Bug Reporting

Bug Reporting

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Multiple Bugs (33 plus some in comments)

Member Posts: 2,723
edited June 2021 in Bug Reporting
  1. I'm seeing the little entity spikes below gens
  2. I can't see Nemesis's Tentacle come out on survivor side
  3. Sometimes, a survivor won't get slowed by Clowns' bottles if using the new skins (I think its the new skins)(Freddy's Snares are not affected by this, just Clowns' bottles)
  4. Nemesis gets stuck going into the basement on the little corner part. (it's like an invisible hitbox)
  5. Frame rate drops on all maps (I have an RTX 3060 Nvidia Graphics Card and this just started)
  6. When using Blight, if I get in a pallet while rushing and there's an object above me, the pallet just instantly breaks after the stun takes place (like Spirit Fury and this happened on Midwhich above the stairs 4 times)(also seems to happen if I Blight rush AND swing at the survivor when they throw the pallet. It'll just break the pallet instead of a stun)
  7. On the corn map with the house, Clown and Nemesis bounces around the small hole at the top. (it lasted for like 7 seconds at the worse and 4 seconds at the minimum)
  8. Sometimes flash bangs will blind even if you're looking up as Nemesis
  9. Chaser Emblem seems bugged with Nemesis using his tentacle attack. Doesn't seem to grant Chaser for hitting them with it since it doesn't technically do damage on the first hit.
  10. Franklins' Demise still has the old text saying the Entity takes the item
  11. Pallets that are thrown down sometimes flicker out of existence but they're still there. Once you move a bit, they'll reappear but always have a hitbox. (Had it happen multiple times)
  12. Blights' CD animation of throwing the syringe will play twice but do a weird shake during. Completely broken animation. (it seems its caused by using the add-ons for him that reduce his CD when coming out of fatigue)
  13. Sometimes when a survivor takes damage, they disappear and so does the scratch marks.
  14. When using the mine blast, while getting a skill check, the activation will stay and you can use the perk indefinitely on all gens as many times as you want. It happens when you use E then explode the gen with a skill check.
  15. Sometimes, if you get hit with a pallet while rushing, it locks your rush attack as Blight for 10-30 seconds randomly.
  16. Sometimes scratch marks disappear for no reason.
  17. Zombies sometimes raise their hands to attack/target NOTHING. Ive had everyone downed and saw a zombie lock in for an attack on a tree.
  18. Zombies sometimes get confused and lock onto a player but walk away at the same time and start spazzing out, like shaking their heads like a nutcase but walk away from the survivor.
  19. Blight will slide off of angled walls or trees even if aiming directly at them IF you're already rushing at an angle then turn towards the object. Its the medium thick trees. Not the thin ones or the fat ones. Angled rocks are on the cow tree walls. Sometimes he'll slide like butter instead of having an impact.
  20. If you use Blast Mine then complete a gen, it'll make the gen glow white like a beacon of brightness for a long time/forever.
  21. Using Dead Hard while infected will sometimes cause it to barely move you.
  22. Sometimes using Dead Hard will make you freeze in place for a full second before the animation plays. Its from killer side and survivor side. I can literally see them pausing and I've felt the pause as survivor.
  23. Using Counter-Force, sometimes cleansing a totem that wasn't highlighted will not gain the bonus cleansing speed. It seems to happen on super cluttered maps with lots of objects like Lery's and Hawkins.
  24. Sometimes a downed survivor won't make any noise and other times, they'll howl like they're on the hook.
  25. When a survivor is Tier 3 against Doctor and goes down, they won't scream sometimes. At all.
  26. Nemesis's Tier up to Tier 2 and Tier 3 is obnoxiously loud. I'm talking deafening and it literally hurts my ears. Just lower it a bit please.
  27. If Nemesis prepares a tentacle and uses it as the pallet is being thrown, it'll still hit the survivor and you'll get stunned. I'm not talking about using the tentacle before it's being thrown. I'm talking about if you throw the pallet and then you spam the tentacle attack button, it'll still hit them BEFORE the stun actually happens.
  28. Blight slides off of the barrels and hooks at a slight angle on the corn maps
  29. Blight loses the ability to use his power if attempting to rush when a pallet is thrown on top or if your power is about to be fully finished then get stunned. (only way to fix is to hit a survivor or break a pallet)
  30. Blight slides off the trio of bamboo on the Yamaoka maps.
  31. Blight slides off of almost every slanted rock (triangle shaped) and medium trees on the Sheltered Woods map. It was almost unplayable. If you hit anything at any type of angle, even if turning, you just slide off and keep going. It was not enjoyable. Also, slides off the boats on the Swamp maps.
  32. Victor can see the gens that are Blast Mined booby-trapped.
  33. Sometimes Flash Bangs won't blind the killer even if looking at it.

That's all I've noticed so far. This is also on PC for reference.

Other bugs are being added in the comments so please read them also! But for anyone else, please don't add anymore. Just make posts please in a new one. Thank you.

Post edited by AVoiceOfReason on
21 votes

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  • Member Posts: 699

    everything here is a bug except "Sometimes flash bangs will blind even if you're looking up as Nemesis."

    flashbang cannot be avoided by looking up, it can only be avoided by turning your back to it (just like firecrackers)

  • Member Posts: 2,723
    edited June 2021

    Firecrackers, flashbangs and flashlights can be avoided by looking up in the sky. The problem is, I've looked up when I saw Leon throw it down and I'll sometimes STILL get blinded. That's why its a bug. Been playing for over 4 years and never had an issue with Chinese fire crackers or new year party starters.

  • Member Posts: 36

    Is it normal when we are poisoned by nemesis virus, that the dead hard becomes very short ?

  • Member Posts: 2,723

    No. It would be a bug. Ill add it. I also noticed another bug with DH now. It seems you'll freeze in place sometimes now before DH'ing. Its happened to me and I've seen it as killer. Its like the server is freaking out.

  • Member Posts: 130
    edited June 2021

    dbd deleting loadouts really really annoying upon every launch. I occasionally use alt f4 to exit game as well.

  • Member Posts: 2,917
    edited June 2021

    For this I have also had the opposite happen:

    When I was facing against a Leon that I was sparing due to his team DCing on him(one even DCed the moment the match loaded in) I was staring directly at a flash bang he had thrown(to try to give him some more BP) and didn't get blinded at all.

    Also it was in the middle of an open room with no LoS blockers.

    Edit: The map was "The Game" if that matters at all.

  • Member Posts: 2,723

    Ill add it after my match and thank you for letting me know.

  • Member Posts: 130
  • Member Posts: 2,723

    It happened to me twice so when I went to add it yesterday, it was already reported xD I feel you!

  • Member Posts: 5,785
    edited June 2021

    4 more blight bugs

    (this bug assumes the game runs at a solid 60 fps) if you attack during blights 1st and 180th (last) frame of rushing you will not do a lethal rush attack instead you will do a normal lunge and have a normal attack cooldown afterwards no fatigue full wasd movement in the lunge and on top of that your power starts cooling down immediately

    sometimes after hitting a survivor and rushing again using alchemists ring you instantly enter stun again by rushing you will rush for 0.1 seconds and immediately fatigue

    sometimes hits will do the snappy auto aim as if you were going to hit a survivor even turning your camera 30ish° in one sharp turn just to whiff, this can happen at any point in the lunge and guaranteed screws over the rest of the lunge can literally happen at the start and you get to watch another half second of lunge where you no longer have input and the game refused to hit the survivor

    sometimes I think it might be another 1 frame window so ill just assume its on the 2nd frame since it only seems to happen on early attacks lethal rush attacks will have no hitbox you physically cannot hit a survivor

    clip of the bug https://youtu.be/4bJHPG_Tz18

  • Member Posts: 2,723

    Thank you for adding! Trying to get this stuff fixed.

  • Member Posts: 336

    You might want to add the fact that Hatch has collision even when invisible, meaning it's possible to find it at the start of the match with everyone alive and 5 gens yet to be done. Premonition also sometimes alerts you that you're looking at the killer when the killer is in fact behind you, and Mettle of Man is broken entirely, protection hits won't activate it.

  • Member Posts: 222
    edited June 2021


    Post edited by elpoh on
  • Member Posts: 222
    edited June 2021

    my coment has ben triplied, so... im going to edit these two because i can't delete them... (Counts as Forum bugs? XD)

    Post edited by elpoh on
  • Member Posts: 222

    27 - Don't Work for me xd

    Every time i manage to use a Tentacle Hit while being stunned by a pallet, the survivor was immune to it, no damage/Infection, nothing.

    Others Bugs from PC:

    As Nemesis, Syringe chest plays the opening animation when you enter inside the audible ratius even when them was opened years ago.

    As Nemesis, Can't hit survivors with your tentacle above Rancid Abattoir fences around the generator.

    As Plague, Survivors hitted by small amounts of vomit, shacke their hands but not get infection.

    As Doctor, Survivors suffering Madness Tier 3, can open the Hatch with a key even when supposedly Tier 3 makes survivors unable to use items.

    As Killer, try to grab a downing survivor entering inside the Hatch, makes the killer play the grabing animation but nothing happens until the survivors escapes.

    As pyramid, if the survivor suffers Torment, you can mori them without any problem.

    As Victor, every collision who makes Blight slide while rushing, makes Victor bounce back.

    As Survivor, being hitted while vaulting the window next to the stairs in Ormond Resort, makes the survivor fall on top of a table, making the killer losing a lot of time to grab him.

  • Member Posts: 1

    In my last match i was able to see the killer at all times after a about minute had passed. I run both Alert and Kindred, but people on reddit suspected that it's propably because of Alert.

  • Member Posts: 2,723

    I left a message on the bottom of my original post to let the devs know that there are move bugs being added by other members so they know to read the comments also so thank you guys for adding it so its easier to see a giant list instead of hundreds of duplicates of the same bugs. This might help them a bit more. Keep adding more if you guys see any more on the way!

  • Member Posts: 11

    Blight cant use compound 33 due to a new bug, he slides instead of breaking the pallet

  • Member Posts: 6

    Wow you are annoying. The board gives you specific instructions on how to post here and you have broken all the guidelines. Your vague bullet point list provides no context for the bugs listed thus making them incredibly hard to replicate or look into. No images or video, I don't even know which platform you play. Dozens of correctly formatted posts come in here every day and, believe it or not, BHVR is always working on something.

    Bumping this thread will not get you the attention you want or these bugs fixed faster.

  • Member Posts: 622
    edited June 2021

    Premonition is broken.

    Sometimes, it triggers when you're looking the opposite direction from where a killer is.

    And doesn't work if you're looking directly to the killer (sometimes).

  • Member Posts: 622


    I've seen that I have rank 20 in post game lobby while my real rank is 1 (visual bug).

  • Member Posts: 2,723

    Since you're new, I'll be nice. I've labeled them and told exactly what the bug is and if needed, explained what I think is the cause of it.

    Also, since you're NEW, there is a spam filter on this forum and I kept getting hit with a 3 minute timeout from posting because I had already posted other bugs before this list.

    After getting a timeout after each post, I decided not to spend my next 3 months posting then getting timed out after each. I'm trying to only way I can to get everything listed.

    I bumped because saving new bugs didn't update. Now that I have a majority done, I won't be updating this one anymore. Just because YOU don't understand what or how the bugs seem to be happening, doesn't mean I don't have a reason for doing it this way.

    Otherwise, NONE of this stuff would get fixed. Also, none of these are duplicates. I've been checking.

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