Getting matched with players from below my rank.

HPhoenix Member Posts: 597

Platform: PC

Description of the issue: Getting paired with players from rank 9 and below than usual red/purple players.

Step to reproduce (If possible) Play a few games.

How often does this occur: At random times.

Has anyone besides me has been experiencing this issue since the RE chapter drop? This is the third or so time this week. Do give it a tweak when you can please!

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  • taimea
    taimea Member Posts: 84
    edited June 2021

    cause it dosent go by rank anymore.... it goes by skill( or brackets) they said a year ago that rank just for barging rights now . (unless i somehow miss the part where they converted it back but then do tell me how a rank 13 killer gets rank 1s lol) like you may be a rank 1 but play like in the old days no better then 14 or 13 ranks

  • Michael_Krueger
    Michael_Krueger Member Posts: 2

    I mean if you think that's bad..