every GF player nor do you determine the best way to play him. Just because you say something, does not make it correct.

    Myers absolutely gives a ######### if the survivors know where he is in tier 1. You clearly have not played much Myers vs competent survivors if you think them noticing you and running away to break sight lines isn't a disastrous start for Myers

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    okay, this whole discussion is getting stupid, so this'll be my final comment on it.

    in case you havent figured out how online VS games function yet: yes, there are always a ton of strategies possible, but there will always be that one strategy that is stronger than all the others, the so called "meta". This is what people play to win, this is what the experienced players use to compete against each other. said "meta" can also very clearly differentiate itself from what the Developers thought it was going to be, leading to a scenario such as GFs or Demogorgons where the Add Ons are centered around what the Devs thought was going to be the main part of their ability, but ended up being only the secondary aspect of their power - stalking for GF and portals for Demo.

    as for GF, that meta is to just get in there and slap them, then hide and return while they are recovering from the very first ambush. yes, technically speaking it is POSSIBLE for you to stalk and expose them, just to be eating pallets until the minutes up while praying to god the others havent figured out they can repair gens yet, but that one is not how you play the killer in high level play (if, for whatever reason, you decide to play him at all, seeing how he is pretty much outclassed by Wraith in a majority of things he can do (but that is an entirely different topic & got nothing to do with Spine Chill as a Perk)).

    in general i have the feeling that you were shifting the topic of this discussion around quite a lot to be more in your favor - lets not forget that the main topic at hand was me stating that a Survivor running Spine Chill (which is a mild inconvenience for 90% of killers and mostly only annoying on GF & Myers, as it makes their job a bit harder) is nowhere near comparable to a Spirit running Stridor (effectively eliminating any form of counterplay there is to her).

    if you want to discuss Pigs balance, go over to Scorpionz on Twitch. He is by far the most experienced Pig player i've seen and RBTs being her secondary ability is a statement i took directly from him (and i really dont have the nerves to discuss that right now. its got nothing to do with this discussion and would just end up shifting the topic around even further)

    and if you want to discuss Myers balance, just go ahead and watch this video Scott made a short while ago:

    its a good video - and the very first point he addresses is getting out of Tier 1 as Myers so it is quite relevant to this topic.

    so in conclusion:

    Spine Chill VS Myers & GF:

    annoying? yes.

    a hard counter to their abilities? absolutely not. and inconvenience, yes, but nothing more than that.

    comparable to Stridor Spirit? absolutely not.

  • Steah
    Steah Member Posts: 511

    The convo was shifted here because your defense to me saying that spine chill shuts down GF was to tell me that you shouldn't being using that part of his kit. Also if you are playing complete Meta then you wouldn't be playing any of the killers mentioned here. It would be Nurse and Spirit only.

    The Scott Jund video doesn't mention spine chill. He does mention you need to get out of tier 1 asap and spine chill makes that harder.

    Look i think spirit is stupid, i want her changed. But spine chill is also stupid, i want it changed as well. Just because they are different in power level doesn't mean they are analogous.

    Stridor Spirit shuts down normal looping and forces survivors to try and hide for their best bet.

    Spine Chill shuts down GF stalk and turns him into a really ######### wraith. Myers also gets screwed by it.

    Both shut down something for no reason and should be changed, not nerfed, just changed. If you still don't see it then i will never be able to word it in a way for you to get it.

  • bobateo
    bobateo Member Posts: 368

    Because SC does not hard counter. It makes it harder in some circumstances, but by no means impossible.

    1.) There is no directional clue. Which, as other people have stated, make it almost as likely that the Surv will run into you as away from you.

    2.) SC is highly unlikely to drive a surv off a gen before they know what Killer they're dealing with. Meaning, if GF or Myers stay out of sight and don't stare straight at the gen the whole time, they're going to get in very close and have opportunity to get in some stalk and/or hits.

    3.) If survs are paying attention and looking around, that's a much better defense against stealth Killers than SC. If you can see survs, they can see you. Although GF leaning can be harder to spot. If they're waiting until SC flashes reliably to look around, you're going to make good progress unless they get really lucky and first look in the direction you're approaching from.

    4.) As Myers, you aren't going to Stalk from a huge distance all the time anyway because of the number of LOS blockers and that gens are often tucked inside buildings or tile walls. On gens that are out in the open, SC is not going to matter much because it's out in the open and they probably have no idea which direction you're coming from at first. Long hallways in Hawkins and Midwich? SC will not matter. Hills where you can see 2-3 angles are multiple gens? SC will not matter much. Low wall loops? SC definitely won't matter.

    Making SC not work on undetectable will likely make it a trash bin perk. It's one use is as a somewhat useful early warning system. That's it. The speed bonus isn't that great and the fact that it gives no aura or direction anyway would still be there. And yes, making it not work with undetecable would absolutely be a nerf unless something of equivalent value were given to compensate.

    It's just not as powerful as some perceive it to be.

  • Soulpaw
    Soulpaw Member Posts: 290

    i kinda like the speed boost, rewards being greedy and isnt a huge buff anyways since its on a constant on and off anyways.