Changing Perks to Improve Player Experience

I'll keep this as short:
Certain perks push Killers and Survivors towards unfun or ill advised play styles, I intend to rework them to be more fun or reward players for not playing ineffectively for Bloodpoints. Additionally, I'll be buffing perks that lean towards a play style which interacts with every player.
We're Gonna Live Forever
- When healing another Survivor in the dying state, your healing speed is increased by 100%. Gain a token for completing any of these actions for the first time, max 2/3/4 tokens:
- Heal other Survivors the equivalent of 1 health state
- Heal another Survivor from the dying state to the injured state
- Safely unhook a Survivor
- Repair the equivalent of 1 Generator
- Cleanse a Hex Totem
- Escape a chase
- Each token provides a 25% post-trial Bloodpoint bonus.
Beast of Prey
- Upon entering a chase, gain the Undetectable status effect for 10 seconds
- Beast of Prey has a cool-down of 60/50/40 seconds
- Beast of Prey grants a 50% Bloodpoint bonus to the Hunter category post-trial
Dead Man's Switch
- After hooking a Survivor who had not immediately hooked prior, Dead Man's Switch activates for the next 60 seconds
- While activated, any Generator that stops being repaired will be blocked by the Entity for 35/40/45 seconds
- Affected Generators are highlighted by a white aura
Dying Light
- After hooking a Survivor for the first time, gain a token
- Each token gives all Survivors a 3/3.5/4% penalty to repairing, healing, and cleansing speeds
- After getting all 4 tokens, give all Survivors a 20% penalty to gate opening speeds
- After standing still for 4/3/2 seconds, you are granted the Undetectable status effect for 15 seconds
- Insidious has a cool-down of 30 seconds
No Way Out
- After hooking a Survivor for the first time, gain a token
- When a Survivor comes within 8m of a powered exit gate the Entity blocks them for a period of time if you have tokens
- Each token is worth 8/9/10 seconds, up to a combined maximum of 32/36/40 seconds
Remember Me
- After hitting a Survivor for the first time with your basic attack, gain a token
- Each token increases the opening time of the exit gates by 5 seconds.
If for whatever reason these perks must remain Obsession, then giving them effects to switch the Obsession around could achieve a similar result.
Example: Remember Me could gain tokens on Survivors who are not the Obsession, and then hitting someone for the first time could turn them into the Obsession.
However, I don't see any real benefit to keeping them as Obsession perks, so I didn't.
TL; DR: Nerf Killers and Buff Survivors! NOW !!!
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- This isn't a post about fixing the imbalances in the game, I have a dozen other posts about that, check 'em out.
- I don't know how you could think my versions of Beast of Prey, Dead Man's Switch, Insidious, and No Way Out are worse than their current iterations.
- If you do feel that way, could you explain?
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I agree that perks should be changed to encourage less "toxic" behavior, like were gonna live forever shouldnt just reward you not only with the easiest emblem to farm, but the most bp potential for survivors. However i dont think things like Undetectable on start of a chase would ever be fun in my eyes. For i dont like guessing games, its why i dont like Spirit. And i can see Insid being extremely un fun to fight,bubba just stops moving for 2s now he chainsaws a non swf instantly or maybe even yourself who was in the chase but didnt want to risk leaving the zone, i just dont think it would be healthy. It would or could be fun a couple times but not healthy if the killer just wants to kill someone they would with these perks. Deadmans just creates late game snowball, i like the idea of it but many good killers would just snowball with one slug.
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Well given the nature of these perks, number adjustments could have large enough impacts on them to balance them.
The idea is to avoid ill or unfun behavior.
WGLF pushes rushed unhooks or unhelpful body blocks.
Insidious pushes camping and Beast of Prey encourages using Blood Lust.
Whether they’re under or overtuned can be fixed in a round of the PTB.
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You didn't need to add the DR, it is painfully obvious you didn't read if that is your takeaway.
Not too keen on the WGLF idea, spreading things out a lot would probably actually make it somewhat harder to stack multiple stacks. I think it's fine to declare any of the options repeatable, as there's really no harm in letting WGLF hit 4 stacks more consistently. I'd personally feel more for distributing some of the conditions to other perks, like giving Small Game or Detective's Hunch a BP bonus upon cleansing totems, or a gen-related perk give a BP bonus per X% of gen progress.
Also, I think it'd be better to make it 'cleanse a totem' than 'cleanse a hex totem'. The latter will be dependent on the killer and will be in VERY short supply, which causes survivors to compete for it.
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The idea is to reward Survivors doing a multitude of things that assist everyone’s escape.
Cleansing dull totems doesn’t help the team in any way, shape, or form, unless the killer has NOED.
And I understand that it would make the stacks more difficult to achieve and that Hexes are not always an option. It’s why I gave more than 4 conditions for tokens.
That being said, more conditions for tokens could be added, so long as they follow the design philosophy of helping the team escape.
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I do appreciate some good perk balancing, however, I've got some gripes with a few of these.
We're Gonna Live Forever
Yeah, WGLF stacks are harder to get than with BBQ, but I think that's just the nature of the perk. I don't see a point in adding all of these conditions when you're better off running an Escape Cake. Besides, as WGLF is now, it encourages Survivors to body block and go for slug saves.
Dead Man's Switch
Shockingly, I think this makes the perk weaker. Also, taking the obsession part of it away removes its gimmick potential. I want DMS to be buffed, but this ain't it chief.
Dying Light
Would be excruciating to face, especially against a Legion or Plague with Thanato. Also, the exit gate slowdown doesn't really do much, as it only adds an extra 4 seconds.
For the obsession thing, it gives the perk a gimmick which is fun to mess with... if done right. Old Remember Me was very good, but they nerfed it to the ground following the EGC update. DMS is a cool concept but is just an experiment gone wrong. Dying Light was a rushed change from something unhealthy, though I feel they could do better.
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All obsession perks due to encourage tunneling or like never touching them like with STBFL or Play with your food. Its not cool or fun its just dont interact with them or tunnel them. Gimmicks shouldn't be encouraged imo and definitely not ones that do those 2 things.
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Mainly just looking at Beast of Prey at the moment. So you basically want to nerf a perk that's never used in the first place? 10 Seconds of Undetectable status as soon as you enter a chase is nothing. In it's current state, it may have some effectiveness versus more skilled Survivor's since they're constantly looking for the red stain but it's also very useless because Bloodlust is not very useful and you lose it after you miss an attack, get pallet stunned, break a pallet or if you can't lock onto a Survivor fast enough.
I kind of thought of another idea for reworking this perk. So instead of gaining the Undetectable status, how about significant buffs as soon as you obtain Bloodlust? +X% Window Vaulting Speed and a unique one, if you're hit with a Pallet while Bloodlust is Active you immediately slam it back up against the wall. (removing the stun as well or significantly reducing the stun duration? The aim here is to shorten chases and retain Bloodlust)
"Your lust for a kill is so intense that your connection with The Entity is momentarily lost, making you totally unpredictable."
This would also help M1 Killers end chases quicker.
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- Nerf? Beast of Prey currently only gives you Undetectable as long as Bloodlust is active. Bloodlust requires a continuous 15 second chase without hitting the Survivor, breaking a pallet, or using their power at all. None of which accounts for the inconsistency of chases and how easily they can suddenly end. My version would consistently grant Undetectable at the start of chases with uses for mind games or even just leaving the Survivor immediately to sneak up on someone else.
- Whether this change would be a buff or nerf is not the point. These perk changes are intended to deter ill advised or unfun play styles. i.e Insidious camping, tunneling the obsession with Remember Me,Dead Man's Switch, etc. etc.. If this version turns out weaker, then the duration and cool-down can easily be adjusted to buff it.
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You think thats a nerf? guy you lose red stain instantly....
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I think it’s pretty decent if not great.