[Rant] Why this game is unfun

There are 2 types of players in this game, extremely good, and everyone else.
Now, the way this game is "balanced", it's designed for the everyone else part. Why? because they are the majority. However, whenever you run into the extremely good type, you see just how ridiculously unbalanced this game is. If you play into a extremely good killer, you will NEVER win, the only people who even have a remote chance of beating him are SWF teams. Everyone else will lose, I don't care what perks you use, I don't care how good you think you are, you will lose.
On the flip side if you're a ok killer but you're playing into an extremely good SWF team, you will never win, no matter what you do, all your cheap tactics don't matter because they will simply out info you to winning. Now, here's the problem.
The way this game is in it's current state the only time it's semi-balanced/fun is if you're on the relative exact level as the people you're playing against. However because MMR doesn't work at all in this game you don't actually ever get those games. I'll have entire weeks where I as a survivor get paired against rank 1 killers that kill the entire team in under 2min with cheap tactics. Or I as a killer get paired against an entire red rank teams who gen rush and end the game in under 5min.
So what I'm saying is, while in theory it seems like this game could be balanced. It's based on an MMR system that works, what you have is a broken heap that doesn't even remotely work, and it makes matches pure misery. Add in the fact that you as a company REFUSE to change the ability of killers to use cheap tactics to win and survivors gen rushing to win you have one of the worst experiences most of the time now.
I really hate games that end within the first five minutes on both sides. I like a game that lasts...a game that's intense and fun.
I was a 17 rank killer before reset even though I play killer like once in a blue moon and barely ever get kills...and I've been ranked with red, purple and green ranks. They made me cry, so I get what you mean. That does suck.
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Exactly, and the sad part is, this entire issue is 100% within the control of the devs, I've even made a thread or 2 on specifically how to deal with each of these issues, but they just don't give a damn.
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Im sick of keys.
I work my ass off, destroy the survivors with hard work, and they just leave because they came with a key, map and offering for killer shack hatch and escape.
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You threw me off on the gen rushing. Completing gens is how you win as a survivor. I wish there were more objectives for survivors but that's all there is. Aside from that, I agree.
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That's exactly what I told the devs, instead of 7 immobile gens which are boring AF for everyone, they should make 7 mobile rotating objectives.
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That's very true, it's another one of those boring mechanics that ruin the game for killers. Especially when you work so hard to get everyone and then at the last second they just escape down a hatch.
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If youre playing a swf, or even if its just going really bad like youve got 1 or 2 hooks and 4 gens are done. Just camp. If its a swf theyre for sure going to be altruistic, if its solos theyll probably be cocky at that point 🤷♂️
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Not true. They balance it for the red ranks mostly. You see rank 18 killers getting 4K and it doesn’t stop until red ranks where killers have to start trying.
the 4K ratio is over 70% right now which is grossly killer favored. If you don’t learn to loop and put hours upon hours in as survivor, you’re basically a sitting duck. Red rank survivors have spent hours getting decent and killers hate it. That is the issue with the game.
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I would really advice BHVR to add the " Verbal abuse" tag to the ESRB ratting for this game, its pretty much the only purpose end game chat has.
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I'm the same way. I just want a game that lasts a good amount of time to feel like I had a chance to really get something accomplished and earn enough points for the game to have felt "complete". Ten, fifteen minutes is good for me. I don't care if I win or lose, I just want to feel like I had a fun, fair, and reasonably balanced game.
I'm sorry to hear that your situation was so frustrating that it made you cry. :(
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That's one of the issues.
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I honestly see no point in chat in this game at all.
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That's exactly how I feel as well. I don't care if I win or lose...I just want a game that feels intense, but fun and not where everyone dies within minutes of spawning in.
And it's okay...I'm gonna start practicing more and more with Huntress and try my best to get good on the killer side.
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Yep, I definitely understand. And Huntress is a good killer, once you start getting good aim with her hatchets she's pretty fun to use.