I'm curious what do you see a win as killer/survivor

I want to know what people classify as a win as both a killer and survivors as many have difference ideas to what classifies as a win.
I personally feel like as a killer 1k is a loss, 2k is a draw and 3k to 4k is a win.
And as a survivor 1 escaping is a loss, two escaping is a draw and three or four of us escaping is a win.
For me the only clear win condition for killer is a 4k, anything else can be heavily debated.
For survivor there is a VERY clear win condition in surviving.
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As a solo survivor main 95% of the time:
20k bps or more per match - enough to have done some significant gameplay and feel challenged yet have fun.
Escape or die is no consequence to me unless there's a challenge for it.
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That's basically identity V standards of win/lose, that's how I take it.
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Utter defeat - 0k
Lose - 1k
Draw - 2k
Win - 3k
Flawless victory - 4k
Those are mine, so death dependant, not pips.
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I don't count kills at all. You can have everybody on death hook and no kills. I don't think 8 hooks is a loss.
I'd probably say 1-5 hooks is a loss for getting less than half off the objective done.
6-8 a tie for getting half of a little more of the objective done
9-12 a win. Any escapes by that point are by the skin of your teeth.
This is also coming from a player that attempts to 3 hook everybody. If I played meaner I'd probably focus on kills more.
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As a individual i personally feel as long as i escape i win .
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I feel like it's a win if I was able to achieve something. The only thing I really rate as a loss is being so completely and utterly outmatched by the opposition that you can't do anything. For example if you encounter a good nurse as survivor or a decent swf as killer. There is just nothing you can do in these situations except accept the 4k/4 man escape of the other side and move on
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It's funny that we even have to speculate what the win condition is for each side.
If the devs just said something it could clear up a whole helluva lot of stats and statements.
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as a killer, getting 3+ kills.
as a survivor, escaping. though dying and still making good points / pipping is usually considered a draw for me.
of course there are some nieche scenarios for both sides, but those happen very rarely
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If I pip I win in my book even if I die. Escaping means nothing to me if I get enough BP honestly
As for killer, 3k is a win, usually with pip and a bunch of BP as well.
Some people will tell you having fun is a win, but in DBD fun is not something optional :)
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I agree with this as survivor. Even though it's a team game the whole winning part is my own escape, although I will try to get others out with me too if possible. I never use keys or moris though, don't like them at all.
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As Killer, 10 hooks+ or 3k+.
As Survivor, 2 or more Survivors surviving.
Alt win condition for both sides, getting a belly laugh out of a game.
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As killer?
4k/3k (if hatch escape) - win
3k/2k - tie
1k/0k - loss
As survivor
Safety pip or better? - win
lose a pip - loss
They're different just because I'm so much better at killer that if they both went by pips I'd win every game as killer except on the occasion.
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I completely ignore the pip system.
So as a survivor I feel that a gate escape is a win, a hatch escape when the gates are opened is a good win, a standard hatch escape is a draw and a death is a loss.
As a Killer 0 or 1K is a loss, 2K is a draw and 3 or 4K is a win.
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30k bp or 3k
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7 + hooks, 3k or pip. Im happy with any of those
Survivor i dont care. I just play. Whatever happens happens
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For me, a win is completing the match without freezing and crashing
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Exit gates opened: Survivors win
Exit gates closed: Killer wins
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Escape for survivor and 3k for killer
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As survivor I just want a chance to play the game and get some blood points. It’s becoming almost impossible to do in solo play. I’m rank 5 right now and last night I lost 8 out of 10 games. One legion let me escape. The rest were try hard killers who slugged and camped/tunneled. Lots of devour hope too. It was extremely unfun, and map rng was awful too. Just a bad night. I consider that a complete loss.
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For me its kind of the same for Killer and Survivor: if I enjoyed the match, if I felt I did a good job or did my best and learned how to improve my gameplay, I'd happily consider that a win. If its a killer I'm new with and learning, I may also consider a win condition to be a 1K (or at least a few hooks, especially depending on my loadout, the killer power, maps, etc)
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Did I have fun?
Did I have fun?
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Whoever gets the most points is the overall winner (can be the killer or one of the survivors.
2 KIlls =Draw
3 or 4 Kills =Killer Wins
A survivor can escape and have a personal win, but if at least two others don't make it the team lost.
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I got out of bed and found the strength to que up for killer. That's a win in my book.
For survivors, I really just try to have fun.
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As killer if I got a 3k or more its a win for me, if I get a 2k its a draw and obviously 1k or less is a loss. For survivor it works mostly the same but I add that if I survive then that's a win for me but if I'm the only one to survive then its still a loss for my team. A key escape I just consider to be a waste of time and don't consider it a win or a loss on either sides.
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Killer: 3k with a hatch escape or 4k
Survivor: Any match where i have fun.
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Same as you for killer. 0-1k is a loss. 2k is a draw. 3-4k is a win. As survivor same applies, except if I'm the only one to escape I count that as a personal win and not a team win.
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Killer - 2k against hard team as decently strong killer and below = win
Killer - 4k = win
Killer - 0-2k = loss but is debateable depending on the circumstances (weak killer vs strong team, decent killer on bs map)
Survivor - escape = win
Survivor - die but do a lot = win
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Killer: 3+ kills.
Survivor: Escaping.
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Depends on what killer I’m playing and what build I’m going in with. Most of the time I only really feel like I’ve won if the last gen doesn’t pop and I’ve got a 3-4k.
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I just use the in game pip system; I can't feel like I've won if the game tells me I've lost; no matter what win condition I may make up myself
People say there is no defined win condition, despite the pip system being just that; as broken and messed up as it is.
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When I play killer anything is a win to me I don't play to win ever
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When playing killer and survivor as long as i get more than 30K bloodpoints that's a win for me
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For killer, it's a 3K or more.
For survivor, it's either escaping or causing the killer to lose the game, even if I die. So, for example, being tunneled and buying enough time for 3+ gens to be done before I get killed. Surviving is less dependent on your skill and more dependent on your teammates and the killer player.
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Escape as survivor, 4k as killer. Easy as that.
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- Regular Emblem Rank Requirements
- 3K or more
- 2K with 10 hooks
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4 stacks of bbq and at least 5 or 6 hooks
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My overall goals when playing Survivor are to have fun, be useful to my team, and save my teammates - even if it means I die and they escape. Those are my wins. Escaping is a goal too but it's not as important as the other ones.
As Killer, I mostly play to get challenges and daily rituals done so the progress on those is usually what I consider wins. I also play Pig to get boops. Boops are my win.
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Killer POV same as yours, survivor I only care if I did over 15k points and if I looped the killer enough for the others to escape.
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Depends. If i'm doing some dumb meme build and i pull it off, that's a win.
If not a 4k or a 3k plus hatch. 2k is a draw and 1k or less is a loss
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Killer's win conditions:
- one-two pip
- two kills
- six hooks
- 20-25k bp (not counting offerings or bbq)
- hook at least one time each survivor
Survivor's win conditions:
- escape
- one-two pip
- 15-20k bp (not counting offerings)
- do one gen + unhook one mate (safely) + cleanse one totem + have a 30 seconds or longer chase (all in the same match)
- to be the last survivor killed, playing altruistic and not too inmersive
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This +1
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As long as I have fun :)
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A win is either 4k, 3k+hatch, Ruthless, or Merciless (DCs count as kills).
A draw is Brutal or any Entity Displeased match where more than one survivor escapes through the hatch.
A loss is Entity Displeased without any of the above conditions being met.
So it can be death-dependent or pip-dependent for me.
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As survivor, safety pip or better.
As killer, 2 kills minimum for a win.
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An escape or 3k by any means. I don't worry about pips and keep it simple.
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I think the most commonly considered win condition is 0-1 kills = survivor victory, 2 kills = tie, 3-4 kills = killer victory. This is also what MMR should be based on, I don't understand why BHVR thinks it's not practical.
That said, I think it would be healthy for the game if it shifted officially (meaning in its scoring system and match result messages) to a hook-based win condition, with 0-5 hooks being a survivor victory, 6 hooks a tie, and 7-12 hooks a killer victory. But obviously there would have to be some changes to the game in order for this to work, e. g. survivors would have to be forced to unhook other survivors such that they can't "win" simply by all getting 1-hooked.
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Oh, and as survivor (forgot):
A win is survival or at least one pip.
A draw is death but safety/black pip.
A loss is death and de-pip.
EDIT: I feel like my standards for survivor are more lenient, but I don't play as much survivor.
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Depends. In a pretty unfun match with people flashlight clicking me, it's a 3-4k.
Against a killer purposely playing like a douche such as a face camping bubba, it's an escape
If it's a nice solid match with no BM , I consider it a win if I can get good amounts of BP honestly xD. I'll obviously always be going for a traditional win but as I said, if I don't and I end up losing against people who don't BM, then I think it's fine.